
Immortal almana

Almana a 16yr old who live with his brother and both his parents, he has no issues at home and lives happily with them but despite that almana alway felt like he was missing something. As almana and his family are having fun together while eating dinner something falls from the sky and hits them. After almana tragically looses his family he killed him self when suddenly a message pops up giving him the skill of immortality bringing him back to life, to live a life of hell. Will almana have a happy ending or will he give up after countlessly repeating death? Will he remain lonely or will he make friend? And whats happened to the world has it stayed the same or has it change? . . . .

C4ndy · Fantasie
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3 Chs

#03 professor toon

[you're being teleported to the closest city.]

I felt dizzy as the whole world spun around me. And once I manage to get my senses back I was in the city along with many other people. The people seemed to be crying in confusion, some shouted and some tried to calm the situation.

The sky was pitch black. While the city buildings where collapsed or half destroyed, the cars where flipped and fire seemed to be in every corner.

"Almana". I turned around and saw eri call out to me along with the group I was with earlier. They all looked terrified as they looked around at the view I was looking at.

Minutes later a shout was heard from an old man. "What the hell is this? Some sort of prank? Why are the buildings destroyed and why did we all get summoned here…is this the government doing?

As the people around heard his shout they all started speaking louder and louder as if they were getting ready to protest.


An explosion was heard from the distance and every body screamed.


The sound of explosion seemed to be getting closer to us and the huge crowd of people."what's going on". screamed eri, while Liam pulled her behind his back and guarded her with his whole body.

"Runnnn!!" Shouted a group of people looking at the direction of the explosion.


It was getting closer and closer. The giant crowd of people turned and started to run as fast as possible. Some people where blown up and pieces of bodies flew everywhere. The people screamed and and kept running.

The crowd of people started running in different directions and we were with a group of 8 people.

As we kept on running a women shouted. "not that way, it's a dead end". We were all to busy running that we don't bother to listen to her. And then I saw her going her own way.


"This is a dead end". Everybody heard old man Jax word and started panicking.

"I think we're safe now, the explosion stopped as soon as we got here. I think we managed to escape"

Another man said and everybody let out a sigh of relief. But my gut was telling me something was wrong. I grabbed Liam's shoulders and told him.

"it's to quiet."

"I agree."

"Something's wrong get your sister and protect her."

Liam nodded as I told him this and he dint hesitate to get in front of his sister.

Old man Jax seemed to catch on to what me and Liam where talking about and said in a quite but strong voice so everyone could here. "Everybody stand up its not safe yet".

Everybody got up and we all stood quietly as we waited for something to happen. We couldn't run anywhere either since we were in a alley and there was a wall behind us.The silence was so loud that we could hear each others saliva going down our throat.

And then the silence broke as we heard humming coming towards us. The humming became louder and louder and as soon as it was going to turn towards us it stopped.

Then a flying figure appeared right in front of us.

It was 3 foot tall and was floating in the air, it had a suit and a magician hat. He had the body of a duck and was colored in only black in white as if he was from an old cartoon. His hat covered his eyes letting only his beak show.

"Hello everyone".

The duck spoke to us and we all were confused at the sight we were looking at.

"What the hell is this? Are you doing some sort of prank? Then get it over with, we're already scared shitless". said the old man that shouted before the explosion was heard earlier.


A body of a women was thrown to the ground and the group i was with screamed in fear. I remembered the women, it was the women who warned us that there was a dead end here.

"Does this look like a prank to you?". Said the floating duck covered in black and white.

"Then may I ask who you are and what you want from us?" I was caught by surprise at the question that old man Jax had asked. Despite his bravery I saw the tip of his finger trembling rapidly.

"My name is professor toon. Iam a being from another world and there are a lot of others like me around this world called 'earth'".

Professor toon continued speaking in a firm voice. "as to why iam here? It's to watch this world end".

We all heard the words he spat out and where terrified at how calm it said this

We all looked at each other and backed up slowly.

I decide to grab the courage I had left and asked.

"Than does that mean everything that has happened so far is your doing, such as the stars destroying everything around it. And the monsters coming out of it?"

"That's right! Aren't you quick to catch on".

I bit my lip as I stared at the duck right into his eyes that where covered by his hat.

"Oh no, oh no, what's this murderous intent i feel? Wait don't tell me….did your love ones get killed by one of the stars? Is that why you asked…hahaha"

"Let me explain the situation then".

I clenched my fist so hard that blood started pouring out of it and my lips shed blood too. As I was about to start walking towards the stupid duck someone grabbed my shoulders.

"Kid…dont do nothing stupid, please..Iam sorry."

I wanted to punch old man Jax in the face but the way he was staring at me made me hold back. It seemed like he was a man who shared the feelings of others.

Old man Jax was right, right now wasn't the time to be angry, the only thing I could do was hear the duck out.

" the destruction of this world isn't my doing." The duck talked as he stared at me and continued speaking. " this is the doings of the gods, they have decided to end this world since it full of 'sins'.

"The gods have granted you the power of the 'system' that allows you to overcome disasters knows as "test". With the system you can add points you earn into stats making you stronger than what you originally were."

"How do we add points to our stats?". Eri shouted at the duck.

"Just call out status in your head and the screen should pop out".

We all looked at each other dumbfoundedly and called out status in our heads and than a screen popped out.




- intelligence:9



-unique skill: (immortality Lvl 4),

(crazy combat Lvl 1)


"By the way whats a unique skill?"

The ducked looked at me with his mouth to the ground.

"W-wait you have a unique skill?"


Ahem. The duck started getting his composure back.

"A unique skill is a skill that wasn't given to you by the system, meaning no other person can have that skill but you. The only way you can get that skill is through special circumstances….By the way kid, whats your skill?"

the duck answer my question but followed with one himself. He seemed pretty desperate to find out what my unique skill was. I looked at him and saw my party members waiting for my answer too.

" I can't say"


" I can't say". I said with a firm voice.

"O-okay be like that but I'll soon find out".

The duck looked at me with an annoyed face and started speaking again. " iam sorry but i don't have much time left, so I'll say this quickly. In order to stop the destruction of the world you have to get stronger and survive all the test. Once you finish 100 test you will be granted one wish from the gods and the end of the world will stop."

The duck started to fade away while staring at me. than an old man spoke up. "wait you bastard you can't leave like that, nothing you said made any sense. Come back here stupid duck!"


We all looked at the old man's body as he stood still, no longer making a sound.

"H-his head!" Screamed eri as she covered her eyes along with her brother. old man Jax grabbed my head and covered my eyes. But he dint know that I already saw what happened. I saw the old man head explode and blood splatter everywhere.

"My name is professor toon, don't get it wrong". the duck Spoke with a scary tone and everybody around trembled at his words.

Soon the duck disappeared. And before anybody could grasp the situation a message was heard.

[second test is being prepared and will be ready in 30 minutes].