
Chapter 8:Group 5 in the kingdom of Nisvesia.

Silvia: -Now it's fires it's amazing ..

Clone-Bill: -interesting! we will see what they have in the belly.

A lot of clones appear on another tiger-man bigger than the others with a brown-colored crystal ax in addition to having designs on the ax. Four clones give a punch that the tiger-man blocks with his ax with one hand an aura of land begins to spring from his ax covering the four clones and the tiger-man will begin to spin his ax on himself and then he'll stop bending and lift his ax upward and it'll make a giant wall of dirt.

-What makes him sleep that one, you really do not need

him to ... "He's looking at a mutant."

Jay: -What's that brothel again?

From the wall will come a projectile of dark earth on the mutants destroying the clones. Clone-Bill collapses after the projectile. The other mutants are then encircled by many tiger-man on the tree branches. The tiger-man all have different weapons made of crystals. A tiger-man throws a sticky ball to Silvia. She dodges and another tiger-man appears behind her and puts her hand on blow that will make it crumble.

The other mutants surrender after seeing the scene ..

Tiger-man: -Grouaaar "bangs his chest with one of these fists and raises his arm in the air with his sword and pride."

Some time after they now behind a villa, in a courtyard.

In front of a tiger-man passing them a gilding stone that gave them all a shock. They are surrounded by tiger-man around them.

Tiger-man: -Now everyone understands each other. My name is Gaspar and from now on your miserable existence belongs to me ... Your life appeals to me your master and God to be unquestioning. Call me Master Gaspar good-for-nothing band.

Marc-Anthony: - what did that tell you? You want to fight ..

Gaspar: - beat me, hehehehehehehe. Come if you dare! "He throws at him the keys of these handcuffs.

Marc-Anthony: -you should never have given me the key of the handcuffs. "Moves ultra quickly before Gaspar, when he didn't turn and then give him a shot that Marc-Anthony cross these arms trying to block his attack but gets his arms crushed and propels himself off in front of Jay. " aaaaaarghaaahahaargha. "

Gaspar: -good now that I have cooled your ardours..You will fight for me now because you are my slaves it will be in two weeks. You will fight in the great Colliseum of the kingdom Northa. You will have the chance to fight in my name, those who refuse to die. You will follow a specific training and fight the most ferocious animals at the Colliseum.

Somewhere else where group 2 is located.

Hector-Armor: These are spiders yet these are so good. "

mutant eats their carcass around a fire. "

James: What are you saying? it's disgusting ! If I was not hungry I would never have it ..


Deontay: -Because the rumor was true you really eat anything.

Nathan: - But what are you all telling? It's really good .. It's you who do not appreciate a good dish. "A blade rushes towards him at full speed and will move the head quickly before the blade penetrate his head and pierce his cheek.


James: -you shut up your mouth, I did not allow you to speak

Nathan: -you are looking for me..I will make you swallow what you said ..

Hector-Armor: -Stop, you can not face it.

Nathan: - what did you say to yourself?

James: - if you do not get in ...

-ahaaaaaaaawahaha "Cries of woman."

Everyone says: -Hein !!

Nathan: -a woman !? There was another mutant here. "Reflection"

Eric: -What was that? "Spikes that come out of everything are corp."

Hector-Armor: -I think you're going to have to put your little hassle in later let's see who it is ..

Berserker: -the noise came from there. "The real name of Berserker is Baltazar."

James: -If Baltazar go I go there..I want to see him fight ..

Eric: Let's go!

They left in the direction of the noise ... He couldn't predict the slaughter that would follow ..

Where else is the group 5 ..

The king: -you are now at my house in Nisvesia the land where I was born, Nisvesia the kingdom of beauty and here is my realm of elves ..

The mutants are in front of a great wall made of crystals, several soldiers keep the door at the top of the wall, there are archers everywhere ..


-He would be his Nisvesia kingdom ..

-Crystals like armur.

-Ouaa incredible.

Soldier: -open the passage, the king has returned from his journey .. "The crystals that serves as a door or gate sinks into the earth creating a passage leading to the interior of the kingdom.

Woman: -The king is coming .. "The name of this woman is Christella."

Man: -I wonder what he brought .. this is not true Christella ..

Christella: -It doesn't matter ..

When the big gate disappears above the earth, a crowd of people starts to shout for joy, the buildings are made of crystals, the trees are gigantic, we can see flying crystals and dragons flying of any color there There are blues, greens, yellows, reds of browns and oranges. each has an aura of different element.

-Long live the king!

-Long live the king!

-Long live the king!

-Houra, Houra! "There are people watching the mutants, humans being in houses that are in the gigantic trees.

Raphael: -It's gigantic how could they build such complex architectures? I thought he was underdeveloped.

Soldier: -I see you are interested by our buildings..Here is someone who has good taste.

Other soldier: -It is quite natural that a waste of his species appreciates the beauty of Nisvesia the most beautiful kingdom in the world ..

Raphael looks at him with anger ..

Alex: -leave fall .. "Alex hold Raphael's arm."

Max: -I'm crazy about it ..

A child: -ho but watch! But who are they? "The inhabitants look at the mutants with an expression of curiosity.

-What a strange clothing!

Old man: -I have seen a lot in my long life but it's the first time I'm wearing clothes like this ...

-Who are they?

Mutant: - what do they all have to get away with this way?

-I don't..

He looks, at the crowd of people ..

walk after looking from left to right.

The king is now going to enter his castle with these generals and those funny people who seem to be travellers.

-We traveller ..

-It is about us that he speaks ..

trumpet sound.

-Ouah what an extraordinary sound!

-It's the first time I hear an instrument produce such a sound ..

-Open the palace gate King Castle is there. "The name of the king is Castle."

the soldiers play with the instrument.

Alex: Are we prisoners?

Soldier: -For now I think you are our guests but who knows with a king like Castle everything can change according to his mood.

Alex: -I see .. "he's thinking" To summarise we are prisoners. If it gets rough I should be able to intervene by destroying everything in my way. For now I'm going to be wise to learn more about this new world maybe this world is more dangerous than people think.

Soldier: - Stop you! King Castle is about to sit on his divine throne. "He speaks very loudly."

Max: -What it is again? These inferior beings dare to give us orders .. They are humans.

The king sits!

King Castle: - You who are entering my territory without permission have to get my attention by beating a miniatex without weapon or strosse. Affirming moreover that you didn't eat any mythical animal and in spite of that you will possess exceptional abilities. While I saw you changing your appearance into a beast. Affirming more .. "A miniatex is the animal they have to face rather with four legs and four arms.The strosse is a word that I invent, I would say what it means later in the story."

Max: -Blablablablabla has finished telling you a bunch of bullshit. "Max turns into half-man and half-dinosaur, he has big scales running through his body." I don't know what you used last times to beat the beast as easily, but I will kick your ass ..

The soldiers can not believe what he just said and will then point their crystal weapon in front of him.

Castle: -Ho ho then you would be ready to fight against me. "Smile"

Soldier: -My king an order and I abbots them all ..

Castle: -Why all? There is only one who wants to fight and if you touch him you are dead. "The soldier will then feel a thrill going all over his body, the king will then look at the soldier who speaks with anger.The king gets up and the nobles around him looks at him and says: let him go.

Max: -You have no chance to fight me but I have no chance to get out alive if I kill you..I will take you hostage and go away with those who want to follow me ..

Castle: - No, I'll offer you better if you kill me you'll become the new king as the tradition wants. On the other hand if you lose you will become my soldier and all your precious comrades will become my new soldiers to. I hope you heard me dear noble ..

Anyone who opposes my choice will run. "Max smiles."

Max: - This is the first time I see a human being who is from royalty and he is so sure and confident of defeating me. I will show you my final transformation and take your place. "These muscles gets bigger and it gets bigger these scales become sharper. The King disappears behind him."

Max: Where is he?

Castle: -I'm here! "The other mutants look at him in shock."

Max turns around trying to nudge him with both arms on the right side but misses him. Max will then make a jump back and forth then run to the king, when the king will then go to Max. "A gilding aura appears on these fingers to the king, he will then touch Max to the chin with his index finger which will make him fly backwards ..

Castle: -That's all! "He will then wave to Max."

Max: - what was that blow! " he thinks."

I see double. "He strikes his face, he will then see well and quietly stands up ."

Max will then rush on the king and paw but will miss it. The king will then replicate by touching one of these dimensions with his index finger it will cause an impact and will revolve Max causing it to hit the wall of crystals.

Alex: This king is not a simple idiot ..

Victor: -which monster, he would be even stronger than Max. "King Castle is walking closer and smiles."


-This is going to be a problem if he loses we will have to fight for crazy king.

Noble: - I expected nothing less from King Castle! The strongest warrior in the kingdom ... "He says with pride."

Another noble: -Created he really have a chance to defeat him but still risk his throne to fight against such a weak idiot ..

Christella: - what a nuisance! "The King's sister"

Max: -that's all you got! "A small aura appears on his body.

King Castle: - Your strosse that you release is rather weak it must be because you have touched the stone of Strosse concentration .. You acquired a new capacity without knowing it ..here you are strosse user .. "The strosse is the aura in this universe and the strosse concentration stone is the gilding stone they touched earlier."

Max: -stross? I don't understand anything! "He rushes towards him trying to punch him, a big impact appears.

Soldier: -Impossible Castle would have lost ..

Christella: - don't say nonsense .. He has fun, he's a sadistic ..

After the area hit disappears, the others see King Castle blocking his attack with one hand. "The king's golden stripe appears causing a frightening fear to all the soldiers and mutants present in the room. The time is going to freeze and he will walk in front of Max and then touch him in the belly, Max will fall afterwards, in an instant!

Alex: -What?? When did he move? I didn't see it coming! From the beginning he had no chance. What sadistic king!

Max is on the ground unable to move, He fainted.

Castle: -I won! from now on you will be part of my armor, they will be taken with the other soldiers.

Before moving on to group 3, group 5 will no longer be called group 5, I would say henceforth: "In the kingdom of Nisvesia"