
Immortal Cultivation Temptations

Luo Tian, the sole heir to the powerful Luo empire, is a man of many talents. He excels in business, combat, and scheming, possessing exceptional intelligence, decisiveness, ruthlessness, and cunning. However, his insatiable lust for women threatens to consume him. He maintains a harem of a hundred beauties, claiming them as his own through manipulation, power, or abuse. His desire for more women seems boundless, and he yearns to indulge in the flesh of the beautiful women of the immortal world. Upon transmigrating into this new realm of cultivation, Luo Tian discovers that humans possess extraordinary capabilities. Sword immortals can part seas, and fairies gracefully soar through the skies. Luo Tian's desires burn even more fervently, and he sets his sights on achieving immortality and constructing his own limitless harem. His journey begins at the esteemed Profound Sword Palace, where he encounters the alluring Sect Mistress female elders, and disciples. every one of them possesses unparalleled beauty and strength. As Luo Tian rises in power and influence, he faces numerous challenges and adversaries. He must navigate treacherous alliances and betrayals, fight powerful enemies. Along the way, he meets a cast of captivating characters, including Empresses, fox spirits, and seductive enchantresses.

Dark_Sovereign_28 · Fantasie
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71 Chs

Chapter 4: Jealousy's Rising Storm: Elder Yu Hui's Appraisal

The Profound Cloud Ark ascended once more, its movement smooth and tranquil as it navigated the expanse of the sky. 

Luo Tian found himself drawn to one of the Ark's railings, where he leaned against the smooth wood, gazing out at the vastness around him. The sensation of being suspended in mid-air, surrounded by clouds that drifted like celestial cotton candy, was nothing short of breathtaking.

Though he had used air buses and even owned jets in the past, this experience was still new to him.

His fingers brushed against the passing clouds, a small smile curving his lips. While he had engaged in outdoor activities that had taken him soaring through the skies in his previous life, this experience of literally reaching out to touch the heavens was a sensation beyond compare. 

He marveled at the fact that the Ark effortlessly maintained its elevation, soaring to a height that would leave most mortals breathless. As he peered down, his mind raced with the realization that they were now more than 30,000 meters above the ground—a distance that seemed almost surreal. In his previous life, he had been accustomed to commercial flights that hardly reach around half this altitude. Yet, here he was, soaring at an elevation that exceeded the height of those flights by almost twofold. 

What astonished him further was how the Ark's design seemed to defy the very laws of physics. Despite being suspended at such a staggering height, he felt no hint of discomfort or pressure. The seamless motion of the Ark as it floated among the clouds held no turbulence, no jarring shocks. It was as though the vessel existed in a realm that was separate from the constraints of the mortal world, a place where natural forces bent to the will of ancient craftsmanship and arcane engineering. 

The reactions of his fellow disciples added to the scene's vibrancy. Some stared wide-eyed at the panoramic vista, their expressions a mixture of awe and wonder. Others laughed and chatted animatedly, their voices carrying over the gentle hum of the Ark's propulsion. It seemed like all the disciples were getting along well. 

"Umm, hello." The soft voice broke through the buzz of conversations around Luo Tian. His striking appearance had indeed drawn the attention of several of the female disciples who had boarded the Ark. Among them, someone seemed to finally gather her courage to approach him, her cheeks tinted with a faint blush as she navigated her way through a mixture of admiration and nervousness. 

Luo Tian's enigmatic poker face remained unchanged as he turned towards the source of the greeting. His gaze fell upon a young woman, her eyes a shade of timid curiosity. She stood there, a mixture of eagerness and hesitation evident in the slight quiver of her lips. 

With a slight warm yet measured smile, he responded, "Hello there. Are you also a new disciple of the Profound Sword Palace?" His voice was soft, carrying a touch of intrigue that invited conversation. 

The woman's cheeks burned brighter as she gave a shy nod. "Yes, hello, Fellow Apprentice Brother," she said in a voice full of honest goodwill and a touch of anticipation. "My name is Mei Ling."

"Pleased to meet you, Apprentice Sister Mei Ling. I'm Luo Tian." He offered a slight bow of his head, a gesture that conveyed respect while maintaining his air of approachability. 

Mei Ling's shy smile widened, a mixture of relief and gratitude washing over her features. 

Luo Tian looked at the girl in front of him. Her obsidian hair cascaded down her back in a waterfall, her eyes were like polished chestnuts and her lips shimmering with warmth. Wearing flowing pastel robes blustered by an afternoon breeze, as she bowed slightly her. With both arms tucked beneath her chest, she smiled brightly at him. A jade hairpin held up the bun on top of her head. Its natural colors blended harmoniously into the fabric of the robe.

Luo Tian had to admit the young women in front of him was very much attractive, be it her jade-like skin, or her fairy-like appearance.

But Luo Tian still didn't feel anything for her, even after seeing her beauty, 'She is too young' Luo Tian remarked inwardly, Mei Ling was beautiful indeed, but was too young Luo Tian figured she was hardy 16 years old at most 'even though she will become a very sexy women in the future, I don't have any interest in teens' Luo Tian forgot that he too was only 16 years old currently. 

Even though he had reincarnated, his preference in terms of women didn't change at all. He still preferred those mature juicy and sexy women, only a mature woman at least in her late twenties could make his crotch bulge and his little dragon to salute. 

Luo Tian and Mei Ling engaged in casual conversation, the gentle cadence of their exchange painting a serene backdrop against the bustling surroundings. Mei Ling, brimming with enthusiasm, orchestrated most of the dialogue, while Luo Tian responded with a subtle smile, offering intermittent nods as an attentive listener. 

Yet, amid the camaraderie, a current of discontent rippled through a certain faction of disciples. Mei Ling, acclaimed for her unparalleled beauty among the female cultivators on the arks, found herself engrossed in conversation with Luo Tian. This unforeseen pairing kindled sparks of jealousy among those with Earth Grade spiritual roots. Many of the male disciples had harbored unspoken affections for Mei Ling the moment they laid their eyes upon her, and her interaction with Luo Tian ignited a symphony of envious whispers. 

As the duo's interaction continued, whispers evolved into sour sentiments. For some, jealousy matured swiftly into a seed of resentment. Their admiration for Mei Ling had metamorphosed into frustration, as they perceived Luo Tian as an interloper, snatching their coveted limelight. His affable disposition and striking handsomeness further fueled their animosity, prompting surreptitious glances and hushed grievances. 

These sentiments were amplified among the disciples in Luo Tian's own group. A complex interplay of emotions brewed within them, exacerbated by their understanding of Luo Tian's peak mortal grade spiritual root. To their eyes, he appeared to occupy a role beyond his rightful station, tarnishing their perception of Mei Ling as a conversational companion. 

Unbeknownst to Luo Tian, his mere presence had inadvertently stirred a tempest of emotions within the ranks of fellow disciples. His interactions, and even if he knew he wouldn't care about it, 

None of the disciples here were real cultivators. They had mostly focused on physical training and practicing fighting skills. 

Luo Tian was different. He had lived a previous life and knew how important it was to train his body before anything else. His memories from that past life and his strong determination helped him endure tough training, even when he was quite young. 

Fighting skills hardly required mention, following the adage that true mastery emerges through lethal engagements. How many of these kids still wet behind their ears had wielded swords or firearms with the intent to end lives? He speculated that none among them had. 

Luo Tian's previous life had acquainted him intimately with the act of taking lives – it had become an everyday occupation, punctuating his days with the somber rhythm of death. His hands, whether gripping guns or cold steel, had grown familiar with the art of extinguishing life. 

Regarding combat techniques, he bore a treasury of skills gleaned from his former world. While these might not rival the profundity of the techniques available to the young disciples, they were more than sufficient to wipe their sorry asses. 

He believed that even if he wasn't the strongest among all the disciples, he should be among the top. 


Mei Ling had engaged in conversation with Luo Tian for a considerable stretch, and the more they conversed, the more she found herself drawn to his presence. 

Throughout their discussion, he displayed an attentive demeanor. He allowed her words to flow uninterrupted, occasionally punctuating her narrative with affirmative nods. His silence didn't equate to disinterest; rather, he demonstrated that he was not only pleasing to the eye but also a patient listener and a person of refined courtesy. 

Had Luo Tian been privy to her thoughts, he might have found himself oscillating between bemusement and amusement. He was well aware that women appreciated attentive ears, regardless of the subject's coherence. Whether the conversation traversed logical domains or ventured into the realm of the nonsensical, the key was to listen and offer agreement through gestures. This simple act often won the favor of approximately 60% of the fairer gender. 

Mei Ling was excited to share the news of her spiritual root qualification, but before she could even get a word out, an unfamiliar voice cut through the noise. Its mocking tone made everyone turn and stare in their direction. "Well, if it isn't the guy with a Mortal Grade spiritual root," it sneered, "who tried to cheat his way through the test." Mei Ling felt a slight fright as all eyes turned towards the two of them.

The sudden voice caught both Luo Tian and Mei Ling's attention, causing them to turn around. It wasn't just them; the nearby disciples also began to focus on the source of the voice. 

As Luo Tian shifted his gaze in the direction of the voice, he spotted its origin – a young man roughly his age. However, notable disparities set them apart. Unlike Luo Tian's simple attire, this young man donned elaborate robes adorned with intricate embroidery, complemented by precious jewels and gold accents. 

The young man's hair was short and black, draping down to his shoulders. He possessed an above-average physique, and his face could be rated around 7 out of 10 in terms of attractiveness. 

With measured strides, the young man approached them, a smirk playing across his features that unveiled his disdain for Luo Tian, his eyes saying that he wasn't here with any good intentions. 

'And here it is, one of those self-centered fools with little to no logic' Luo Tian murmured inwardly finding it bothersome to entertain this young man. 

Luo Tian's gaze met the young man's, his expression unwavering. Despite the blatant disrespect, he chose not to respond with anger or aggression. Instead, he regarded the young man with a cool composure that exuded confidence. 

The young man's attempt at provoking Luo Tian was met with a chilling indifference. His blood boiled in the face of his adversary's defiance, just barely managing to contain his raging fury - a sudden flash evident in his eyes before dissipating, replaced by an expression of false superiority. "You've got some nerve for standing your ground in front of me, Xiao Honghui," he said through gritted teeth, disdain dripping from every syllable. 

"Xiao? Isn't that one of the cultivation families in the Qiulong Empire?" Mei Ling's voice carried a tinge of realization. 

"Yes, they rank as the 3rd most powerful cultivation family," came the response, heavy with the weight of the truth. 

"Heavens, then he must be the young master Honghui of the Xiao family. I've heard he's greatly favored by his father, the family head," the whispers of recognition spread among the disciples, their voices laden with awe. 

A subtle "Hump" escaped Xiao Honghui's lips, a smug expression curving his features. Reveling in the attention, he basked in the limelight that was his constant companion. 

Unfazed by the young master's pompous demeanor, Luo Tian scoffed at his words. "What's wrong with you, did you fell on your head in your childhood? You must've had a screw loose to come in here own your own without knowing," he said firmly without mincing his words. He was fond of this impatient with this self-centered lad, and wasn't willing to entertain him either.

"How dare a trash and a cheater of mortal grade spiritual roots talk to me like that?" Xiao Honghui seethed in rage, eyes glinting with fury. His pride was wounded from such insolence; never before had anyone dared address him so disrespectfully, not even royal princes or the crown prince himself!

Now he was humiliated in front of everyone, and Infront of the girl he was trying to impress, how could he take this lying down.

"Miss Mei, let me remind you that this lowlife only has a mortal grade spiritual root!" Boasting with confidence, Xiao Honghui fueled the fire further. He interpreted Luo Tian's earlier interaction with the crystal during the test as an attempt for trickery, which was evidently debunked by the test results that pegged Luo Tian's spiritual root at peak-mortal level. "He tried to use some cheap tactics to get himself qualified but failed." 

"Yes, yes, Miss Mei," as Xiao Honghui's voice echoed, other new disciples who were nearby enjoying the show also joined in the chorus with eagerness. "He's cunning and malicious!" their sneers rang out, fueled by a jealousy and resentment that had been festering after seeing Mei Ling acting intimately with Luo Tian.

The fact that a heavens chosen daughter with an Earth Grade spiritual root was being so friendly with a loser with a Mortal grade spiritual root didn't sit well with them.

"See, Miss Mei," Xio Houghui continued, bolstered by the support of the mob around him. "I strongly advise you to distance yourself from such an immoral person immediately." 

The others laughed spitefully then, mockery ringing in each syllable as they exchanged knowing glances. Luo Tian had never had a chance; whether or not he had actually attempted to cheat was beside the point - they seized every opportunity to tear his reputation apart.


The initially minor dispute unfolding here had snowballed into a spectacle that seized the attention of nearby disciples. In a matter of minutes, even those who hadn't been close initially had gravitated toward the commotion, finding it a diverting spectacle. 

As the scene escalated, the crowd expanded, swelling in size as disciples eagerly gathered to witness the unfolding drama. 

Meanwhile, the other female disciples who had shown an interest in getting acquainted with Luo Tian sensed the shift in dynamics. Their intentions of drawing near and forging connections with him underwent a change. Instead, they retreated from their earlier course, opting to join the growing throng of onlookers. 

The revelation that Luo Tian possessed only a mortal-grade spiritual root had already dissuaded the female disciples with earth-grade spiritual roots from approaching. The realization that his standing could never match their own was an insurmountable barrier, rendering his looks inconsequential. 

However, when the rumors of his attempted cheating during the spiritual root qualification test reached their ears, even the female disciples sharing his mortal-grade spiritual roots status began to distance themselves. The rumors cast a shadow over Luo Tian's reputation, causing those who might have been intrigued by his appearance to withdraw. 


"So, this guy has gotten into trouble, huh" Chen Wei's voice cut through the murmurs of the crowd as he observed Luo Tian at the epicenter of the unfolding tumult. His brows furrowed as he recognized him who created quite a spectacle in the great hall during their selection. Since the moment the disciples had boarded the ark, a small group had formed – Zhang Wei, Liu Xue, Li Mei, and Chen Wei, stationed inconspicuously at a corner of the deck. With the addition of Zhang Ying, who had arrived after greeting the other elders with elder Yu Hui, this circle of confidantes had taken shape.

"What happened?" Zhang Wei asked incredulously, his eyes widening in surprise.

"Well, what's your take? Did he actually cheat?" Zhang Ying's inquiry mirrored the skepticism that had cast a shadow over Luo Tian's acceptance ceremony. The enigmatic behavior of the crystal had raised suspicions.

Li Mei chimed in, "I doubt he would have dared to cheat, especially with the deacons and Elder Yu Hui present. It's either a display of incredible audacity or utter foolishness."

Chen Wei let out a heavy sigh, shaking his head slowly in disbelief. "It's not for us to question why or how things happen here. If this fellow disciple really was able to cheat under the watchful eyes of the deacons of the Profound Sword Palace and Elder Yu Hui himself, I don't think it can be explained in any other way than a powerful treasure or a hidden power more powerful than them." he said solemnly, the mere idea seemed like an unattainable pipe dream.

Others around also nodded silently in agreement. It was near impossible for a mortal without any cultivation background to get their hands on such a powerful item within the bounds of mortal kingdoms. And as for the possibility that this person could be stronger than Elder Yu Hui, it was nothing short of ridiculous. After all, even the bone age crystal test had clearly revealed that his bone age was only sixteen years old- similar to theirs! Someone with so little experience going against someone as strong as an Inner Court Elder who had cultivated for thousands of years was akin to a piglet trying to take down a lion.

Liu Xue added her thoughts, nodding in agreement. "You're right. It's still possible that crystals can malfunction sometimes, right? Maybe it's just that." 

Zhang Wei's questioned the group. "Does it even matter?", his voice filled with calmness. He followed on without pause, "Regardless of whether he tried to cheat or not, the incontrovertible fact remains that the crystal exhibited a bizarre reaction during his test."

As everyone argued over the truth of the incident, Zhang Wei stayed silent yet focused on their words, carefully digesting what was being said. "It's not about seeking justice," he finally declared, a determined glint in his eyes. "Jealousy and ego are what truly drive this situation. They're more interested in quenching their personal frustrations than anything else." A few murmured amongst themselves before Xiao Honghui stepped forward.

He continued with a sigh, his face showing no emotions. "you know why they have singled out that fellow apprentice. The real reason is simple – they all look at him with envy because of his ease in talking to Mei Ling, because how Mei Ling was looking at him. They are hoping to discredit him so that their own feelings of inadequacy will be alleviated." 


Perched atop the ark, the elders conversed with each other. One of them, noted that all of them were powerful cultivators; their five senses were much stronger than normal humans. They could hear sound from miles away if they desired, so the noises of the ark as it sailed along would have been even more easily detectable.

"Hump, is it true, Elder Yu Hui? Did that brat attempt to deceive his way through the spiritual qualification test?" A cold snort punctuated the elder's inquiry. Positioned alongside Elder Yu Hui, he emanated an aura of authority that accentuated his question. 

This elder was a study in gravitas. His tall and imposing figure stood as a testament to his long years of cultivation. A flowing robe of deep indigo draped him, embroidered with intricate patterns symbolizing his status. His sharp, almond-shaped eyes gleamed with wisdom and experience, surveying the situation with a discerning gaze. Etched lines on his forehead hinted at the burdens he had borne over the years. 

The elder's presence held a mixture of respect and intimidation, With a measured and deliberate demeanor, he awaited Elder Yu Hui's response, his skepticism palpable even in the rhythm of his breath. 

"I don't think so," Elder Yu Hui replied with measured confidence, his voice carrying the weight of experience. Positioned beside him, he addressed the elder's skepticism. "When we attempted to assess his spiritual roots, the crystal might have encountered a malfunction. I believe the boy didn't resort to cheating. His demeanor suggested an acceptance of the outcome, almost as though he had foreseen it. Moreover, he exudes an enigmatic aura, and from the commencement to the culmination of the ceremony, he retained a remarkable calm." 

Elder Yu Hui's words flowed like a calm river. His voice, rich with authority, conveyed a strong conviction in his own character assessment. 

Turning the inquiry back upon the questioning elder, Elder Yu Hui posed, "If you were initially announced as possessing a Heaven-grade spiritual root, only to have it abruptly downgraded to a mortal grade, how would you react?" 

Tian Ping, the elder who had raised the query, responded with a flourish of enthusiasm. "Naturally, I would rejoice in the knowledge of possessing a Heaven-grade spiritual root. Such roots haven't graced our realm in an age," he exclaimed with an air of fervor. His words were a cascade of delight, his eyes lit with the prospect of such a revelation. 

Elder Yu Hui's gaze held a thoughtful expression as he considered the response, his demeanor a study in contemplation. "Indeed, you'd embrace the news with jubilation, any one in your place would do the same" he concurred, his tone affirming the sentiment. 

His demeanor shifted, a semblance of seriousness overtaking his countenance. "However, this boy displayed an unshaken composure. No trace of elation, sweetness, or contentment colored his expression when the crystal glowed. It was as if the entire spectacle was an elaborate fabrication." 

"He didn't even react when the crystal showed that he has a mortal grade spiritual root" 

Elder Yu Hui's delivery remained measured and deliberate, his words unspooling with the poise of a sage. The atmosphere he conjured was one of profound scrutiny, an examination of details beneath the surface. His gaze, intent and knowing, seemed to peer into the depths of truth and deception. 

"Has something of this nature truly unfolded, eh?" inquired Elder Xuan Zhen, a figure of wisdom and authority standing alongside them. With an appearance befitting his stature, Elder Xuan Zhen projected an air of timeless sagacity. His age had etched its marks upon him, visible in the lines tracing his visage, each line a testament to his deep understanding of the world. 

Clad in robes that bore symbol of the profound sword palace, Elder Xuan Zhen commanded respect through his presence alone. His eyes, a piercing shade of amber, held an inquisitive yet knowing glint as he sought to comprehend the unfolding situation. 

Beside him, another elder interjected, "Indeed, it's a rarity to encounter such mental fortitude in one so young. it's a pity that he has a mortal grade spiritual root" Elder Zhuo Ren's voice carried an air of quiet contemplation. He regarded Luo Tian with an assessing gaze, his years of cultivation evident in the depth of his insights. 

Elder Zhuo Ren's presence was marked by tranquility, a serene demeanor that hinted at his mastery over his emotions. His silver hair cascaded in waves down his back, a striking contrast to his deep blue robes. His calm countenance bore gentle wisdom, and the subtle lines on his face spoke of lessons learned through the passage of time. 

Elder Yu Hui sighed lightly "Sigh, a pity indeed".

As their conversation flowed, Elder Tian Ping's eyes shifted toward Luo Tian, his initial skepticism giving way to a newfound perspective. The doubt he had harbored about Luo Tian attempting to deceive the spiritual qualification tests began to dissipate like morning mist before the sun's ascent. 

Elder Yu Hui's word held weight for Tian Ping. Comrades in countless battles, their bond was one rooted in trust. His comrade would not propagate falsehoods about such significant matters. In light of Elder Yu Hui's testimony, Tian Ping's perception of Luo Tian underwent a transformation. 

His gaze, once skeptical, now held a touch of interest. As his eyes lingered on Luo Tian, the realization dawned upon him that the boy, esteemed by one he trusted deeply, was anything but ordinary. 

"Well then, if the boy is genuinely as composed as he appears, we're in for an intriguing spectacle. Let us observe the unfolding situation with bated breath. I'm quite excited to witness how the young lad will navigate this," Elder Zhuo Ren mused, his words laden with anticipation. Alongside his fellow elders, he trained his gaze on the tableau before them. 

Eager anticipation swelled within them, resonating with the collective interest of the elders. Their eyes remained fixed upon Luo Tian, mirroring the sentiment that coursed through them. As observers, they were poised to witness how this young disciple would confront the challenge at hand. 

Inwardly, Elder Zhuo Ren's thoughts mirrored the sentiment he expressed. The prospect of Luo Tian's response intrigued him deeply. The calm facade the boy had exhibited piqued his curiosity, and he awaited the unfolding event with a sense of expectancy. 

As their collective attention remained riveted on Luo Tian, their anticipation built a bridge between them and the unfolding events. Unseen by the throng of disciples and deacons, it was the high-ranking elders who watched with keen interest, their focus honed on the enigma that was Luo Tian. 


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