
Illusion Sword of Mount Hua

Reincarnated in Mount hua sect novel (AU) in a body of a Uchiha and awakens Sharingan . Read his journey to become Illusion sword of Mount Hua and defeat Heavenly Demon.

idk_3619 · Anime und Comics
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24 Chs

Reaching Mount Hua but not entering the Sect

//I will try to increase the word count tomorrow and will either publish two chapters or stock them and publish five on June.//


Standing in front of a grave, Shisui paid respect to the dead, reflecting on his past life. He remained unsure about what had happened to his previous body, but for his sanity, he assumed himself dead.

Although he couldn't determine the reason for his death, after much contemplation, he decided to stop pondering the what, how, and why. While he kept himself in the dark about his previous life, he was certain that this was not a dream. This was real life, and he had to cherish it.

"Well, to me, you are just a stranger I know nothing about, but my predecessor must have loved you deeply. His soul couldn't handle witnessing your last moments, which awakened the Sharingan. His soul must have been consumed by the crown chakra, and in the process, when I possessed the body, my crown chakra awakened, becoming the source of power for my eyes."

"Ahh! You probably don't know what a battery is since they don't exist in this world. I want to bid farewell to my past life's attachments, even though I don't have many. My parents cared more about money, to the point that I don't even know if they'd be happy or sad to hear I died or went missing, as they'd inherit all the money. I had some good friends, but due to prioritizing earning money, I never made many lifelong memories with them. They will be sad for a few days but will eventually forget because I never made a significant impact on their lives. The one most affected by my death would be my bald boss, because this wasn't the first time I left the job. That baldie increased my salary so much that I rejoined the company in a few days. Well, now he really can't make me work for his company again and will have to hire many people. Yes, I was that smart and efficient. Now, there's no point in reminiscing about the past."

"My past was not bright, and my future is definitely doomed, so my focus must be on the present."

After giving a little bow and praying for the peace of the soul, Shisui picked up his shady-looking bag, filled with clothes and coins stuffed between them so they wouldn't make noise while traveling.


**After Three Months**

A beggar stood in front of a gate at the top of a mountain, where a newly written signboard read "MOUNT HUA SECT." Upon reading it, the beggar threw his stick away and started crying loudly.

"AHHH! FINALLY! I have climbed this mountain, which never seemed to end. It took me three months instead of one. My calculations were way off. No, my calculations weren't wrong, but it's me who's the problem. No, it's the beggars who were the problem. Yes, I should never have had an ounce of kindness for that damn beggar; he turned me into one."

While traveling, Shisui decided to observe the world a little, which helped him understand the people's problems and strengths. This knowledge would surely help him in the future.

He realized how cruel this place was. He started helping people here and there, but while giving a frail-looking beggar food from his bag, some of his coins dropped. He hurriedly tried to pick them up but realized that the beggars he was trying to feed were martial artists, not strong, but strong enough to toss around and beat a 13-year-old boy, snatching his bag and coins.

Thankfully, he had some emergency funds hidden in his clothes, enough to barely feed him throughout his journey, but he couldn't afford any transportation.

That night, he regretted his kindness and swore to kill those beggars if he ever saw them again. From then on, all beggars were his enemies. While still in pain from the beating, he started to walk.

After that, every time a beggar asked him for help, he had a hard time controlling his bloodlust. Mostly, he walked away, but those who sought trouble ended up fighting him. Initially, Shisui got beaten more, but after a week or two, it started to be the other way around.

"Huff! I should not raise my blood pressure even thinking about those beggars."

"This board seems new. Chung Myung must have accidentally found a buried treasure. And I didn't hear about Mount Hua winning against the Southern Edge Sect; the conference must have happened. It's a good time to join the sect."

**Knock Knock!**


After completing his tenth round of climbing up and down the mountain while carrying two big boulders on his back, Jo Gul finally got a break from Chung Myung's training session. But after training, what remained was cleaning the newly made training ground, and today was his turn to clean it. While cleaning, he heard shouting beyond the gate. As he reached the gate, he heard a knock.

Jo Gul opened the gate and saw a beggar child. Feeling tired from his training and still having the duty of cleaning the ground, he spoke in an irritated voice.

"We are closed today. Come back tomorrow to beg, or just beg down the mountain. There are many shops and businesses that may give you money."

Jo Gul slammed the door in the beggar's face. He heard some shouting from outside but continued cleaning, too tired to deal with a beggar.

Yoon Jong: "Jo Gul, who was at the door?"

Jo Gul: "We just started earning money, and here we are getting visits from beggars. Why did he even climb the mountain when he could have just begged in the market? Tch."

Both of them let it go and continued their work.

Jo Gul proceeded to clean, unaware of how much he would regret this mistake in the future.


"NOOO! NOOO! You can call me anything, but not a beggar! I would die before becoming a beggar. Did he just close the door based on my outfit? Even I wouldn't do that."

Certainly, Shisui would never do that. If he opened the door and saw a beggar in the morning, he would keep his door open. The last thing he would do out of mercy would be closing the door.

"But I am not a beggar. Do I look like a beggar? I never cared that much about my face, body, clothes, and hygiene, but it can't be that bad, right? Right?"

"Fuu, let's just climb down the mountain, get properly dressed, and come back tomorrow. From his face and hair, he must be Jo Gul, right? Hmm, I will always remember this and make him remember it too."

Just like that, the beggar climbed down the mountain, crafting schemes to get back at Jo Gul in the future.

//Any suggestion on writing style or plot?? Or any mistakes in chapter??//

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

idk_3619creators' thoughts