
Immortal Dream Cult

Adam, a Dream Child, awakens in the Dreamverse, gifting him and his cult members immortality and sinister abilities. Will he sacrifice his enemies to amplify his powers, risking a descent into darkness? Can he preserve his sanity and morals, or will the temptation of absolute power prove too strong? Will Adam embrace his destiny and save humanity from the impending apocalypse he inadvertently ignited, or will he choose to only protect those closest to him? Warning: Slow-burn.  Release schedule: Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday --- Longer synopsis: As Adam levels up in the enigmatic Dreamverse, a reality interconnecting countless universes through dreams, his power grows with each passing night. As a Dream Child, he is granted entry to this unique realm, awakening a talent that imparts immortality to him and his cult members. Yet, his awakening inadvertently opens the Dreamverse to others, igniting a series of inexplicable deaths. Now ensnared between the Dreamverse and Earth, Adam grapples with his role in the emerging apocalypse while striving to preserve his humanity. One thing remains certain: Adam will confront the repercussions of his extraordinary power and traverse the ensuing chaos, regardless of the sacrifices he must make. Will he accept his unforeseen destiny as the charismatic leader of an emerging cult, or will he falter under the weight of a world teetering on the edge of collapse? The future of humanity rests on his decision. What to expect: Weak-to-strong protagonist. LitRPG elements. Slow-burning plot. Well-developed characters. Protagonist becomes an immortal cult leader with immortal followers. Warning: Cult-building theme starting after the first arc.

EmpyreanLord · Fantasie
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83 Chs

Stella's first dream

Later that night, Stella sat on the sofa downstairs, her mind teeming with thoughts. The vibrant mural they had crafted together filled her new room with a sense of shared joy and warmth, yet an undercurrent of uncertainty pulsed beneath it all. Adam's words from earlier rang in her mind, their echoes refusing to fade.

She remembered his nervousness as he asked her to join his cult, the earnestness in his eyes, the guilt that fleetingly crossed his face. Adam might be a bit anti-social but he had always been the adventurous one, the one who dared to dream and imagine. But this was different. There was a seriousness to him, a sense of urgency that she hadn't seen before.

She ruminated over his words, trying to understand his intentions. 'A good cult?' she mused, her brows furrowed in confusion. 'Us and a few others we trust, looking out for each other...' Adam had always been protective of her, but there was an intensity in his promise to protect them that stirred a sense of unease within her.

As she wrestled with her thoughts, she couldn't help but feel a pang of disappointment. Tonight, they had shared laughter and good vibes, painting their shared memories onto the walls. But Adam had excused himself early, claiming he was feeling tired. It was unlike him to miss out on their fun, and Stella found herself missing his company.

She sighed, thinking about the mural. It was incomplete, just like their day. They had been having so much fun, and it was a shame they couldn't spend more time together. But then, an idea sprang into her mind, bringing a smile to her face. She would skip school tomorrow. Yes, that's what she'd do. She would spend the day with Adam, since his exclusion, school hasn't felt the same.

As she decided on her plan, she couldn't shake off the lingering concern for Adam. She promised herself to talk to him, to understand what was going on and why he decided to make a cult of all things. Whatever was happening, they would face it together, just like they always had.


The evening settled into a comforting quietude as Stella and her mother, Anabelle, sat together in the living room. Their conversation was low and intimate, their words painting a future free of obligations and familial chains.

"We're really free now, aren't we mom?" Stella asked, her voice hushed with disbelief and excitement.

Anabelle nodded, a gentle smile adorning her face. "Yes, we are, Stella. We no longer serve the Emmanuel family, and we can finally be ourselves."

Stella's heart pounded with the implications of their newfound freedom. No more early mornings, no more tedious duties, no more bending to the will of the Emmanuels. She could finally rest, finally sleep without a schedule dictating her every waking moment.

"I can't believe we're actually free," Stella mused, her eyes gleaming with anticipation. "We really don't have to follow those rules anymore, do we?"

Her mother chuckled, ruffling Stella's hair affectionately. "No, sweetie, we don't."

With a shared sigh of relief, they settled down to sleep on the sofa, letting their newly painted rooms air out. The soft glow of the table lamp Melissa borrowed to them cast warm shadows around them, enhancing the sense of comfort and security.

Anabelle looked at her daughter, her heart swelling with love and a little bit of sorrow. "Let's get some sleep, Stella. We have a whole new life waiting for us tomorrow."

Stella decided to give in to the pull of sleep, her body sinking deeper into the soft cushions of the sofa. Her eyelids fluttered shut and the world around her faded to black.


*Welcome to the Dreamverse*

What felt like a moment later, she was standing on a weird, black stone platform. She blinked in surprise, her mind struggling to process the sudden shift in scenery.

"Am I dreaming?" she wondered aloud, her voice echoing in the silent meadow. The lush green grass swayed in the gentle breeze, the picturesque mountains looming in the distance. A small brook gurgled happily to her right, cutting through a dense forest. The scene was eerily realistic, as if she'd been transported to another world.

Shaking her head, she decided to play along with what she presumed was a lucid dream. She hopped off the stone platform, her feet sinking into the soft grass.

As she traversed through the scenic landscape, a series of messages appeared before her eyes. They were superimposed in her field of vision, framed by a blue box, with words that spoke of choosing a class, immortality, and something about a cult. Stella frowned, her curiosity piqued. "Weird," she murmured, dismissing the messages as her subconscious messing with her.

Stella ventured deeper into the lush forest, relishing the tactile sensation of her fingers gliding over the rough bark of ancient trees and delicate petals of vibrant flowers. Each touch felt astonishingly authentic, intensifying her sense of bewilderment. "This is so strange," she murmured, continuing her exploration.

Suddenly, a fox emerged from the undergrowth. Its red fur shimmered under the sunlight filtering through the trees, its eyes bright with curiosity. Stella grinned, stepping forward to approach the cute creature.

As she neared, the fox bared its fangs, its body tensing as if preparing to attack. The sudden aggression took Stella aback. "What the...?" she muttered, stopping in her tracks. Her heart pounded in her chest, a wave of confusion washing over her.

"Why is it acting like this?" Stella questioned, her gaze locked on the fox. "Is this a dream or a nightmare?"

She took a cautious step back, a shiver of unease snaking down her spine. The forest around her, once charming and inviting, now seemed a little less friendly. She couldn't shake off the feeling that something was off. This wasn't just a dream, it felt too real. But if it wasn't a dream, then what was it?

Stella slowly backed away from the fox, her heart pounding in her chest. Her retreat seemed to provoke the creature further. It began to creep towards her, its eyes gleaming with a predatory hunger.

Panic surged through her as she realized the fox had no intention of backing down. It seemed almost... aggressive. This was unlike any dream she had ever had.

Suddenly, the fox lunged at her. With a startled yelp, Stella tried to roll out of the way, but she wasn't quick enough. She felt a sharp sting as the fox's claws grazed her arm, drawing blood. Pain lanced through her, real and searing.

Deciding retreat was her only option, Stella turned and ran. She could hear the fox closing in on her, its growls growing louder in her ears. She dared to glance back and saw it gaining on her, its jaws snapping at her heels.

In her panic, she didn't see the root jutting out from the ground. Her foot caught on it, sending her sprawling to the ground. Pain radiated from her ankle, and she bit back a cry of pain.

The fox began to circle her, its growls echoing in the silent forest. Fear twisted in Stella's gut. She was trapped and injured. This didn't feel like a dream anymore. It felt too real, too dangerous.

Just as the fox prepared to pounce, a large feline creature leapt out from the undergrowth. It pounced on the fox, taking it down with one swift movement. Stella could only watch in horror as the cat began to feast on its kill.

The cat lifted its head, its gaze locking onto Stella. It growled, a low, rumbling sound that echoed in her bones. Stella froze, her heart pounding in her chest. She realized the cat was not threatening her, but merely protecting its meal.

With cautious movements, she began a slow, deliberate retreat. Every step she took sent a sharp pang of pain up her leg, but she gritted her teeth and pushed through the discomfort. The urgency to create as much distance as possible between herself and the menacing feline fueled her determination.

Gradually, she managed to put a considerable distance between them, causing the cat's interest in her to wane as it redirected its focus to its interrupted meal. A wave of relief washed over Stella, and she couldn't help but let out an audible sigh. At least for now, she was safe.

Stella continued her retreat, each step causing a jolt of pain to shoot up her leg. She fought against the instinct to put weight on her injured limb, hobbling forward with trepidation. Her heart raced inside her chest, a blend of fear and confusion swarming her thoughts.

Finally, when she felt sufficiently distanced from the formidable cat, she discovered a secluded haven beneath the shelter of a grand, towering tree. Collapsing against its rugged bark, she sunk down onto the ground, seeking solace in its embrace. The weight of her predicament crashed down upon her like a relentless storm. Tears welled up in her eyes, spilling over and tracing moist trails down her cheeks, as the harsh reality of her situation seeped into her consciousness.

She cradled her injured arm, the sting of the fox's claws still fresh. Her ankle throbbed in time with her heartbeat. She'd never felt pain in a dream before. This was something else. This was real.

She started to sob, the sound echoing through the forest. Panic bubbled up inside her. What if she was really here? What if she couldn't wake up? What if she'd been kidnapped while she was sleeping and brought here?

Her thoughts spiraled into despair. She felt utterly alone, injured and lost in a strange forest that she'd thought was just a dream.

Suddenly, she heard a roar in the distance. It came from the direction she'd run from. She stiffened, fear sparking in her chest again. 'What was that?' She thought.

Was there another dangerous animal out there? The forest suddenly seemed even more threatening than before. Stella had no idea what to do next, but she knew she had to keep moving. And she had to find a way out of this place. Or wake up from this nightmare.

The distant roars filled her with fear, and she decided to change locations. She hobbled deeper into the forest, doing her best to move silently and attract as little attention as possible. But her leg throbbed with every step, making stealth a difficult task.

Suddenly, she heard the sound of rustling leaves and snapping twigs coming from behind her. Something was chasing her. Panic surged within her, and she started to run, ignoring the sharp pain in her ankle. Her heart pounded in her chest as she heard the creature gaining on her.

She dared a quick glance back, but she couldn't see what was chasing her. All she could hear was the rustling getting louder, closer. She pushed herself harder, branches scratching at her arms and face as she plunged deeper into the forest.

Then she heard something that made her heart skip a beat. "Stella!" It was her name, being called out in the darkness. It couldn't be... a monster that knew her name? Terror gripped her as she heard the voice again, louder this time. "Wait! Turn around!" it called.

'I've seen enough horror movies to know that's a bad idea!' she thought, continuing to run. But then something jumped in front of her, forcing her to stop abruptly.

Her eyes widened in shock as she looked at the creature blocking her path. It was a weird cross between a bug and a leopard. And atop it, was a figure she recognized all too well - the mismatched blue and amber eyes, the white hair and pale skin. It was Adam.

She stared at him in disbelief, her breaths coming in short gasps. "Adam? Is that really you?" she stammered, "Were you kidnapped as well?"

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