
[Bonus chapter] Victory

Anastasia growled and hurled the water in a sharp stream towards him. The water should have sizzled, but it got combined with ice that Caleb sent her way and struck Edyrm. It all melted quickly. 

Caleb's energy had weakened to a great extent and he knew that if this didn't work, they were all doomed. So, with one last effort, he swirled his hands in the air and conjured a thick sheet of ice that he immediately hurtled towards the king. That was enough for Anastasia. She thrust her hands forward, ordering the water to meet with the ice, ordering it to curl around Edyrm, ordering it to freeze him. It took fifteen minutes to freeze the demon, but when he was frozen into a statue of ice, Anastasia and Caleb sagged with relief. They had captured him. They had frozen his magic.