
Chapter 31:

Castle: -What is so special about Adrian?

Carstophe: - Know my king that this Adrian fought with Raphael ... And had the advantage in his fight, during his fight Adrian did not use a weapon or strosse. He did not even show all his potential and was stronger than Raphael..

Castle: -Wait you're about to tell me that he beat Raphael, the one that you just described to me who could defeat 30 master strosse user. And you make me believe that he had the advantage against his opponent .. Only with his sheer strength.

Carstophe: -no, he did not defeat his opponent .. Adrian had the advantage but did not defeat his opponent ..

Castle: - So he lost to that Raphael ?? I don't understand who won?

Carstophe: -No, not really !! Adrian has to give up !!!

Castle: -What ?! A coward in our army has no place among us. You didn't kill him after he said those cowardly words .. (Castle gets angry and his hits throne with anger ..)

Carstophe: -Oh but my king he did not give up because he was weak or because he was scared . Adrian was very strong he was the best fighter he was able to win and was not afraid.

Castle: - Bullshit !!!! What are you talking about again ?! If he wasn't weak and wasn't afraid what was the reason he had to give up like rubbish? Even if his opponent had insane strength, how could he forfeit. He has no valid reason, tomorrow during their fight you will show me his identity and I will personally take care of him ...

Carstophe: -in fact, he had a very good reason to give up..

Castle: -you make me ashamed, hearing from the mouth of one of my soldiers what you just said disgusts me .. My army does not need a cowardly soldier and even less of a coward General like you ...

Carstophe swallows his saliva and takes a deep breath ...

Carstophe: - Wait, wait, let me explain to you my king ... (Castle looks at him for 30 long seconds while being angry and then regains his calm and nods to Carstophe to tell him his story ..) Ok very well !!! I brought the apprentice soldiers and the new apprentice soldiers with me to one of my secret base. It was there that I kept my weapons, I sent them there to test my scrillstrosse to find out what type of strosse they were. belonged I had to know at least what sound their affinity and element ... After deeper in an underground I made them fight against each other as I told you .. But the fight of Adrian and Raphael was so intense that Adrian had to give up because if he would have been serious he would have completely destroyed the underground and killed Raphael ... And my other student would have died ..

Castle: - I see, Next time make them fight outside not in a small underground which would not be able to take some jolt ... Sorry, I meant tomorrow ... I will see them fight of my own eyes tomorrow. If Adrian is weak he will die tomorrow!

Carstophe: -Yes my king !!! (Carstophe lowers his head, shows respect to the king. but look a little angry..)

Castle: -Listen to me, don't forget your rank, you are a General, you are replaceable .. You are not a '' High General '' or even worse an Elders so do not annoy me otherwise you will regret it .. (after this sentence Carstophe begins to tremble with fear and then regain his calm 45 seconds later ..)

Carstophe: -Ye .. Yes my king !!! (Thought: There are several ranks of soldier in this kingdom and here is the list of ranks from the weakest to the strongest: The Apprentice Soldier '' the Beginners '', The Soldiers, the Knights of General, the Generals, the Knights of the '' High Generals '', The '' High Generals '', The King Castle and the Elders.The Learner Soldier and Soldier are the two categories that have the most people . The General's Knights are 100 to 150 soldiers per General, The General represents 100,000 people, The High General is only 10 individuals, The king who governs and in the shadows the elders.They are 3 elders . . The high general are the strongest warrior of the Kingdom who can even compete with the king even if the king is stronger than these high general there is no big difference in power, the royal family is often part of the high generals .. The king who is the strongest in all the kingdoms. Every king is the strongest of their respective kingdom. The elders are the ones who taught the king everything he knows, the elders are the most powerful in the kingdom along with King Castle. but the Elders are stronger than the king and do not participate in all wars. Only the great major wars ..And the elders will only appear if there is a great catastrophe .. They are the protector of the kingdom, our master card ... Govern in the shadows myself I have never seen them in real life, there is so much Mystery Regarding them the number is counted in one hand. Three powerful individuals who have protected the kingdom for 100,000 years, their mastery of the strosse is so high that they now remain young for eternity. All kingdoms fear their power..However, The Elders are certainly stronger than King Castle but are strangely loyal to him thanks to his growing potential. Who knows maybe the king will eventually overtake them if he continues to become more powerful and train as he does.

The next day, outside at 11 am, the sky is cloudy we see clouds of all colors and flying dragon brown, red and golden. The flying dragons are all small except the golden dragons which are giant and very robust. Today it is very windy too, but the sun today is particularly gigantic and appears to be yellow, orange and scarlet. Mutants, apprentice soldiers and soldiers are in a large field. The king sits on a large bench, next to him are his armored wives and knights who watch over mutants, apprentice soldiers and soldiers in the arena. there is grass in the arena and in the arena you can see Carstophe which looks fit. Carstophe is in front of the mutants, the apprentices and the soldiers who watch him and whom Carstophe also watches everyone. A mutant and apprentice soldier appears to be cold but not everyone in the arena is cold.

Zefro: - it's cold !!!

Campionne: - You think so? I find it refreshing when it's so windy .. (Zefro looks at her with a banal expression to then look at her being a little overwhelmed while blushing .. The wind moves Campionne's hair and Campionne has a transparent tank top ... When the others are looking at her they can see through her clothes and a lot of men seem excited to see her in this outfit but Max is looking away at her while ignoring her ..)

Soldiers approach her trying to be attractive in front of her showing their muscle some seems to speak to her too. A man approaches her and holds her by the waist this man has a thin body but a pretty face with beautiful brown eyes with short black hair and appears to be a little taller than her. The man has a scrillstrosse shoulder pad and protectors in his forearms and scrillstrosse forearms. He smiles at her! His name is Silphan he seems to be confident , very smart and kind .

Silphan: -Hi beauty, I introduce myself to you! My name is Silphan I am a soldier and you what is your name?? This is the first time I see you in the soldiers' field. Where have you been all this time? (Campionne looks away, looking at Max blushing. A very robust man with a yellow square cut as a hairstyle, with a big mustache , no sweater wearing brown peasant pants and big black boots in his feet. Behind him he has two large brown axe. He is behind Campionne then separating Silphan from Campionne, showing these muscles to Campionnes after he do that .)

Muscular man: - my name is Mul, look at my body of warrior, tell me your name ...

Silphan: -Hey asshole I was there before ...

Mul: - What did you say ?? (another woman appears, she has a long nose and curly brown hair, seems to have a muscle unlike the other girl, she has a warrior's armor and seems to have a saber behind her back. She's got scrillstrosse gauntlets, her name is Audrey.)

Audrey: - stop harassing her !!!! You shouldn't be doing what you are doing, after all she is only an apprentice soldier ... (Mul and Silphan are a little surprised to hear this news.)

Carstophe: -I am asking everyone's attention. Today is a special day, the king is with us to see your level of power and choose which of you deserves to become soldiers right away. Like yesterday, you will fight, (Carstophe points the finger at Mutants.) You soldiers you will face the new apprentice soldiers with sphillstrosses show them what the soldiers of Nisvesia are doing ... and there will be soldier combat against soldier too .. It will be 1v1 fights like yesterday I did with the apprentice soldiers .. I decided those who surprised me yesterday were going to fight and participate even if you lost yesterday. It is possible that you participate or you do not participate today .. We have already chosen your opponents. You must sit in the seats of the stage when you are not fighting .. For the first fight it will be Kamelio against Alex ..

The other mutants, apprentice soldier and soldiers will sit in the seats and watch the fight which will soon begin, the king's wife seems to smile in the distance at Carstophe, Carstophe looks at her quickly and turns his head, blushing. The king is impatient for the fight to begin and does not seem to have noticed that his wife was looking at Carstophe he is too busy and impatient for what will happen next. Kamelio has a small sphillstrosse axe in his right hand and smiles at his opponent, his opponent Alex the mutant has a spear and the two look at each other for a while.

Kamelio: - I will not restrain myself even if you are still hurt from your fight yesterday, the king is standing in front of us .. he is looking at us, my dream is to become one of these '' High General '' and I would do everything to achieve it even defeat someone inexperienced in strosse and someone who is hurt but I see that you are almost all healed well know that I would not hold back I want to say at the beginning that I'm sorry and do not blame me when I will defeat you .. And I hope that we will remain good friends afterwards ..

Alex: - don't underestimate me !!! He was lucky next time I'll beat him .. AND I WILL NEVER LOSE A FIGHT AGAINST MAX AGAIN .... EVER !!!!!! (Alex shouts the last sentence loudly.) I'm sorry, I will defeat you and take the merits of being stronger than you and sorry in advance to destroy your objective here but there is no way I will lose here and especially not against you ... I am a Mutant after all classify Half Demon level even if I am I am a little hurt I will win .. (Kamelio looks surprised, looking at Alex with his eyes wide open while keeping his mouth open for a few moments.)

Kamelio: - Ha .. Half Demon !? (Kamelio smiles again, and laughs.) Hehehehehehe, hehehehehehe.

Alex: - What made you laugh like that ??

Kamelio: -heheheheheheh You, a demon you make me laugh .. You have just learned strosse, you only have the basics, your raw strength is certainly impressive with your hairy transformation. But you are not even able to use the techniques of strosse, your cardio is very bad with your pathetic strosse the real monster is your friend who defeated you yesterday ...

Alex gets angry and turns right away, his face looks like a pit bull, he gets hairy growing on him all over his body and he is getting more and more robust ..All those muscles are growing. He holds his spear in front of him with these two hands.

Alex: -I will make you regret what you said ..

Kamelio holds his little axe in his right hand and points it in front of Alex.

To be continue..