
Immortal Dream Cult

Adam, a Dream Child, awakens in the Dreamverse, gifting him and his cult members immortality and sinister abilities. Will he sacrifice his enemies to amplify his powers, risking a descent into darkness? Can he preserve his sanity and morals, or will the temptation of absolute power prove too strong? Will Adam embrace his destiny and save humanity from the impending apocalypse he inadvertently ignited, or will he choose to only protect those closest to him? Warning: Slow-burn.  Release schedule: Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday --- Longer synopsis: As Adam levels up in the enigmatic Dreamverse, a reality interconnecting countless universes through dreams, his power grows with each passing night. As a Dream Child, he is granted entry to this unique realm, awakening a talent that imparts immortality to him and his cult members. Yet, his awakening inadvertently opens the Dreamverse to others, igniting a series of inexplicable deaths. Now ensnared between the Dreamverse and Earth, Adam grapples with his role in the emerging apocalypse while striving to preserve his humanity. One thing remains certain: Adam will confront the repercussions of his extraordinary power and traverse the ensuing chaos, regardless of the sacrifices he must make. Will he accept his unforeseen destiny as the charismatic leader of an emerging cult, or will he falter under the weight of a world teetering on the edge of collapse? The future of humanity rests on his decision. What to expect: Weak-to-strong protagonist. LitRPG elements. Slow-burning plot. Well-developed characters. Protagonist becomes an immortal cult leader with immortal followers. Warning: Cult-building theme starting after the first arc.

EmpyreanLord · Fantasie
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83 Chs

Undying Soul

In Stella's new room, Adam and Stella were painting side by side. The room smelled like fresh paint, and their laughter echoed around them. They were creating a mural of their shared memories on Stella's walls, painting funny shapes and symbols.

Adam's heart pounded as he turned to Stella, his brush dripping with cobalt blue paint. "Stella," he began, his voice wavering slightly, "do you remember when I joked about the cult?"

Stella looked at him, confusion clear on her face. "Yeah, but we were told not to join any, right? They're dangerous."

Adam swallowed, feeling a pang of guilt. "What if I wasn't joking? What if I actually want you to join my cult?"

Stella paused, her paintbrush hovering over the wall. "Are you serious, Adam?"

Adam took a deep breath. "What if it's a good cult? Just us and a few others we trust, looking out for each other. What do you say?"

Stella stared at him for a moment, then put down her paintbrush. "I don't really get it, Adam. Did you make a cult?"

She laughed a bit and said, "Nevermind. If it's you asking, I'll join. But only if you're the leader."

"Yeah, I'm the boss. Don't worry," Adam reassured her.

"So what do we do now? I'm part of your cult. Oh, and I want a high rank. You'll make that happen, right Adam?" Stella teased, hands akimbo.

"Sure thing, the highest rank for you. But let's finish painting first. We've almost finished our part. We'll leave the rest to the adults."

Adam felt a wave of relief. He felt guilty for tricking Stella, but he told himself it was for the best. "I promise, Stella, I'll do everything I can to protect us," he said softly.

There were no signs of the apocalypse yet, but Adam knew it was coming. He would need to ask Zara for more information – he wanted no more secrets.

He needed to check if his plan had worked. And the only way to do that was in the Dreamverse.


Adam found himself standing on his obsidian binding stone in the Dreamverse. The welcome message flashed in front of him but he dismissed it with a wave of his hand, bracing himself for the instant death he had been expecting.

But it didn't come.

He opened his eyes a minute later, surprised to find himself still standing, unharmed. A smile spread across his face as he realized Stella had indeed saved him from dying that night. He even slept a bit earlier than normal to get it over and done with, he felt a bit bad for ditching Stella to go to sleep earlier but he was happy now he confirmed that he wouldn't randomly die. He made a mental note to thank her when he returned to the waking world.

Checking his system messages, he found a new notification.

*You have completed the mission: [Cult establishment]*

*Would you like to use your talent [Immortal Dream Cult] to create your cult? Yes/No*

Adam pressed 'Yes' to the prompt. A flurry of notifications flooded his vision, but before he could read them, a sudden surge of energy pulsed through him. His heart pounded in his chest as he felt an unfamiliar sensation coursing through his veins, a sense of power and purpose.

From his inventory, his sacrificial knife appeared, suspended in the air before him. It floated weightlessly, rotating slowly as if held by an invisible force. Adam watched in awe as tiny lights flickered around the dagger, dancing like fireflies in the night. Each light would glow brightly for a moment before popping out of existence, leaving a tiny trail of light in its wake.

The sacrificial knife itself seemed to have undergone a transformation. It was no longer the dull, ordinary dagger he remembered. Its blade gleamed in the artificial light of the Dreamverse, reflecting the swirling patterns of colors around it. A soft hum emanated from it, a sound that was almost musical, resonating with the energy that filled the space around him.

*You have created your cult…*

*Check your new [Cult] tab for more information*

*[Immortal Dream's blade] upgraded…*

*Talent [Immortal Dream Cult] has increased in rank: F > E*

Adam took a deep breath, letting the information sink in. His talent rank had increased. It was a small step, moving from rank F to rank E, but it was a step in the right direction. A tiny spark of hope ignited in his chest.

He also received a new mission.

[Cult Establishment II]:

Mission Brief: A leader's strength lies in the faith of those who rally behind them. You have ignited the first spark of devotion within a single follower, but a solitary flame does not make a blaze. Your next task is to fan this flame, drawing ten more into the embrace of your cult by any means necessary.

Just as an immortal is tied to the cycle of death and rebirth, you are to perform a ritual sacrifice. This sacred act will solidify the bond with your followers, planting their faith in the rich soil of your shared cause, and making it as resilient as an immortal's existence.

You have 30 days to complete this mission.

Time Remaining: 29 days, 23 hours, 59 minutes, 38 seconds

Reward: The rank of your talent will be elevated once again, unlocking new horizons for your cult and the weapon bound to your talent.

Penalty for Failure: Death for you and your followers until you reach the target.

Adam's heart sank at the sight of this new mission. It was daunting enough to win over one follower, but to convince ten more seemed an insurmountable task. And a ritual sacrifice? He didn't even know what that entailed. He needed guidance, and he knew exactly who to turn to.

Navigating through the busy hive staging ground, he sought out Zara. She was perched on her makeshift throne, her eyes scanning the horizon as if searching for something.

"Zara," he called out, approaching her throne. "I need to choose my class. I was hoping for your advice."

Zara turned to him, a smile gracing her lips. "Send me your options, Adam."

*Would you like to choose your class? Yes/No*

Adam clicked 'yes'


*Unable to choose a class.*

"What the hell is wrong no—"

*You can now choose what type of cult you want to create*

'Huh' Adam thought, 'Is the system glitching out or something? Why can't I choose my class?'

*Choose the core path of your cult: Authority, Belief, Isolation*

'What is this?', Adam brought up more information on each path.

Path of Authority: You are seen as an all-knowing figure, your word is law. Your followers obey without question, and all actions aim to consolidate your influence.

Path of Belief: You are a prophet, sharing a central ideology that promises unique insights. Your followers practice rituals tied to this belief, seeking to reshape their world according to this doctrine.

Path of Isolation: You promise a secluded paradise, away from external conflicts. Your followers build and defend this space, creating a unique culture and rules under your rule.

Adam stared at the system messages, his confusion and frustration mounting. He couldn't choose a class, but instead, he was forced to choose the type of cult he wanted to create. This wasn't how it was supposed to work. He glanced at Zara, who was patiently waiting for him to share his options.

"Zara, I... I can't choose a class. Instead, it's giving me the option to choose the type of cult I want to create," Adam said, his voice tinged with disbelief.

Zara raised an eyebrow, looking equally surprised. "That's odd. Show me the options."

Adam shared the information with Zara, who examined the three core paths of Authority, Belief, and Isolation. After a moment, Zara offered her thoughts.

"Considering your situation, the Path of Authority might be the most fitting," she said. "It would allow you to consolidate your influence and ensure your followers obey without question. The other two paths have their merits, but with the impending apocalypse, you need to make sure your followers are united and focused."

Adam mulled over Zara's words, feeling a sense of unease. He didn't like the idea of being an all-knowing figure, but the other two paths seemed worse.

Adam stared at the two core paths displayed in front of him. The Path of Belief, where he would be a prophet, preaching a unique ideology to his followers. The thought sent a shudder down his spine. The idea of him standing atop some pedestal, playing the role of an oracle, spreading a doctrine that could shape their lives... it just wasn't him. Moreover, he didn't want the survival of his loved ones to depend on some unpredictable deity or otherworldly power. He wanted to be the one in control, not at the mercy of some divine whim.

Then there was the Path of Isolation, a path promising a secluded paradise away from external conflicts. While the idea of a safe haven was appealing, it was far too defensive for his liking. He understood the need for security, but he didn't want to isolate his followers from the world, to cut them off in an echo chamber of their own making. The part about creating a unique culture and rules, that made him especially wary. He didn't want to risk creating a divide among his loved ones, or imposing rules that could potentially cage them in their own paradise.

No, neither of these paths felt right. Adam needed an option that balanced security with freedom, that gave him control but didn't alienate his followers. He needed a path that ensured survival, but also allowed for growth and resilience in the face of the impending apocalypse.

"Alright, Zara. I'll choose the Path of Authority," Adam said, his voice firm yet uncertain.

Zara's eyes twinkled with hidden satisfaction, but she masked it well. "I think that's the best choice, given the circumstances. Now, let's see how this affects your class options."

*You chosen the path of authority*

Adam couldn't help but wonder what was going on. Why couldn't he choose a class like everyone else? What was the system playing at? He just hoped that choosing the Path of Authority was the right decision.

*Choose three concepts: Water (Common), Blood(Uncommon)...*


*Immortal and soul already selected*

Adam stared at the system messages, a pit of confusion forming in his stomach. What was happening? Why was his Talent making the system behave so oddly?

"Zara, I'm getting error messages. Some choices have already been picked," Adam said, his voice filled with confusion. "It's already selected Immortal and Soul concepts, and they're of Mythic and Legendary rarity."

Zara's eyes widened in shock. "What? That's highly irregular. Tier 1 Awakened beings shouldn't have access to such high rarities," she said, leaning forward in her seat, her interest clearly piqued.

Adam scrolled through the remaining options, all of which were of Common or Uncommon rarity. The common ones were elemental - earth, fire, water, and so on. The uncommon ones were a bit more diverse, some examples included blood, shadow, and disease.

"I can now choose one concept from these," Adam said, listing the options. "What do you suggest?"

Zara shook her head, a mysterious smile playing on her lips. "This part is up to you, Adam. Choose what you feel resonates with you."

Adam agonized over his choices, his eyes darting between the options. Eventually, he chose Sacrifice, an Uncommon concept. He figured it might help him with his mission, he had to conduct a ritual sacrifice and he hoped selecting sacrifice would make things easier. With a sense of trepidation, he confirmed his choice.

*Choose the remaining concept: Water(Common)...*

*You have chosen: Immortal (Mythic), Soul(Legendary), Sacrifice(Uncommon)*

He waited, holding his breath as the system processed his selection. Then, the next message popped up.

*Assigning type of cult based on core path and concepts*

*Congratulations! Your cult is now has the type - Undying soul*

'This talent is weird. It's only rank E right now and it's completely messed with the system.' Adam couldn't help but wonder. 'What will it do when it upgrades again?'

*Assigning class based on cult type…*

*Congratulations! You are now a [Soul Sovereign](Tier 1)(Epic)*

Adam's eyes widened in shock.

If you want to stay updated on the story, don't forget to follow me. And as always, I welcome your feedback and thoughts on the story - please feel free to leave a comment, rating, or review. Your support means a lot and keeps me motivated to write more. Thanks for the support and happy reading!

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