
Core Moulding

Coughed the old man gently. 

"Youngsters are prone to express themselves without thinking in the presence of their peers," he said with a faint smile on his face. The last thing he needed was for a youngster from his sect to invoke trouble with a gathering of madmen. 

After dropping that sentence, he dragged the youth away and ascended into the sky. 

At most, the little tidbit of information about how high Leonardo's status was in the eyes of Grandmaster Sin was a worthy exchange for this bit of humiliation. The other party who joined the triangle, a pair of middle-aged cultivators a man and a woman, exchanged a look and decided to withdraw as well. 

Now, it was only that woman from the Winter Fall Pavilion who stood in a standoff against Rosaline, who had a smile of derision on her face. "Are you going to apologize yet or must I have at your tongue?"