
Immortal Dream Cult

Adam, a Dream Child, awakens in the Dreamverse, gifting him and his cult members immortality and sinister abilities. Will he sacrifice his enemies to amplify his powers, risking a descent into darkness? Can he preserve his sanity and morals, or will the temptation of absolute power prove too strong? Will Adam embrace his destiny and save humanity from the impending apocalypse he inadvertently ignited, or will he choose to only protect those closest to him? Warning: Slow-burn.  Release schedule: Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday --- Longer synopsis: As Adam levels up in the enigmatic Dreamverse, a reality interconnecting countless universes through dreams, his power grows with each passing night. As a Dream Child, he is granted entry to this unique realm, awakening a talent that imparts immortality to him and his cult members. Yet, his awakening inadvertently opens the Dreamverse to others, igniting a series of inexplicable deaths. Now ensnared between the Dreamverse and Earth, Adam grapples with his role in the emerging apocalypse while striving to preserve his humanity. One thing remains certain: Adam will confront the repercussions of his extraordinary power and traverse the ensuing chaos, regardless of the sacrifices he must make. Will he accept his unforeseen destiny as the charismatic leader of an emerging cult, or will he falter under the weight of a world teetering on the edge of collapse? The future of humanity rests on his decision. What to expect: Weak-to-strong protagonist. LitRPG elements. Slow-burning plot. Well-developed characters. Protagonist becomes an immortal cult leader with immortal followers. Warning: Cult-building theme starting after the first arc.

EmpyreanLord · Fantasie
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83 Chs

Heart of the village

As Adam strode into the heart of the goblin village, he paused to survey the scene unfolding before him.

The air was thick with the stench of burning wood and fear, while the sounds of panicked shouts and hurried footsteps filled the air. It was a symphony of chaos, a scene that seemed to mirror the turmoil raging within Adam's heart.

He observed several goblins already gathered, their somber expressions indicating they were ready for a final stand.

His gaze fell upon goblin women, fearfully clutching their children, their eyes wide with terror. The sight of the goblin children caused Adam to frown. He knew some might be present in the village, but he hadn't anticipated this many congregating in the village center. He had hoped to avoid encountering them during his assault on the village but recognized this was merely wishful thinking.

He had done his best to time the attack on the goblin village based on when the goblin children typically played at the nearby stream, hoping to spare them from witnessing the violence and meeting their demise. Adam held no grievances against the goblin children, as they had done nothing wrong to him.

He had lost much of his anger towards the random goblins he had slain over the last few days. He merely eliminated them to decrease the number Skab could summon during their ultimate confrontation. He didn't want to battle an awakened being on top of a horde of goblins like during Lancer's final fight; such a confrontation would be futile and result in unnecessary deaths, so he thinned their numbers.

A pang of guilt struck him as he thought, 'Have I gone too far in my desperation to slay an awakened Skab? Was it wise to raze the entire village to ensure his demise? I don't really care if I die, but everyone in the village, innocent or guilty, will follow me.' He realized that his actions would have far-reaching consequences, not only for himself but also for the innocent goblin children dragged into the conflict.

Adam's mind raced, torn between his thirst for vengeance and the realization that his actions could cause more harm than good. 'Was there another way to bring Skab to justice without causing so much death and destruction?' he wondered.

He shook his head, attempting to clear his thoughts. 'It's too late to turn back now, and I'm determined to see this through. So what if these goblins die, Skab is the chieftain of this village; his actions are the actions of the village. They are all guilty,' he resolved. Steeling himself, Adam committed to confronting Skab and holding him accountable for Lancer's death, even if it meant leaving a trail of devastation and corpses in his wake.

Although Adam wouldn't harm the children, he knew the village, now ablaze, would do it for him. After all, he ensured that there was no escape for Skab, or even for himself. Even if he didn't slay Skab, he was confident the flames of the village would finish off an injured and poisoned Skab. It was a mad plan for anyone else, but for an immortal dream child, there was nothing to fear.

Off to the side, a distinct group of goblins stood apart from the rest. Their demeanor eerily familiar to Adam, he dismissed these figures after a brief glance. The other goblins seemed to avoid them as if they were cursed, and they stood motionlessly, making no sound.

His attention shifted to the largest building in the village, which he deduced was Skab's residence. The structure seemed to loom over the rest of the settlement, a dark presence casting a shadow over the entire area.

Adam started to wonder if Skab was even in the village at this point, 'The village is ablaze, yet Skab and Steelhoof are nowhere to be found. Where the hell are they?' he thought.

"Where are Skab and Steelhoof?" Adam demanded, his voice thundering across the village, echoing off the ramshackle buildings.

Whispers spread through the gathered goblins, and Adam strained to make out their words.

"It's the ghost of three days," one goblin muttered, eyes bulging with fear. "I've heard he comes fer us in the night."

Another goblin shuddered, adding, "They say he's an unstopp'ble force, seekin' vengeance for some unknown reason."

One goblin, looking more courageous than the rest, stood up and addressed the others, insisting that Adam was no ghost. "He's just a human," the goblin hollered, trying to rally his brethren. "Don't be afraid of 'im. We goblins fight back! We survive worse than this!"

Another goblin chimed in, "That's right! 'member when we survived the giant spider? We can't let 'im destroy our village!"

A third goblin added, "For our families, our homes, we have to stand up to 'im. We can't let this human push us around! Together, we be strong!"

As the passionate words of their fellow goblins filled the air, more of them stepped forward to confront Adam. They gripped their makeshift weapons tightly, standing side by side with newfound determination, their fear momentarily forgotten in the face of the united front they formed.

Eight goblin warriors assembled before him, some of them gaunt and malnourished, their eyes filled with a mix of determination and fear. Adam, vastly overleveled compared to his opponents, felt no sympathy.

The goblins moved into position, brandishing their crude weapons. One of them snarled, "You won't leave 'ere alive, human!"

Adam readied himself for the fight, his posture relaxed and fluid. He assessed his opponents, noting their movements and the desperation in their eyes.

As the first goblin lunged at him with a wild swing of its rusted sword, Adam effortlessly sidestepped the attack, delivering a swift, powerful thrust of his spear that pierced the goblin's chest. The creature fell, its lifeblood staining the ground. "Gurk!" it gasped, its last breath leaving its body.

A second goblin, emboldened by its fallen comrade, charged Adam with reckless abandon, shouting, "I avenge you, Grik!"

He remained calm, his reflexes honed by countless battles in the Dreamverse. With a graceful spin, he executed a flawless [Cleave], slicing through the goblin's torso and ending its life in an instant.

The other goblin warriors hesitated, their confidence faltering in the face of Adam's prowess. One of them stammered, "He's... he's too strong!"

He could sense their fear but knew he couldn't relent. Two more goblins approached him in unison, attempting to coordinate their attacks to overwhelm him. One of them yelled, "Together, we can beat 'im!"

Despite their efforts, the goblin duo was no match for Adam's superior skill and experience. He parried their strikes with ease, dispatching one with a precise [Stab] and evading the other's clumsy lunge. A swift [Cleave] followed, eliminating the second goblin with brutal efficiency.

The remaining four goblins exchanged nervous glances, realizing the enormity of the challenge before them. One of them whispered, "We can't give up now. For our tribe!"

Their desperation grew, and they moved as one, launching a frenzied assault in a last-ditch effort to overcome their formidable foe.

Adam remained calm and focused, his movements fluid and controlled. He parried and countered their attacks, the adrenaline coursing through him. As he took down another goblin with a swift [Stab], he issued a booming [Battle Cry], the sound echoing through the village and rattling the remaining goblin fighters to their cores.

The final three goblins, now shaken and filled with dread, hesitated. They glanced at their fallen comrades and then back to Adam, weighing their options. With a final surge of determination, they launched themselves at him, one of them shouting, "For the tribe!"

As they closed in, Adam's instincts took over. He moved like a force of nature, effortlessly deflecting their attacks while delivering devastating counterstrikes. One by one, the goblins fell, their lives snuffed out as quickly as they had come.

The village square fell silent, The remaining goblins, their spirits broken, cowered before him, their eyes wide with terror.

Adam's breathing remained steady; the battle had been swift and one-sided. He had barely broken a sweat in eliminating the goblin warriors. As he stood among the fallen, he felt no guilt for their deaths. They had made their choice when they decided to enter combat with him, fully aware of the risks.

In fact, Adam felt more annoyance than anything else, as the goblins had attempted to waste his resources – his health and stamina. He couldn't help but think that if they had just stayed silent and stood at the back, they might have been spared.

Adam looked at the cowering children, their faces terrified at the massacre that had just taken place. Adam felt some of his resolve being sapped by their expressions, 'No, I can't let them affect me like this.' He shook his head and surveyed the scene with a resolve hardened again, his focus unwavering.

The villagers' fear was evident, but he couldn't afford to let that affect him. He had a mission to accomplish, and nothing would stand in his way.

With a determined stride, Adam approached the remaining goblins, his gaze locked onto theirs. "Tell me where Skab and Steelhoof are," he demanded again, his voice unwavering.

The goblins exchanged uneasy glances, their fear palpable. Finally, one goblin, its body trembling with fear, broke the silence. "Skab be... be inside the chieftain's house," it stammered, pointing a trembling finger at the imposing structure.

"And Steelhoof?" Adam pressed, his eyes narrowing.

The goblin shuddered under Adam's intense stare. "S-same," The goblin's voice quivered, barely able to choke out the words. Sweat beaded on its brow, and its eyes darted nervously to the other goblins around it. Some of them looked away, unable to meet the goblin's gaze, while others stared at the ground in resignation, knowing that the information might very well seal their doom.

Adam was relieved knowing that Skab was still in the village. He approached the building, his grip on his spear tightening. With a steely resolve, he opened the door and stepped inside.

As he neared the building, a tingling sensation crawled up his spine, and his heart raced with anticipation. It was as if every fiber of his being knew that the culmination of his quest for vengeance was near, and the nerves and excitement were nearly overwhelming.

As his eyes adjusted to the dim interior, they widened in shock. "Oh, shit!" he exclaimed, taken aback by what he saw before him.


The first chapter of the day is now up! The second one will be posted soon, so stay tuned. If you want to stay updated on the story, please consider following me. And if you have any feedback or thoughts on the story, please feel free to leave a comment, rating, or even a review - it means a lot to me and helps me stay motivated to write more. Thank you for your support and happy reading!

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