
Immortal Dream Cult

Adam, a Dream Child, awakens in the Dreamverse, gifting him and his cult members immortality and sinister abilities. Will he sacrifice his enemies to amplify his powers, risking a descent into darkness? Can he preserve his sanity and morals, or will the temptation of absolute power prove too strong? Will Adam embrace his destiny and save humanity from the impending apocalypse he inadvertently ignited, or will he choose to only protect those closest to him? Warning: Slow-burn.  Release schedule: Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday --- Longer synopsis: As Adam levels up in the enigmatic Dreamverse, a reality interconnecting countless universes through dreams, his power grows with each passing night. As a Dream Child, he is granted entry to this unique realm, awakening a talent that imparts immortality to him and his cult members. Yet, his awakening inadvertently opens the Dreamverse to others, igniting a series of inexplicable deaths. Now ensnared between the Dreamverse and Earth, Adam grapples with his role in the emerging apocalypse while striving to preserve his humanity. One thing remains certain: Adam will confront the repercussions of his extraordinary power and traverse the ensuing chaos, regardless of the sacrifices he must make. Will he accept his unforeseen destiny as the charismatic leader of an emerging cult, or will he falter under the weight of a world teetering on the edge of collapse? The future of humanity rests on his decision. What to expect: Weak-to-strong protagonist. LitRPG elements. Slow-burning plot. Well-developed characters. Protagonist becomes an immortal cult leader with immortal followers. Warning: Cult-building theme starting after the first arc.

EmpyreanLord · Fantasie
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83 Chs

Soul shards

The silence hung heavy between them, only the distant sounds of the forest punctuating the stillness. Adam watched as a myriad of emotions flickered across Stella's face - confusion, fear, disbelief.

"I... I don't understand," she stuttered, her voice barely a whisper. "You're saying... you're saying this is all... because of you?"

Adam nodded solemnly, his heart aching at the fear in Stella's eyes. "In a way, yes. As the Dream Child, I'm the bridge between the Earth and the Dreamverse. When I awakened I unknowingly started the apocalypse."

"But that's... that's not fair! You didn't ask for this!" Stella protested, her voice gaining strength. "We need to find a way to stop this, Adam. There must be a way."

A weak smile tugged at the corners of Adam's mouth. Stella was always like that - always seeing hope.

"Unfortunately, there isn't a way to stop what's coming," he continued, his voice steady despite the grim news. "The only thing we can do now is prepare ourselves. We need to get stronger to face what's ahead, especially you."

Stella nodded, her expression determined. "Alright, Adam. I'm with you. Let's do this."

Their conversation faded into a comfortable silence, the two of them sitting on the back of the leopard-bug hive unit. The forest around them seemed peaceful, even serene, with the lulling hum of distant crickets and the rustle of leaves creating a symphony of natural sounds. But the tranquility was short-lived.

Adam's ears pricked up at the sound of rustling in the undergrowth, the hive unit growling low in its throat. He quickly scanned their surroundings, his eyes narrowing at the sight of six wolves circling them. He could feel Stella tense up next to him, her grip on his arm tightening.

"Don't worry, Stella," he said, his voice calm but firm. "There's nothing to fear."

"But Adam, there are six wolves," she replied, her voice trembled with fear.

Adam turned to look at her, his eyes serious. "Remember what I told you about the Dreamverse? About leveling up?"

She nodded quickly, flinching as one of the wolves feigned an attack. "Yeah, but-"

"No 'buts', Stella," he interrupted, "Stay on the hive unit and don't move. I'll handle this."

Adam felt a twisted sense of appreciation for the situation. 'Perfect timing,' he thought, 'I needed some punching bags, and these wolves just volunteered.'

He slid off the hive unit, his feet landing lightly on the ground. He reached into his [Inventory] and pulled out his Sacrificial knife, the metal gleaming ominously in the moonlight.

"Alright, wolves," he murmured, his eyes never leaving the circling predators. "Let's see what you've got."

Adam inspected his foes.

[Wolf, Level 8] x4

[Wolf, Level 7] x2

The sun filtered through the canopy of the forest, casting dappled shadows on the forest floor. The snarling wolves encircling Adam seemed to absorb the light, their fur glistening menacingly. Yet, Adam remained unperturbed, his grip on the sacrificial knife firm yet awkward.

As the lead wolf sprang forward, Adam deftly evaded its lunge, the sacrificial knife feeling awkward and unfamiliar in his grip. Despite his ungraceful maneuvering, he managed a swift retort, the blade of the knife cutting an arc in the air.

Activating [Soul-Piercing Strike I], he felt an inexplicable energy infuse the blade, causing it to shimmer with a spectral radiance. It was an odd sensation, but he didn't allow it to distract him. With a firm thrust, the knife phased through the wolf's coarse fur and seemingly into its very essence.

The wolf's aggressive snarls morphed into a pitiful whimper as it collapsed to the ground, life quickly leaving its eyes. Then, a message materialized in his field of vision, momentarily startling him with its sudden appearance.

[+1 Soul Shard(Tier 0)]

Adam frowned, momentarily distracted by the message, but quickly refocused his attention on the remaining wolves.

The next pair of wolves attacked in unison, but Adam's superior stats gave him an edge. Despite his awkwardness with the sacrificial knife, he managed to cut them down, his soul-piercing strikes leaving them lifeless on the forest floor. Again, the mysterious message appeared after each kill.

The last three wolves seemed to hesitate, their aggression waning as they assessed the lethal threat in front of them. But hunger and desperation spurred them on, and they charged. Adam dispatched the fourth and fifth wolves with relative ease, each soul-piercing strike earning him another soul shard.

The final wolf attempted to flee, but Adam had a different plan. He pointed at the fleeing beast, activating [Soul Severance I]. A silent ripple of energy surged from his finger, anchoring itself onto the wolf's soul. The beast staggered and fell flat, its eyes filled with panic as it found itself unable to move, its connection its soul temporarily severed.

Rather than delivering the killing blow, Adam decided to leave the last wolf alive. Its incapacitated state would allow him to investigate the peculiar messages he'd been receiving after each kill. He turned to Stella, his gaze softening, "See, Stella? There was nothing to fear." His grip on the sacrificial knife loosened, the strange messages and his awkwardness with the weapon leaving him with much to ponder.

The sight of the incapacitated wolf, panting heavily and clearly terrified, seemed to bring Stella back to the reality of their situation. Her eyes were wide as she scanned the forest floor, taking in the lifeless bodies of the other wolves. She looked at Adam, her gaze moving from his face to the sacrificial knife in his hand, her expression a mix of fear, awe, and confusion.

"Adam, you... you killed them," she stated in a hushed voice. There was no accusation in her tone, just a simple statement of fact. "Are we safe now?"

Adam nodded, sliding the knife back into his [Inventory]. "Yes, we're safe for now. But Stella, you have to understand, this is the Dreamverse. It's not like Earth. There are threats here that we can't even begin to comprehend. This," he gestured to the fallen wolves, "was just a small taste of what we might encounter."

Stella swallowed hard, nodding her understanding. "So, what do we do now?"

Adam considered her question, his gaze falling on the immobilized wolf. "First, I need to figure out what these messages I'm getting mean," he said, referring to the mysterious message he received.

Adam was lost in the whirlpool of his thoughts, the mysterious messages that appeared after each kill were puzzling. What was their origin? Could they be connected to his Soul Sovereign class? Or were they somehow linked to his Dream Child title? The questions were swirling around his head, but answers were elusive.

'Shouldn't my Dream Child title have been upgraded by now?' he wondered, swiftly pulling up the details of his title.

Title: Dream Child (Tier 1) - This elusive and enigmatic title is granted to the select few who demonstrate an extraordinary connection to the Dreamverse. As a Dream Child, you herald significant transformation, embodying the profound impact the Dreamverse can have on the waking world and Dreamverse itself. Your unparalleled accomplishment of entering the Dreamverse as a newborn sets you apart from any other Dream Child. In acknowledgment of your exceptional talents, this title bestows upon you the ability to partially awaken before attaining Level 10. This title will evolve as you progress through higher tiers.

Tier 1 - Gain an extra 5 attributes in each base attribute, You also receive a one time upgrade to your talents rank.

Adam's mind raced, connecting the dots. 'Ah, now I understand why my talent received an upgrade. It all makes sense now. The cult establishment mission only allowed me to create the cult, there was no mention of a talent upgrade. While the extra attributes are certainly beneficial and the talent upgrade is nice, it's hard to justify it when it triggers an apocalypse,' he admitted, shaking his head. Resigned to his circumstances and realizing he had no control over the situation, he pushed aside self-pity.

The upgraded talent, however, brought a glimmer of hope, offering increased protection for him and close ones in the face of the impending catastrophe. 'It's fortunate that the completion of the second cult mission means my talent will be upgraded again,' he mused, holding on tightly to optimism and determination to shield his loved ones.

As he mulled over his thoughts, his eyes landed on the sacrificial knife he was still clutching. The blade was pristine, showing no signs of the recent battle. A curious thought arose - could there be a connection between the knife and the cryptic messages?

The sacrificial knife was more than just an ordinary weapon; it was a talent bound weapon and the only weapon he can now hold in his hands. While he hadn't given it much thought, it had a profound connection with his talent and the cult. It was time to investigate further.

With a thought, he pulled up the description of the sacrificial knife, hoping it would shed some light on the mysterious messages and the peculiar properties of the weapon.

[Immortal Dream's Blade (Tier 1)] (Unique): A seemingly dull sacrificial knife, adorned with ancient runes and symbols that hold untold power. This blade is a symbol of Adam Emmanuel-Amin's authority over his cult and serves as the foundation for the formation of the Immortal Dream Cult. The knife's true potential is unlocked as Adam's talent [Immortal Dream Cult] advances in rank, and its tier is tied to the tier of the cult. As a talent-bound weapon, it cannot be lost or destroyed and is exclusively usable by Adam Emmanuel-Amin. Reveals new effects on tier up.

Requirement: Tier 1, User can only be Adam Emmanuel-Amin. Durability: Indestructible.

Ability 1: [Soul Devourer] : This weapon mercilessly consumes the soul of those it fells in battle, transmuting their essence into soul shards.

When the weapon is wielded to perform a sacrificial act, it generates a potent soul orb, encapsulating a greater concentration of the departed's energy.

Ability 2: [Cult Class Genesis] - This ability manipulates the cultists of the [Immortal Dream Cult], compelling them to shape their classes grounded on concepts. In turn, they are bestowed a class resonating with their chosen concepts.

The Cult leader possesses the authority to create three unique cult classes. These crafted classes offer an alternative to the followers' self-designed ones, opening doors to untapped power and influence (0/3).

Ability 3: [Locked] - [Locked]

Adam absorbed the details of the sacrificial knife's transformation with a sense of awe and disbelief. He had anticipated some alterations, yet the metamorphosis had far surpassed his expectations. A realization dawned upon him, "The abilities must have unlocked when I established my cult," he mused aloud.

He held the weapon aloft, his gaze tracing the intricate network of ancient runes that now marked its surface. They glowed with an ethereal luminescence, enhancing the mystical allure of the blade.

The [Soul Devourer] ability was undeniably astounding. "So this is what's been generating those soul shards," he muttered, a note of sarcasm creeping into his voice. "Nothing sinister about devouring souls at all." He sighed, a frown knitting his brows. "First task: figure out the utility of these soul shards."

Contemplating the second ability, he felt a sense of revelation. 'This must be the reason I was able to create my own class, and why I kept encountering errors when attempting to do it the conventional way'" It was a strikingly potent ability, providing him with an unparalleled influence over his followers' development.

This unexpected authority, this power to shape the trajectory of his cult, was a thrilling prospect. He found himself speculating on the unique classes he could create, the latent potential he could help his followers unlock. This power held a promise - the promise of transforming the Immortal Dream Cult into an organization of uniquely powerful entities.

Yet, the sacrificial knife held further mysteries. The existence of locked abilities hinted at untapped depths, secrets to be unveiled as he progressed, as his cult expanded. The potential of the knife mirrored his own - limitless and expansive. Despite its unsettling aspects, the knife was an undeniable cornerstone of his journey, a tangible symbol of his progression and potential.

The [Immortal Dream's Blade] was no mere weapon. It was a representation, a tool, a significant facet of his identity as the leader of the Immortal Dream Cult. As he scrutinized the blade, a sense of anticipation stirred within him. He was intrigued, curious about the future abilities the blade might reveal.

"I also need to look into the [Cult] tab," he resolved, navigating through his system menu to access the desired section. Curiosity tingled within him, mixed with a hint of uncertainty. He couldn't help but wonder if the [Cult] tab would live up to his expectations.

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I'm really excited to show you the contents of the [Cult] tab, tune in tomorrow for the next episode of Pok—*ahem* Immortal Dream Cult.

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