
Illahi mystery solved

The story revolves around with a CBI officer, bungalow which is haunted and a girl who is missing from 11 years. Is there any connection between the missing girl and bungalow? Will he be able to solve the case within the given time? And a shocking news will be is raghav a real CBI officer? Get started to read to know the mystery of what's illahi and what's the mystery. The story, some chapters, some places, and all names, characters are portrayed in this novel are fictitious, no identification of actual people. Buildings, places are intended and should be inferred. The book cover belongs to me, made by my own creation, thank you for reading, enjoy the story please support.

Writer7charles7s · Horror
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10 Chs

Chapter 1: The case is your duty

Narrator - Characters in this chapter: 1. Vishwas (the best CBI officer)

2. Chandrashekhar ( senior officer at CBI office who is about to retire)

-------------here story begins--------------

Vishwas: There's nothing genius than me, but why do senior officer is offering me a missing case. Okay let's head up to the CBI office (Talking to himself)

Grrrrr... Car starts

Narrator: As he goes to the CBI office, on the way he's experiencing a huge traffic in the capital city of India. And finally he reaches to the CBI office, he gets out of the car, walking steadily on the stairs and.....

Vishwas: Excuse me! Sir, may I come in.

Chandrashekhar: yes please vishwas....

Vishwas: Good morning Sir, hope your fine.

Chandrashekhar: Yeah! Everything is alright with me, but not with the department, it's been 1 year since our investigation was started in finding the girl who is missing from past 11 years.

Vishwas: What... 11 years.

Chandrashekhar: Yes Mr. Vishwas, that girl is missing from 11 years, nobody couldn't find out the mystery, but you, we believe in you and your sincerity in the work.So I'm handing over this case to you. And you will be staying in the Bargat Mahal.

Vishwas: Bargat Mahal....

Chandrashekhar: Yes Vishwas.

Vishwas: Sir, I'll take care of this case I'll solve it as soon as possible.

Chandrashekhar: That's vishwas, vishwas but be careful, Bargat Mahal is a haunted bungalow, the people who live nearby that bungalow are experiencing creepy and haunted incidents taking place in that bungalow, so take care.

Vishwas: Sir these ghosts, devils, vampires, souls never exists and i don't believe. But anyway I'll handle the case as well the bungalow.

Chandrashekhar: After going to that bungalow you will surely believe in all those. (Chandrashekhar 's mind voice)

Vishwas: Sir!, sir, sir.....

Chandrashekhar: Yes Mr. Vishwas (comes out of his mind voice)

Vishwas: While I return I'll come with the good news, I'm leaving now Sir...

Chandrashekhar: Good luck my boy.

Narrator: After recieving the assignment, Vishwas salutes his senior officer and moves out with his case.

To be continued....