
Im just an ordinary student

A guy from earth who wants to kill himself but instead transported to another world! After being transported to another world, he was rejected by the god who summoned him and send him to a very far away place full of monsters.

TheGreatGuy · Fantasie
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1 Chs

The Transportation

"it is much more better if i suicide and leave this world, after being bullied for several years because of my appearance, i cannot bear this anymore!" said in his thoughts before killing himself by falling of a tall building.

Ace, a 15 yrs. old boy, who got bullied alot by his classmates even teachers because of his ugly appearance, thought of killing himself, after years of bullying.

At first, he was a ordinary students just like any other students, he is a cute boy who dreams of being a soldier to serve his country and helps its people.

But because of his appearance, he was bullied alot and being beaten by bullies, he was able to bear this kind of treatment for 2 years, he tried telling it to his parents but his parent didnt even listen to him, and just continued to do their things, ace also tried telling to his teachers and the principal that he was being bullied alot, the teachers and principal didnt also pay no mind to it and even kicked for 2 days because the teachers said that he was "Joking and his classmates was just making fun if him", the principal even called his parents and grounded for 2 days, ace cried day and night and realizes that it will not affect anything and stopped crying, he then decided to just kill himself to end this misery.

"After being bullied for two years, i should just kill myself to end this torture" he muttered, Ace found a nice and tall building probably 30 story building and decided to go on top if the building and kill himself at night, After he arrived at the building, he saw a beautiful scenery and full view of the city, a house full of lights, cars passing by, people walking on the side of the road and said: "what a pity".

Ace then called his parents and told them that he was on top of a building and said that he will kill himself by falling off the building, his parents responded to him and said: "what are you talking about?, come home right now, or i will beat you ourselves", ace again said: "Mom, dad, I was tired if being bullied and didnt even helped me when i said that i was being bullied, even the teachers and principal, didnt believe him and said that they were just joking.

"AFTER YEARS OF BEING BULLIED, YOU AS MY PARENTS DIDNT EVEN HELPED ME!, NOT A DUCKING SINGLE ONE!, said ace and shouted loudly, one of the guards heard this and saw ace and saw that he was trying to kill himself by falling off the building and called 666 to call for help, after that ace saw a police and other rescuers coming to the building, one of the officer saw this and said: "stop it!, we should talk about this!, ill help you get rid of your burden!, the officer shouted, ace pay no mind to it and gets ready to fall off the building, ace jumped the building without a hesitation and jumped, after jumping, he saw a white and shiny thing at the ground and falls through it.

Ace woked up in a strange world of nothingness and saw a white woman with a smooth skin, red lips and beautiful and cute face sitting on a chair and looks like she was reading a book, he looks to the woman sitting and said: "u-um... hello?", he said with a scared expression, the woman saw ace and puts down the book and and stands up, her eyes was full of anger and said: " what is a ugly creature doing on my world?", ace heard what she said and grits his teeth with anger shown on his face, the woman sees this and said: "oh yeah, i did tried to summon a hero from the world called earth and expecting a handsome young man to come but i didnt expect that i summoned a creature with ugly face, well then i will send you in a far away land because i made a mistake", suddenly, a strange blue hole appeared in front of ace and looks like a portal, the woman kicked ace's face and ace fall to the portal, ace lost unconscious while falling into the portal.

Ace woke up he suddenly remembers what happened and grits his teeth, ace calmed down after thinking that he can't do anything to her and decided to stand up, and said: "i will get a revenge after what the woman said and did to him.

Ace looks around his surrounding and saw many trees that looks like a forest, he began to hear a rustling sound coming from a bush, he slowly approaches the bushes and suddenly, a goblin jumped and started attacking ace, a strange sound rang into ace's ears saying: "the host was attacked by a goblin and received - 3 health, after hearing this, ace hides in a bush trying to hide from the goblin, the goblin continued running and ran past ace, ace again heard a voice rang in his ears saying: "the host obtained 1 agility for running".

He quickly realizes that this world was similar to a rpg world were you hunt monsters, level up, and etc. after witnessing a goblin and the crazy things that happened to him, after this, he tried saying system and a holographic panel immediately popped up ace's face and ace was shocked to find out that he is right!, "profile" ace shouted, the system showed his personal info and stats that states:


Name: Ace

Title: Abandoned Hero

Job: Demon king

Level: 1

Rank: Low rank demon king

Fatigue: 18


Strength: 5

Defence: 8

Speed: 6

Agility: 9

Vitality: 4

Mana: 10

Sense: 2

Intelligence: 9

Dark Attribute: 20


[Slash] - slashes the enemy through and deals 5 - 10 damage. 0% / 100% mastery (tier 1)

[punch] - punches the enemy and deals 6 - 11 damage. 0% / 100% mastery (tier 1)

After he sees this, he was surprised to see that he is a low rank demon king and also abandoned hero?, he then said, "so im supposed to be a hero but abandoned by that women, shit!, and i am a demon king?!. he said shouted.

After that, he saw slime and used the identification system function:


- a ordinary slime

strength: 2

defence: 1

speed: 1

agility: 3

vitality: 2

mana: 1

sense: 1

intelligence: 2


After seeing the stats, he killed the slime, pin! ,the host received 20 experience points!,

and received 2 silver coins and 12 copper coins, after this, he continued to kill countless slime, ting! , "host leveled up 3 times and obtained 27 unlocated stat points!".

He then got curious and asked system about why he got the rank demon king, the system responded, "someone has helped the host obtain the rank demon king", ace then asked the system: "who helped me obtained the rank demon king?", "the system cannot disclose such a information" the system answered, "although the system cant say it to me, i cant force the system, said ace in his thoughts and continued.

After walking for a while, he found a cave full and decided to stay there and rest as he has 78 fatigue, he then walked around the cave and started picking up a bunch of sticks and make a campfire, he also found a deer which he killed and collected all of its limbs, skin, intestines, and other body parts of the deer, he then cuts the meat and separates into different small portions for later use and cooked himself a food.

He then finished eating and cleaned everything except the campfire and collected leaves and dry leaves and created a small bed and blanket made of dried leaves and slept through the night.



Name: Ace

Title: Abandoned Hero

Job: Demon king

Level: 4

Rank: Low rank demon king

Fatigue: 0


Strength: 5

Defence: 8

Speed: 6

Agility: 9

Vitality: 4

Mana: 10

Sense: 2

Intelligence: 9

Dark Attribute: 20

unlocated stat points - 27


[Slash] - slashes the enemy through and deals 5 - 10 damage. 0% / 100% mastery (tier 1)

[punch] - punches the enemy and deals 6 - 11 damage. 0% / 100% mastery (tier 1)


2 silver coins

12 copper

Deer meat x 10

Deer skin x 3

Deer intestines x 2

stick x 20

dried leaves x 30