

Liz is in euphoria and couldn't think straight. Vic is saying something but Liz is still breathing rapidly her feelings beyond happy, contentment and bliss. Smiling at Vic, Liz touched her face that is now flushed and so red with heat and passion. Liz was sweating all over along with the wetness from the shower and hers that is smelling heaven's scent of roses which Victory savoured in full glory and delight. Both girls who are suddenly turned women since they are engaged to be married soon, held each other's hand thinking what could go wrong in their perfect life together, almost.

Victory's birthday is a big event for REVO and Em invited heads and leaders of companies and nations close to the Montfort Royal Family, the Crown and REVO. Various groups and organizations including the media also attended the said party to celebrate and be one with their future REVO Head and Queen of Tunisia.

When I said that mine and Vic's life as a couple is almost perfect. It meant that it was perfect until a twist of event turned our life and our love around. On the night of Victory's birthday party, I was waiting for her at the car when she decided to go back to her room at REVO Centre since forgot her supposedly surprise gift for me, a trio for two for Jamaica. I have always wanted to travel there since my parents who passed wanted to celebrate my birthday there when they were still alive. But, as I've said earlier, Victory got up the elevator and didn't come down from it. It was the last time I saw her and it was her 25th birthday and about a month from then, we were supposed to get married, almost perfect, right, almost.

I love Victory so much that I cried and lamented when she was gone for a year but never came back. Gisel, Victoria and Em paid people to look for her but she just disappeared and no one knew where she was. Until, after three years, Victory came back and she already had a baby boy at about two years with her. She looked different, thinner but happier. Victory sobbed like a baby when she saw me, her mom and Nana, We were all relieved when she came back to us, came back from the dead, was the literal term for it. I missed her so much and I grieved for her loss, so I tried to kiss her. But she moved her head away and hugged her little boy. Vic?, I called her name but she seemed lost, emotional and strange. The Victory I knew was strong, loving and courageous, not emotional, quiet or reserved. Vic only looked at her child and she always wanted to be with him. She calls him, Robert, Robbie is his nickname. He is so cute. He plays with me and hugs me a lot. Robbie always says that mommy or Vic misses me and tells amazing stories about me, her best friend and love. Victory maybe is in a state where she was shocked or in a deranged situation that she was always looking away like waiting from someone. And when she sees Robbie she smiles but cries afterwards.

We rehabilitated Victory for a year. Rita and Jewel came home from their vacation all of a sudden when they heard about Vic's return. They were worried and concerned for my Vic so much they skipped their honeymoon just to see visit and see their old Vic. Yup, Rita and Jewel got married in a civil wedding. Only Jewel and Rita's distant relatives came and they bought a house near Vic's and I's unit. So I was grateful for that gesture, I will have someone aside from myself to help taking care of Vic. Nana joined in to help too. Victoria and Em ordered for the arrest of several men who kidnapped Victory to pay for the emotional and psychological damages much more the heartache and royal duties they took away from the years Vic was lost from the Montfort family and REVO.

It took about two years for Victory to recover from her traumatic experiences from her captors. Robbie just turned four and Liz organized his birthday party with only her family and few friends came to celebrate with him for his special day. When he was about to blow his candle, Victory came in to join us.

She is smiling and crying at the same time, hugging and kissing everyone she sees surrounding Robbie, the table where his two storey round cake with Spiderman statue toy flung proud on top of the white and chocolate sweets. We all got surprised and she kissed me, like she has never kissed me before. It was a kiss that I have been longing for since I lost her and now she came back to me. Vic came back from the dead to life for me and for her baby, Robbie. The whole family cried and shouted happy birthday for Robbie. This is indeed a happy and miraculous day for all of us, especially for me. Liz, can I talk to you, please?!, Vic touched my arm and pulled me gently on the side of the table where Robbie is still enjoying his cake. Okay, what about?, Liz asking seriously. About, everything, ahhhh…my experience and life when I was kidnapped, and…..Victory added stopping for a bit and then smiled yet with her voice shaking and whispering. Okay, let's do it in the study, Liz added very concerned about Vic. But are you sure you want to talk about it now?, I mean are you okay talking about it?, Liz asked lovingly. Yes, and want you to be the first person to know everything, are you ready?, Vic answered sure of what she needs to do now for her moving on from the bad experience and for her to have closure from a love she had when she was captured. Yes, love, I fell in love with a man, who I thought I would hate forever but didn't!, Vic said as her introduction came like in the soap operas or movies we have watched before, Liz thought excited and curious about Victory's life in the two three years she disappeared from us, from the world, from me.