

Iloveamy_waytomuch · Anime und Comics
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12 Chs

Strawberry Delight & The Scent of Lavender by (chu_bookworm)


Amy hadn't noticed it before, but now she saw it. Bibi had a look in her eyes. The Look.


I wrote this instead of sleeping or doing my writing assignment that's due tomorrow. Help me.

Also, first (finished) fanfic! Yayyyyyyyy :)

Work Text:

Splat! The strawberry delight fell on the pavement. Amy frantically tried scooping it back up into her cone, but alas, there was no salvaging it, no matter how hard Amy tried.

Amy wanted to cry. As a tear slipped from the crack of her eye, she heard a giggle. She looked up to Bibi. Amy couldn't help it. She began laughing too. They laughed together.

After a few seconds, Bibi stopped laughing. She was just staring at Amy. Amy hadn't noticed it before, but now she saw it. Bibi had a look in her eyes. The Look.

Suddenly, and without warning, Bibi started kissing Amy. This took Amy by surprise, but she gave in. Out of nowhere, a girl came out and started kissing Amy! And then another! And another! And-

They all began kissing Amy. Amy had to admit it. It was nice being kissed by so many girls. And at the same time!

But it wasn't the same as Bibi. It never could be.

Amy pushed the other girls away and ran straight (not really) to Bibi, picked her up and kissed her. The scent of lavender from her hair was intoxicating. Amy could never get enough. Amy kissed Bibi. Her true love.



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