
Chapter 32:

Kamelio: - ok !! I'll show you what a strosse user fight looks like in Nisvesia and ... (Before Kamelio finishes his sentence Alex is in front of him trying to stab him at George's level with his Sphillstrosse spear. However Alex misses him by narrowly, Kamelio takes a step back. To then come back immediately to Alex, Alex tries to give him a horizontal blow by turning on himself even that Kamelio will again narrowly dodge by bending his head and rolls afterwards on the ground to respond when he gets up with a circular blow to Alex's face but Alex sees it coming however Kamelio sees that Alex sees his attack coming towards him so Kamelio will change the trajectory of his circular blow instead of hitting the face attack hits Alex's knee .. the attack hitting his knee doesn't seem to affect him.)

the mutants who watch the fighting are surprised and start to encourage Alex and the apprentice soldiers encourage his friend Kamelio .. The king looks at them not being surprised but does not take his eyes off them ..

Raphael: - Come on beat him you're stronger than him .. Don't shame us ..

Jimmy: - Do your best !!!

Marie: - You can beat him ..

Vladimir: - the fight has already started? (He speaks with Layla)

Layla: - looks good .. I'm sorry about yesterday ..

Vladimir: - I don't mind, you were an excellent opponent, I would like to fight you more often in the future .. (both smiled at each other)

Victor: - your interest should not be lost .. Give him the fight of his life ..

Christella: -they are the new apprentice soldiers .. (She has just arrived next to the king, she is the king's sister, she sat down next to ..)

King Castle: - yes these are my new future soldiers but for a few i hope they will be general, but if i'm really lucky they will be high general ..

Christella: - I don't think they will become High General their strosse is weak .. in fact he could all die on the next mission you assign them .. (Castle smiles ..)

Castle: - do you think so? However Carstophe had a high esteem of them even if for the moment the one who fights does not seem so strong as that .. Let's wait and see the rest ..

Kamelio moves from left to right diagonally throwing Strosse's discharges with his small axe at Alex. Some discharge hits Alex and other attacks, Alex manages to block them and for some to dodge them. Alex runs in the direction of Kamelio, to give Kamelio a vertical blow. However Kamelio spins like a top on the side to strike Alex in the back.

Alex: - hu .. Hmm .. He's fast I can't catch him .. But these attacks don't do anything to me. (Kamelio prepares to hit him with an axe to the side but feint at the last minute to kick him to the chin. Followed by a blow to the front of his leg and then slash him with the ax. to the chest .. Alex then hit her back with a big front kick that will make Kamelio move back 50 meters .. A big explosion of strosse appears when he hits Kamelio, Kamelio takes the shock of his attack by crossing his arms .. )


The spectator watches. Alex puts him on one knee to the ground a little breathless as he watches his opponent who remains in the distance motionless looking thoughtful. Kamelio is bleeding a little from his arms because he has suffered a head-on attack.

Kamelio: - Thought: What power as I thought it is not my strength fighting them close. On the other hand, thanks to his transformation into a beast, he is stronger and more resistant .. I have not scratched him yet despite the number of times I have hit him with my spherical axe .. We the Nisvesians are specialists in attacks them from a distance ...

Kamelio looks at the king for a moment, turns to Alex who runs towards him, Kamelio watches him arrive and goes to position his axe in front of him. A sphere of strosse appears on his axe, he aims at Alex and shoots a projectile of strosse. Alex. is going to slice the ball of strosse which was heading towards him rather quickly .. The ball which was sliced ​​in two, one of these two pieces turns into a dragon and the other piece turns into a scythe. The dragon of strosse takes the strosse scythe and gives a circular blow which throws him into the areas .. towards Kamelio, Kamelio fires a second strosse projectile at him which is now sharp unlike the first strosse shot. Alex narrowly dodges by doing a flip preparing to give Kamelio a spear. however its strosse projectile returns like a missile.Alex looks at The projectile coming towards him turns around quickly after having to cut it unfortunately the projectile changes its trajectory at the last second and hits Alex Creant's face then an explosion


Alex is on the ground and the strosse dragon comes towards him.

He gets up by shaking his legs a little. The Dragon gives a vertical scythe which misses Alex because he rolls on the ground however the Dragon creates a great shake and crater while hitting the ground ...

* Brrrrrrrrr, Brooooooommm

Alex: - What is this ?? You can control your strosse even if your strosse leaves your body and create a strosse dragon from how come you can't use that .. (The Dragon attacks however Alex will parry his blow with his spear and slice The Dragon in two, once slicing in the Dragon multiply in 3, the other two dragon will have a sword each ..) Serious !!!! (Alex looks at his opponent ..)

Kamelio: - Yes I'm not kidding .. We Nisvesians are not good at close combat but we excel in ranged combat and in the creation of strosse. For example: we have a facility to create what we go through the head with the strosse unlike the other species .. And that's not all to answer your question .. We have a different gift, when we project a strosse attack like a projectile .. (Kamelio throws a projectile While still speaking, Alex tries to cut the strosse projectile in half again however the strosse projectile changes direction as it revolves around Alex multiplying his speed by 10.)

Alex: - Incredible the speed of his projectile has been multiplied by ten, I have a hard time following his stosse attack.

Kamelio: -We can control our strosse remotely even if our strosse is detached from our main Aura it is called '' telekinesis ''.

Alex: - Telekinesis !!!! What an interesting but problematic abilities .. (The 3 Dragons with humanoid form of strosse charged against Alex. The projectile also multiplies into five protiles Alex will dodge and sometimes parry the projectile of strosses but will not succeed in dodging the blow. rear of a dragon with a sword ..) Arrghh !!!!! It hurts !! (The projectiles will then succeed in hitting it head-on, creating an explosion thereafter.)

* Booooooooooooom

Alex coughs and is on the floor on his stomach, he starts to get up quietly.

Victor: - it's incredible !!! He beats a half demon mutant, I knew he had a better control of strosse than us ... and had better cardio than us because these apprentice soldiers underwent the sadistic training of Carstophe ...

Vladimir: - Me and you would be more adapted to face his opponent. (Vladimir looks at Layla.) Because we move faster than Alex, our mobility is better but if we fight him it wouldn't be easy to defeat him.)

Adrian watches the fight with annoyance ...

Christella: - what a funny transformation .. Did he eat a mythical animal to be able to transform into a beast of its kind ??? But he is rather weak for a mythical animal owner .. (The sister of King Castle. .)

King Castle: - no they did not eat any mythical animal according to them that I had heard ..

Soldier in armor next to the King: - you say that they have extraordinary metamorphosis even though they did not eat a mythical animal .. Only Mythic, Northien, Botanien and those who have eaten a Mythic animal can be transform into a monster with their beast technique which is formidable ..

Another Soldier in armor next to the King: - the technique of the beast is overkill but I don't feel any overpowering strosse emanating from them. Rather a beginner strosse .. (The king and his entourage continue to talk together ..)

Meanwhile, Alex tries to get up with difficulty.

Alex: - Thought: shit I still hurt from the overkill that gave me that fucking asshole Max. As soon as I was well I would give him the scrape of his life to Max. But there is no way I will lose now even if I am injured. Losing once was enough for me ...

Max: - GET UP NOW !!!!! HOW YOU CAN BE BEATEN LIKE THAT ... YOU WERE STRONGER Yesterday ... (Jimmy looks strangely Max !!)

Jimmy: - It's because of you that he loses today ... You almost killed him !!!

Max: - Pff !!!! What are you saying ??? It takes more to bring Him down .. Go get up your sleepy enough ..

Alex is angry he gets up trembling, containing his rage. his strosse becomes more and more powerful ..

Alex: - Shut up !!!!! (He walks quietly, heading towards Kamelio .. For his part Kamelio throws strosse projectiles towards Alex at full speed however Alex will cut all the strosse projectiles ..)

* Slash, Slash, Slash, Slash, Slash, Slash, Slash, Slash, Slash, Slash, Slash, Slash !! (Once after having cut the projectile, the projectile multiplies even more. The projectile turns around. Alex, some of those projectiles hit him, some misses it .. The projectile circling around him turns into a devastating tornado .. Making him fly and injure him and eventually fall from a height. As he gets up, Kamelio is in front of him hitting him with his small Sphillstrosse ax in his arm, Alex blocks his circular blow with his forearm and replies by giving a horizontal kick in the sides of his Kamelio .. Kamelio recedes by the back and knees on the ground Alex comes up to him to grab him by the hair and knee him in the face. Kamelio falls on his back, his face is filled with blood and his nose is bleeding.)

Kamelio: - Shit !!! It hurts!!! What power !! If I take several attacks like this, I risk losing my chance in front of the king ... Thought: Come on up !!! (gets up, however, when Alex picks him up to butt him in the head of Kamelio, Kamelio fainted afterward.)

Alex: - I WON !!!

King Castle does not seem surprised.

Castle: - Let the next fight begin !!!! (everyone in the seats is surprised because everyone believed that Kamelio was going to win because he had the advantage ..)

5 minutes later, Layla finds herself in the arena in front of Jimmy. The two look at each other.

Layla: - Not him and his sheep transformation !!!

Jimmy: - You are jealous of my male hair ....

Layla: - It's not even hair, cotton is covering you ..You are the weirdest mutant that I met...

Jimmy is metamorphosed become more robust resembling a sheep the white fur covers his body Jimmy has sphillstrous gauntlets has protections at the legs..While Layla has four sphillstrous blades at these four tentacles and has two sphillstrous blades in each of these hands.

Jimmy: - thought: I am facing a woman who possesses the half demon level I must especially not underestimate her ... The strosse that they showed us, the aura which covers our body makes us stronger improves our capacity. I must especially not underestimate her otherwise I will regret it..I will try to fight her without dying ..

Layla: - if you want to give up, you can do it now I don't want to kill a person weaker than me ... In addition you're strange I don't want to hurt a mutant for nothing we are in the same team.

Jimmy: - Gloups !!! (Jimmy swallows, looking into Layla's eyes ..)

Layla: - what are you waiting for to give up ...

Jimmy: No, a mutant doesn't give up .. Even if we end up stronger than it is .. I hold my head up high and will face you with all my strength. i don't lose easily and i won't die in this fight. Bring the demon half .. (Jimmy will wave his hand over to him to Layla)

Layla: - oh very good! I'm going then !!! (she arrives in front of him as Jimmy prepares to give her a powerful punch however she leans forward dodging his attack to then return to his defence and give him a circular blow with these sphillstrosse tentacle which makes it move backwards 5.)

Jimmy: -Arrrrgh !!!! (She rushes towards him then moves to the right taking a big step towards the side to then go around him and give him a tentacle kick of her tentacle from the top of the left side in him on the back. He takes a step forward closing the eyes receiving his attack because of the shock. she gives him a blow of tentacle in these sides which makes him move back 50 meters and spit blood .. in the distance he is on the ground and gets up.) What a blow !!! ! What was that!! thought: these shots are more powerful than Marie the mutant resembling a frog that I faced yesterday..Layla's shots can hurt me even if she doesn't gain momentum in addition to her strosse, her kind of aura. surrounding is ten times stronger than Mary. I, who is more robust than Marie, yet I receive damage.

Layla prepares to give him a horizontal hit on the left side with his tentacle but Jimmy grabs his tencule in one hand and blocks his other lower tentacle with his knee with a little difficulty by stepping back a little. He receives an injury while blocking his attack .. As he stops his attack she gives him another tentacle hit on her right side at her shoulder level in addition to giving an attack with her two spherical swords to Jimmy's knee and then turns on herself and give it a shot with those two to Jimmy's ribs. The impact of the blow pushes him back very far. )

Layla: - that he is so weak !!!! Not comparable to Vladimir yesterday but even he had no chance to block my multiple tentacles .. Though: The strosse has really improved our Mutant ability in addition to strengthening our body and our endurance .. What overpowering energy that is like armor covering our bodies .. I think I get a lot stronger by practicing strosse.

Jimmy: -Arrrgh !!!!! It hurts !! What more speed, I can barely see her arrive, she is faster than Marie, the fighter I had to face yesterday .. (Layla moves too fast for him, he has difficulty following her with his eyes then Layla kicks him in the face making him bleed from the nose and he will take four steps back.) Though: Thinking Jimmy, Thinking she must have a weak point, she sure is faster and stronger however I should be able to at least block or even replicate to his attacks .. the gap between our respective levels should not be that big .. I haven't been able to attack him yet. I just took those hits. I should use my brain against her because she is stronger and faster than me.

To be continue!