

Iloveamy_waytomuch · Anime und Comics
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12 Chs

Sober to death by (gooblegabbler)


Amy's bartender says are.. bleak to be generous. and Dull if you're dense. but a certain Latina makes her Day (Night) a little bit better. and they may or may not start brimming a new love story in doing so.


Don't know how to write sex scenes :( pla dont berate me in the comments

(See the end of the work for more notes.)

Work Text:

The world worked slow for poor old Amy, being a bartender was no easy job.. except it was.

You just poor drinks for sad washed up midde aged guys all night, and maybe make small talk with them.

Truth be told, Amy hated small talk. she thought it was a waste of time and most of the time it would end with awkward silence. followed by an Awkward request of tequilla or vodka.

Oh well, not like anybody would make small talk with her. Who would want to talk with a depressed, psycho asian chick manning the drinks at 2 am on a Wendesday?

A suprisingly lot of people have a kink for Asian tomboy's apparently.

"Thanks!" He said enthusiastically, as she handed him a glass of bourbon. not a lot of people drink bourbon, and she personally dislikes it. it tasted too bitter for her liking. or in the field of being bitter but not that much which really turned her off for some reason.

"And uhm." fidgeting his fingers, twiddling the glass of bourbon. He managed to blurt out: "C-Can i have… your number-"

"Uhm. sorry.. you're not really my type.." Amy cut him off, dejected. the guy simply took his glass and made his way somewhere else, probably to hit on another chick or something.

That's what all men ever do, they all think about their dick. the very job of female bartenders is to seduce them to mooch off of their Loneliness, and Desperate desire to feel the touch of a woman in their god pathetic damn life.

"Hah." Sighing, she leaned onto the table counter, taking out a pack of cigarretes.


The oral fixation of cigarettes, and the Feeling of nicotine filling her lungs and mouth. this was one of the very few things that brought ease to her.

It's not like she was addicted.. (She was.) she could stop at any point (She couldn't) It was just the oral fixation and hand motion of lighter and cigarrete that comforted her. (It was the nicotine.)

"Just a shot of tequilla please." A voice said in the distance, she pulled herself from her euphoric sensation back to reality. her job. the bar she came to hate. taking a better look at the girl.

She looked… tall?

She looked familiar.

"A-Ah, Tequilla right? i'll get that for you." Frankly, her bias for women was showing, (not like she was hiding it.) now that this.. hot.. latina was in front of her. and-

"Amy?" -Said latina knowing her name. that really seemed to turn her on.. though she worked hard to fight her urges since she was in the workplace-

Wait. She knew her name?

"Amy is that you?" Actually, taking a better look at her.. wasn't she?


"Oh my god." Camilla practicaly shuddered, The Amy she knew before was a sweet. innocent tiny little girl.

Now she was just.. a husk of her formal self.. yes she was still tiny. but the light in her eyes has long faded away. the same girl she used to hang out with.

She was broken.. broken by the world.

Broken by the reality of being an adult.

"Amy.. do you have.. time after your shift?" Spoken in a soft manner, as if she was talking to a stray cat. kitten if you will, Amy couldn't help but feel pitied by the girl.

"Yeah. yeah i have time." sighing, keeping her head low, seemingly spacing out. What could she even want to do with her? she's just a normal boring bartender that serves drinks to random dudes for more than average minimum wage. but alas she was broken from her trance when the Taller girl spoke up once more.

"make that 2 shots of tequilla." Quickly, she looked up. to see Camilla smirking at her, that same warm smile. that smile she used to adore and yearn for.

She didn't deserve that smile.

Her body ran on autopilot, making a shot of tequilla was practically up to muscle memory at this point. handing the two shots, the younger girl slid one of them back.

"That's for you." She snorted, chuckling a bit. before taking a 100$ bill and placing it on the counter next to the shot. "and this is for you too, sorry it's all i had at this time. consider it.. a tip." sounding dejected. Amy simply stared at the Shot and bill infront of her. feeling a bit. empty.

"Actually. i think i have time right now." She continued, putting the shot glass on top of the 100$ Bill, setting it aside. before gesturing to Camilla outside.

and in which Camilla Obediently obliged.


"That day, when you pushed me away. why did you do that?" Camilla asked her, looking at the night sky infront of them. she was able to score a job at a pretty fancy bar, the one where the balconies had a birdseye view of the entire city.

"Because." Amy hesitated, waiting for a second. should she really spill it? what if she would hate her after? another second passed. Then again, she had nothing left to lose. what was left in the past is left in the past. then finally the final second came.

"Because i liked you back then, i liked you. and that scared me. i was scared. scared that you'd pushed me away if i told you. scared that you'd find out." She shamefully turned away, hiding her face away from Camilla. god was she such a pitiful loser, how she managed to survive this long being so weak honestly baffled her. "I'm scared, and that makes me a coward. i always have been." Beating herself up about. she continued her relentless bash of insults directed towards only her.

Till amy felt a hand on her shoulder, and she turned to face her only fear, what would Camilla's reaction be? Shocked? Angry? Sad?


But no, in fact. it wasnt any of those.

No. she looked. Happy.

Happy about what exactly? that she didn't hate her? that the whole reason Amy pushed her away was because she fell head over heels for her?

"A-Amy." Camilla stuttered, her face turning a bright red. which also caused Amy's cheeks to do the same. Wait.. was she..?

"Amy I- also, like you." Camilla could feel the heat coming off of her face. she was practically burning to the touch.

She could feel something overtaking her. a feeling. a strong emotion.

"Wha…?" Amy looked confused, Steam came from her head just like those in comic books. Flustered, She took a step back from it all.

"Whats wrong?" No, this can't be.. how many years has it been? since she's last felt this feeling. she was sure her crush had long been gone by now, but… her body's reaction would speak otherwise.

"C-Camilla!" Amy shouted, covering her mouth with one of her hands. all the while the Woman approached closer to the Asian girl. "Amy? what's wrong?" Camilla softly whispered, burying her head deep to Amy's neck. which made the poor girl shudder.

"P-Please, Camilla. N-Not here." Her mind was racing, Camilla began planting wet kisses on Amy's collarbone, which only helped to excite the girl even more. Her legs were starting to give, and Her desire only grew and grew by each Kiss.

"I can't believe you've hid from me. all this time." Camilla spoke into her shirt, making her way up Amy's neck, her breath touching the surface of amy's skin. how she was practically inches away from her. and how their Body heat were rising to Hot temperatures.. really hot. like "Sunny day in Texas" kind of hot. "How you've made me wait, made me play a long game of hide and seek. i almost gave up trying to find you." Biting at Amy's neck, weak enough to not hurt the girl, but With enough force that it made Amy's mind fill with pleasure.

This was bad, Amy thought Camilla wasn't mad, (Which was true to an extent) but if anything was radiating off of her right now, apart from the Horniness practically emenating from her body. Rage also filled that aura. and she could tell Camilla was pissed.

Pissed as fuck.

"I missed you." Camilla whispered into Amy's ear. Nibbling on it which made Amy yelp in suprise, Chuckling. Camilla pulled Amy closer to the hip.

"…can we.. do this at your place…?" Amy pleaded, Camilla thought long and hard. She really wanted to do it right now. But then again it would probably be uncomfortable for the Poor girl. And she really wanted to see Amy pinned down to a mattress, watching her squirm from right under her Body as she wriggles and screams in delight at every touch Camilla puts on her Body-

What was she thinking about again?

"Yeah. yeah sure. i would prefer that" Camilla Agreed, a sigh of relief could be heard from Amy, "But only because i could do you more comfortably there." Camilla slyly Commented, Realization hit Amy like a truck, oh god. well, hopefully she'd be spared…


Walking up the stairs of a nearby motel, calling Amy a nervous wreck. would be an understatement. She was practically shivering and trembling every step along the way to their room.

Arriving at the doorstep, not even before Amy could take a step in, Camilla vigorously pushed her in and closed the door behind them.

Then, something was suffocating her, it all happend too fast. her tongue, she felt it. A hand made it's way under her shirt. snaking all the way up to her breasts.

"AH!~" Amy yelped, breaking their contact as she turned away, before Covering her mouth with both of her hands, and in which Camilla took Amy's hands and pinned them to the wall above her head. Camilla glared and took a moment to look at Amy, before saying: "Don't hide that pretty voice of yours." Camilla commanded, which Turned Amy on even more. She was practically wetting a fucking river by how much she was dripping.

Camilla then continued their great ordeal, as she lured Amy to the mattreses. then and there did she pin her down, watching as she was a mess because of her. some sense was knocked into Camilla as she saw how she was trembling. "D-Did i scare you? if i did i didn't mean to! It's just, i couldn't wait another second and i kinda just-"

"I-It's okay." Amy cut her off, smiling a bit, the first time she smiled in a while.

And so she tried to move around in the bed, but Camilla pinning her down wasn't helping her at all.

"Camilla. could you maybe.. move back a bit?" To which she replied "Uh… S-Sure?" Quickly, she stepped back from the girl.

Camilla's mind was… in shambles, literally every thought she has was flying at her at every single second. one came at her, then 2 came, than even more. Why did Amy ask her to step back? was she gonna make her stop? did she make her uncomfo-

'Good Lord All mighty.' was all Camilla could think about when she saw the Shirt Amy wear hit the floor, followed by the rummaging of her pants. unveiling the ungodly amount of substance that has accumulated over the past few hours.

"U-Uhm.. p-please try not to stare that m-much." Amy whispered, looking away in a wave of embarassment. Camilla just.. kept staring, she tried to look away.. but her eyes kept darting back to her naked figure, and her mind was already long lost ever since she took her top off-

"You're…." Camilla blurted out, Her face quickly turning red. red as a tomato- scratch that. Redder than an apple, strawberries and a goddamn volcano combined.

"Ahem" Clearing her throat, "You're beatiful.. Amy." She said, tilting her head smiling. oh god that smile.

Amy could get lost in that smile of hers for hours, days actually. before she'd go to her eyes. those fierce, but gentle caring looking eyes. she forgot how long it had been. since she's felt this excited.

How long since she felt the touch of a woman.

How long since she felt loved.

How that feeling was long gone.

When she left Aunt Joy's house.

"Amy?" Camilla called out, breaking Amy from her dream-like trance. Memories that flooded her mind drained out of her head. Pulling her back to reality. in A motel room, naked. infront of Camilla.

"I'm sorry…" Amy said embarassed. Though Camilla made more than sure to make Amy feel comfortable. "Hey, what are you saying sorry for?"

"I just. killed the mood. some memories popped up in my head, and it kinda made things awkward the few seconds i stared into space."

"And?" Camilla furthered Amy to continue, or at the very least elaborate.

"And…. what? that's basically it.."

"So what?"


Camilla softened, her body took on more of a relaxed stance. and her tone of voice became comforting, "Is that it? killing the mood makes you all depressed?" Poking at her, she took a step further towards the girl.

"I mean, shouldn't i be?-"

"I love that kind of you." Camilla cut her off, lust seeped from out of her. the touch of Camilla's skin and her's sent waves of euphoria that brought amy shaking at the contact.

"The Amy that's dorky, nerdy. and socially awkward. you may think of those characteristics of you as Insecurities." Holding Amy's hand in her's, The trembling woman took a few moments to brace herself to look at her.

"I think of them aswell, though not as insecurities." Amy's heart was beating out of her chest. usually she's known for hiding her emotions well. but in this moment, right now. She was wearing her heart on her sleeve. "I think of them as quirks." Both of them were blushing, hard. like really hard. Think of strawberries and cherries x1000, or x100000000.

"Well, after hearing that flattery." Amy stretched her arms out. Camilla's mind was practically burning at this point. and she was sure Blood would soon come out of her nose. "Who could say no?"

It was a reply, an answer. and DAMN. was she down bad for this girl. Her body moved faster than her mind could process. pinning her down to the bed.


"Ugh." Amy groaned, golden beams of light shined through the curtain blinds hitting her eyes gently, a unfamiliar blanket met her touch, along with something gripping onto her.

"Amy?" Camilla beckoned, her morning voice was graspy and low. it was cute.

atleast, Amy thought so.

"I'm just getting a glass of water, you want one?" Amy offered, her throat was dry, like a savannah. due to the fact she hasn't drank water since like.. 8 pm.

and mostly because of her moaning.

Flustered, Amy tried to take her mind off things by thinking of happy thoughts. but that just gave birth to more and more memories popping up. which she was more embarassed to admit.

"Yes please, thank you." Camilla smiled through the pillow, Amy also offered her a smile. She turned around to the door, when a voice made her freeze.

"I love you."



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