
Immortal Dream Cult

Adam, a Dream Child, awakens in the Dreamverse, gifting him and his cult members immortality and sinister abilities. Will he sacrifice his enemies to amplify his powers, risking a descent into darkness? Can he preserve his sanity and morals, or will the temptation of absolute power prove too strong? Will Adam embrace his destiny and save humanity from the impending apocalypse he inadvertently ignited, or will he choose to only protect those closest to him? Warning: Slow-burn.  Release schedule: Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday --- Longer synopsis: As Adam levels up in the enigmatic Dreamverse, a reality interconnecting countless universes through dreams, his power grows with each passing night. As a Dream Child, he is granted entry to this unique realm, awakening a talent that imparts immortality to him and his cult members. Yet, his awakening inadvertently opens the Dreamverse to others, igniting a series of inexplicable deaths. Now ensnared between the Dreamverse and Earth, Adam grapples with his role in the emerging apocalypse while striving to preserve his humanity. One thing remains certain: Adam will confront the repercussions of his extraordinary power and traverse the ensuing chaos, regardless of the sacrifices he must make. Will he accept his unforeseen destiny as the charismatic leader of an emerging cult, or will he falter under the weight of a world teetering on the edge of collapse? The future of humanity rests on his decision. What to expect: Weak-to-strong protagonist. LitRPG elements. Slow-burning plot. Well-developed characters. Protagonist becomes an immortal cult leader with immortal followers. Warning: Cult-building theme starting after the first arc.

EmpyreanLord · Fantasie
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83 Chs

Skab Ratbite

As Adam walked through the dimly lit corridors of the hive, his mind was set on one particular goal. 'First thing I need to do is to replace Lancer's armor and weapons.' He was determined to ensure that Lancer was well-equipped for their upcoming battles.

As Adam entered the hive's armory, he was immediately struck by the cacophony of sounds and the organized chaos that filled the enormous chamber. The air was filled with the smell of molten metal, burning wood, and other, more exotic scents. Crafters of all professions were hard at work, their skills and expertise blending seamlessly to create the extraordinary equipment that the hive warriors would wield in battle.

Blacksmiths hammered away at glowing-hot metal, shaping it into razor-sharp blades that shimmered with an almost ethereal light. Alchemists mixed concoctions with a practiced hand, their bubbling potions imbuing the weapons with powerful, sanguine auras. Other crafters, unique to the hive, manipulated living matter, melding it with the more traditional materials to create a fusion of organic and inorganic components.

The weapons and armor that lined the walls of the armory were awe-inspiring in their craftsmanship and design. Swords crackled with arcane energy, their edges sharp enough to cleave through the toughest materials. Bows made from twisted, living wood hummed with potential energy, waiting to be unleashed in the form of devastating arrows. Axes, their heads adorned with pulsing, crimson veins, seemed to thirst for the blood of their enemies.

The organic elements of the equipment were both fascinating and unsettling. Some armor pieces appeared to be composed of chitinous plates, like those of a massive insect, while others seemed to be made of tough, leathery skin that flexed and breathed as if it were still alive. The flesh on some of the equipment pulsed with a rhythm that eerily mimicked a heartbeat, adding an unnerving dimension to their already imposing appearance.

Adam marveled at the variety of strange and wondrous items on display, from insect-like helmets with multifaceted eyes that promised enhanced vision to gauntlets adorned with writhing tendrils that seemed eager to grasp and crush anything in their path. It was clear that the hive's crafters were not bound by the limitations of traditional weapon and armor design; they drew inspiration from the natural world around them and were unafraid to experiment with new and unconventional materials.

'It's a shame that we can't use these until we awaken. It's just novice armor till we rank up, I guess.' Adam felt a pang of jealousy as he gazed at the more advanced gear, but he knew that he needed to focus on finding suitable replacements for Lancer's armor and weapons.

Lancer, who had been silently following Adam, seemed to understand the importance of this task as well. He patiently waited beside Adam, his eyes scanning the various items with an air of calm determination.

After some time, Adam came across a set of medium scale armor that seemed perfect for Lancer. The armor was well-crafted and provided a balance between mobility and protection, ideal for Lancer's combat style. Adam also found a sturdy sword and shield to complement the armor, knowing that these would serve Lancer well in battle.

With the new gear in hand, Adam approached Lancer and presented him with the armor, sword, and shield. Lancer examined the equipment, nodding his approval as he donned the armor and strapped the sword and shield to his back.

Now properly equipped, Adam and Lancer left the hive and ventured into the forest, eager to start leveling.

Adam went deeper into the forest than he had previously dared with Lancer, eager to test his improved leadership and Lancers appropriate gear and access to skills. Over the course of several hours, they encountered various beasts, each one more challenging than the last. Yet, with each victory, they grew more confident in their skills and began to level up significantly faster than before.

They fought a massive, armored level 7 bear with razor-sharp claws and a hide that seemed impervious to normal attacks. Through careful strategy and teamwork, Adam with Lancers help tanking was able to find the weak points in the bear's armor, eventually bringing it down with a combination of brute force and precise strikes.

They also battled a pack of wolf-like creatures with thick, matted fur and venomous fangs. These beasts were cunning and fast, working together to encircle and trap their prey. However, Adam's improved leadership skills and Lancer's new gear allowed them to effectively counter the pack's tactics, picking off the creatures one by one until the pack was no more.

As Adam and Lancer pressed on with their hunt, they couldn't help but notice the increased number of goblin patrols in the area. Sensing an opportunity, they focused their efforts on hunting these squads, which had become quite easy to dispatch. The goblins were cowardly and failed to work together effectively as a unit, allowing Adam and Lancer to make quick work of them. The only annoyance was chasing down the fleeing goblins when they realized they were losing the fight, as they would scatter in all directions, occasionally allowing some to escape.

Adam marveled at the progress they had made during their time in the forest. "Lancer, we've managed to hunt down far more beasts today than ever before," he remarked, a proud smile on his face. "My leadership skills have definitely improved, and your new armor and weapons have made a huge difference."

Lancer nodded in agreement, a hint of a smile forming on his lips. Adam noticed that Lancer seemed less robotic and more expressive as they continued to level up, and he couldn't help but wonder when Lancer might finally start speaking. By the end of their hunting session, they had both reached level 7 and acquired new skills: Adam chose [Whirlwind], while Lancer opted for [Shield Bash].

"Let's head back to the hive for an extended break today," Adam suggested. "We can continue hunting for the rest of the day when we return."

As they began to make their way out of the forest, Adam overheard goblin voices. He quickly motioned for Lancer to hide with him in a nearby bush, silently cursing the seemingly endless encounters with goblins. Peering through the foliage, Adam spotted the largest goblin hunting party he had ever seen, led by a menacing goblin chieftain astride a fearsome-looking boar.

[Skab Ratbite, Goblin Chieftain, level 9(Tier 0)]

[Steelhoof, Boar, level 9(Tier 0)]

Adam's heart raced as he and Lancer stayed hidden, knowing that an encounter with the goblin chieftain and his boar would be far more dangerous than any of their previous skirmishes. Not to mention the dozen goblins that were next to the chieftain and his mount.

The goblin chieftain Skab glared at his ragtag group of goblins, his voice dripping with disdain. "You useless lot! Dyin' to some simple beasts in da forest! Pathetic!"

A murmur of dissent rose among the goblins, as they exchanged nervous glances. "But, Chief," one of them said, "we don't think it was just beasts. There's somethin' else out there. Somethin'... unnatural."

"Yeah!" chimed in another goblin. "I's sure it's a ghost! I saw it with me own eyes!"

"Pah! You's all fools!" scoffed a third goblin. "It's clearly a giant, stompin' around and squashin' our hunting parties!"

The goblins erupted into heated debate, their voices rising in pitch as they argued over the true nature of the mysterious threat. The chieftain's face turned a deep shade of green as his anger boiled over. He clenched his fist and slammed it into the side of his boar mount with a snarl.

"Silence!" he roared, his voice thundering through the clearing. The goblins immediately fell quiet, their eyes wide with fear. The boar, disgruntled but submissive, squealed softly in protest but did not retaliate.

Skab fixed his gaze on the Steelhoof the boar. "You! You's just as much to blame for dis! Takin' your sweet time gettin' us to da forest! Mark me words, if we don't find what's been killin' me goblins, I'll deal with your family personally!"

Steelhoof, seemingly understanding the threat, hid its displeasure and remained silent.

"Now, listen up!" The chieftain commanded, turning his attention back to the goblins. "Spread out and find dis thing that's causin' us trouble. And keep an eye out for da awakened beast I spotted. It's weakened, and it's da reason we's in dis damned forest."

His eyes gleamed with determination. "Killin' that beast is our chance to become stronger as a village. Once I have its power, we can bring glory to our village and pillage to our hearts' content!"

At the prospect of pillaging, the goblins' faces lit up with excitement. They scrambled to their feet, hastily preparing to leave on their new mission.

As the goblins dispersed, the chieftain muttered under his breath, "Worthless goblins. Can't wait to be rid of 'em... That beast, it's me chance…"

He paused, his eyes narrowing as the atmosphere grew tense. The chieftain scanned the surroundings for any sign of danger. After a moment, finding nothing out of the ordinary, he shook his head and sighed.

With a grunt, he kicked his boar mount in the side, urging it forward. The boar carried the chieftain deeper into the forest, both in search of the mysterious threat and the weakened awakened beast.

Hidden in the shadows, Adam watched the chieftain and his goblin crew, concern furrowing his brow. It seemed they hadn't yet realized that he and Lancer were behind the goblin hunting party's demise, but covering their tracks would become increasingly difficult. 'From now on, it's just goblin hunting for us. Can't let them catch us off guard,' he thought.

"Time to go, Lancer," he whispered urgently. "We need to get back to the hive, and fast. We'll take out these goblins and their chief before they get any closer to us."

With a determined nod, Lancer followed Adam, both of them disappearing into the forest, preparing to rest before the inevitable confrontation with the goblins.


One more chapter will be posted today. If you want to be notified as soon as they're available, please consider following me. Your feedback is valuable to me, so feel free to leave a comment, rating, or even a review. Your support will motivate me to continue writing and posting more chapters. Thank you for reading!

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