Seraph laughed and laughed while sitting over the chain that shackled Etaya's right hand. "He will never come back, or at least until he decides to. So, Etaya, you and I are going to stay in this place forever. Live lovers. Like haters. Like husband and wife that we couldn't be." He slipped closer to her and bent down to face her. "You and I are going to deal with an existence that neither of us wanted."
"Get away from here, you asshole!" Etaya shouted. "You were a good for nothing person, when I married you and you remained good for nothing after that too!" She spat at him. "I had told you to get a piece of land from Kar'den to rule in the kingdom of Zor'gan, but you couldn't even give that to me."
"You would have stopped if I had got a place for you to rule?" asked Seraph, as the spat went right through him and dropped on the floor.
"Then maybe—just maybe I would have thought of living with you. I would have pardoned you."