
Immortal Cultivation in Martial Peak

An ancient god from god's domain was led into a trap and killed by his old enemy, during his final moments, a strong force pulled his remnant soul to the world of martial peak... Given a new chance, he starts cultivating both his body and mind to ascend to god's domain

LordSin · Andere
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2 Chs

The Great Yan Dynasty

 The Great Yan Dynasty - one of the world's major forces was located south of the Tian Lang Dynasty and on the opposite shore of the Endless Sea Islands.

 The imperial family has ruled over the Great Yan dynasty for millennia.

 The imperial family commanded the 3 major clans and 4 minor clans.

 The capital was located in the center with the lands of 3 major clans surrounding it on the outside while the lands of 4 minor clans surrounded the lands of 3 major clans.

 The capital was impenetrable. It was prosperous in both culture and wealth.


 The imperial family head - King Yan had taken only one wife who bore him a son.

 Yan Xiu - the crown prince of the Great Yan Dynasty was born weak due to many complications.

 Unable to cultivate, he was deemed unfit to be the crown prince. But there wasn't anyone else to take his place. The major clans were on the verge of rebelling against the old king.

 "So basically, the situation is bad. Mostly because of me." Yan Xiu murmured as he heard people gossiping while reading a book in the library.

 "Well, nothing I can do about it currently." Yan Xiu threw the book on the table, "especially with this broken body of mine."

 Yan Xiu was wearing a cape so no one could recognize him, he walked to the shelf and picked a book about the history of the Great Yan dynasty and the world.

 "There are 4 more major powers like the great Yan dynasty in the world - the great Han dynasty, ash-grey cloud evil land, endless sea Islands, and the Tian Lang dynasty."

 "Although they are considered major powers, only the great Han dynasty and the ash-grey cloud evil land are considered to be equal if not a bit stronger than the Great Yan dynasty. Looks like they are very far away though."

 "The neighbors of the Great Yan dynasty are the Tian Lang dynasty and the Endless Sea Islands. The Tian Lang dynasty has a trade arrangement with us and the Endless Sea islands are on the opposite side of the southern shore. And no one tried to cross it till now."

 "Never mind the outside forces, the ones causing trouble are the 3 major clans - the Luo clan, the Tian clan, and the Chen clan."

 "These 3 clans used to be one force long ago. Capable of confronting the imperial family. The founder was - Luo TianChen. After his death, there was infighting, and the force separated into 3 clans."

 "They are not strong enough to confront the current imperial family but if they subdue the 4 minor clans, they might be able to cause some trouble."

 "The 4 minor clans are the guardians of the border of the Great Yan dynasty and are treated very well. The chances of them betraying the imperial family are very low."

 "The minor clans are simply named - bei, nan, dong, xi (A/N: simply means north, south, east, and west) based on which side of the border they are guarding. The minor clans were founded by the first king along with Luo TianChen consisting of members of both the imperial family and the major clans."


 "To fix this broken body, I need some kind of heavenly treasure" Yan Xiu murmured while walking out of the library, "I doubt this backward world has any. If the Great Yan dynasty had such a thing, I'm sure Mother would have already given it to me."

 "I can only depend on myself... I know nothing about this world's alchemy so that is not an option."

 "Looks like cultivating the 'heavenly cosmic art' is the only way... The 5th layer of the first sequence - meridian transformation level should fix my problems."

 "Reaching 4th layer shouldn't be too hard... The first sequence - stars tyrannical body of heavenly cosmic art was to cultivate and improve the physical body to be able to bear the weight of the inner universe to be made."

 "The nine layers of 1st sequence were - vitality tempering, skin strengthening, flesh strengthening, bone transformation, meridian transformation, marrow transformation, viscera transformation, blood and qi transformation, nine core phase forming"

 "I should be comparable to the true element realm of this world by the time I reach the meridian transformation level."

 "I can my begin my immortal cultivation once my meridians are fixed..."

 "Immortal cultivation is a very long and lonely journey. It has 8 mortal realms, 7 immortal realms, and finally 12 God realms after all. Even in my past life, I only managed to reach to 7th god realm before dying."

 "First things first, I need a lot of wild beasts' blood to start tempering my body and enter the vitality tempering level."

 "I hope the imperial storage has some."


 Yan Xiu goes to meet his mother. She was working in the imperial palace.

 "Mother." Yan Xiu calls as he walks into the hall, "I need something."

 "What do you want now!?" Yan Xiu's mom - the queen of the Great Yan dynasty Ren Qiu asked Yan Xiu in an exasperated tone.

 "I want to bathe in blood of wild beasts." Yan Xiu told him mother which, needless to say left her dumbfounded.

 "What kind of trouble you want to get into now?"

 "It's not like that mother. Since I can't cultivate normally, I thought I should try to make my body strong." Yan Xiu made up stuff as he spoke, "I found an interesting body cultivation technique in the capital library."

 Ren Qiu squinted her eyes before relenting, "Go take it from the storage. There should large jars on the second floor. It's not like we have any use for them anyway."

 "Thanks mother." Yan Xiu shouted as he ran to the storage.

 "Maybe because I was an orphan in my last life but having a family isn't bad at all." Yan Xiu murmured as he entered the storage room. The guards didn't bother with him because they thought he must come to take some kind of valuable again.