
Chapter 30: Discussions General Carstophe and King Castle!!

3 hours later at the Castle of King Castle, General Carstophe talks with the king.

Castle: -so my little Carstophe Dubleine ... Tell me, is there anything new about these little new beginner apprentice soldiers ..

Carstophe: -yes my king (Carstophe kneels before the king on the long red carpet and gild. He is in a large luminous room, with a gigantic Candlestick that illuminates the room. King Castle is seated on a large gilded throne next to the kings are two large silver throne a little smaller than the middle throne that he sits in. In front of the emperor's throne are stairs. behind Carstophe a little at the top of the room we can see spectators on balconies which look at them. Beside Carstophe, to the right and to the left are soldiers dressed in armor of scrillstrosse crystal, carrying swords, axes, knives, spears, sticks, weapon flail,holy water sprinkler, hammers of war, war helmet, mace, shield etc .. Behind Carstophe at a certain distance are two giant doors and in the walls you can see beautiful painting ..)

Castle: -oh then you don't have any deep disappointment with them anymore ??? Tell me do you want ?? What made you change your mind about them?

Carstophe: -a lot of events made me change my mind, my king .. There are five among them who are real monsters like mythical creatures .. And these new ones are not to be taken lightly .. One day, they will become great generals at the same level as me .. but two in the group could even surpass me quite early I would say maybe two or three years ..

Castle grins big when he hears it, a little crooked smile.

Castle: -tell me, tell me more .. it's getting interesting ..

Carstophe: - I made them fight among themselves to see their current strength and their weakness. the first of the 5 new ones who stood out from the others is called Max, Max is the guy who faced you in a duel and who lost miserably against you .. He turns into a kind of dinosaur with large scales and paws of paws dragon. It's not been too long since he learned the strosse and in his last attack he managed to turn his strosse into wind in his paw.

Castle: -oh you're talking about the guy that lost to me ..

Carstophe: - I had heard about it because I was not there when you challenge Max .. It's unconscious to have tried to challenge a king when he can never reach your level ...

Castle: -Ok ,I want to know what happens after..

Carstophe: - sorry,its weakness is that it does not think too much and rushes forward without thinking, like an unconscious. The new soldier apprentices do not have strosse technique which makes them a little weak, they just releases strosse with no control. They are still beginners who are not yet in their cocoon but once the cocoon will be open they will be true soldier .. On the other hand if there is one quality or more, I would say that he has a strong will in his victory which gives him an extraordinary strength. He is also very strong in close fight ,he's very robust, moves quite quickly despite its fairly robust transformation. These shots are more powerful than the apprentice soldiers. In his fight that he fight, he proved that he could surpass himself, because he fought a person who was at the same level as him.During the fight, Max surpass his opponent to reach a level above his strosse became more powerful. And the more the fight advanced and more powerful was Max, Max has largely surpassed his opponent and beat his ass.

Castle: -I'm glad he leveled up already after his crushing defeat against me.

Carstophe: -Don't compare him to you, no one in the kingdom comes close to you.

Castle: -Idiot !!!! Anyone can reach my level if they want to. And also we can always improve our strosse, we do not know the limit of being able to be even with our knowledge .. We can undoubtedly evolve our strosse indefinitely. .. I am still discovering myself and I am making progress ... (Castle's strosse appears it is golden, a gigantic aura appears and Castophe is scare of Castle strosse ..)

Carstophe: -serious !!! His Thought: -> his strosse is more powerful than what I had seen the last time ... He has is much stronger now ...I have never seen an individual with such a powerful strosse. What kind of training has he done to reach this level? To master such an amount of strosse so sinister and overwhelming that even me who is a General can hardly stand in front of him .. I am suffocating I feel like my body can crush at any moment .. (takes a deep breath. )

Castle: - Oh sorry, continue I want to know what you will talk. (The strosse which surrounds Castle becomes less powerful.)

Carstophe: -Very good !! The next one is a woman ...

Castle: -oh, oh! And what is so exceptional about this woman? Is she enjoying the fantasies of men ?? If this is the case I would like to have her as Mistress, my wife and my other mistresses no longer entertain me.

Carstophe: - Uh, I did not check that ... But she is very beautiful, if you want her as a mistress I will introduce you to her ... But it would be a waste to use her as a mistress and not use her at war .. She would be very useful !! (Castle looks surprised with his mouth a little open looking with wide eyes Carstophe take a deep breath.) This woman has a unique ability !! This woman can merge with matter, any kind of object and 4 tentacles can come out of her back.

Castle: - What is so extraordinary about that... (Castle says this sentence with a sarcastic expression ..)

Carstophe: -I knew you would say that..During her fight She fused these tentacles with these sphillstrosses .. If she could do that, she could do it with scrillstrosse. And maybe she can use scrillstrosse from any element because she can merge her tentacles with objects.

Castle: -How ?!

Carstophe: -and yes, that's not all she had also merged with sphillstrosse with these forearms.

Casltle: - ok I don't really see the point of merging with sphillstrosses, but it would be interesting if she merges with scrillstrosses .. "Thought: -> Its strosse could suddenly increase because the scrillstrosse are crystallized weapon that can contain our strosse .. But unlike the sphillstrosse, the scrillstrosse can multiply the energy and the amount of strosse that we produce and can be a lethal weapon against our enemies. The scrillstrosse are the perfect weapon for us against creatures, Orc , mythical animal and other .. Because we humans are the weakest at the physical level we prefer given attacks from a distance. Our people, do not have a powerful body like Orcs, Botanians, Northians or even Constellians. exception among our people are those having eaten a mythical animal or being of the fourth type of strosse like m .. " You said that she can merges with objects . What does she look like when she uses this ability??

Carstophe: -hu .. hum, hum it looks like .. I would say that the extremity of these limbs merges with the sphillstross or the weapon in question. Her limb, forearm or the tip of her tentacle disappears to be replaced by the sphillsstrosse or weapon that she has.

Castle: -interested ..

Carstophe: -If she is able to do this with the Sphillstrosse then she is surely will able with the scrillstrosse. But I wonder if she can merge with any scrillstrosse sort even those that are not compatible with her strosse.

Castle: -be informed the next time !!!!

Carstophe: -Well my king ...

Castle: - ...

Carstophe: -ok..She doesn't have any particular technique that she show at her fight. Yet she finished her opponent with a strosse technique that she create at the fight .. I just showed her the basics and tried to improve their strosse a little. She seemed smart to me during her fight because she developed a strosse technique in the middle of a fight when I didn't teach her anything of that. She is very talented for fighting and with these tentacles that she has, she could face several opponents at the same time .. Her name is Layla ..

Castle: - um, I had never heard of an ability similar to what you just described to me. When she will be a little stronger, you will introduce her to me ..She will surely become my favorite Mistress.

Carstophe: -Hum ..O..Ok! In fact I saw someone with a somewhat similar ability to what she could do.

Castle: -Oh !!! Simi ...? What do you mean??

Carstophe: - There's a new one in the same group as her who can use an almost similar ability but different ability. (Emperor Castle looks at him a little surprised.) This man I'm talking about can when he touches an object or materials can transform his skin with the same materials that he has touched. Shortly before he went down to the arena he was able to touch the scrillstrosses and seems to be able to use any scrillstrosse property even those with an element that is different from his type of strosse. He has touched all the surrounding scrillstrosse which means that he changes his skin into a different scrillstrosse..And that's not all when he was to explain his ability in detail, he can also change his appearance if he touches his opponent and even copy the power of his opponent and also merge different materials that he touched to transform his skin into harder materials. He can even change his skin color.

Castle seems very surprised, looking at Carstophe with wide eyes, his mouth slightly open.

Castle: - very interesting !!!! This individual seems very interesting. He has so much power that could be useful .. With this kind of power he could have escaped at any time yet he decided to stay among his teammate. Install him an armband that will allow us to spot him at all times in case he changes his mind and runs away. Changing his appearance could be useful for us to infiltrate our enemies, if we succeed in training him as a dog obedient to his master, he could be very useful .. Changing his body to a scrillstrosse should give him an overpowered strosse, with such a capacity he could become one of my "High General" .. The most powerful warriors in my kingdom the "High Generals"...And this guy can copy the abilities of the opponents that he touches, if I understand well ,you say he does not need to eat a mythical animal to acquire the same abilities.

Carstophe: -and that's not all he can also mix the materials he has touched to create a more powerful armor and can use any element once he has touched the scrillstrosse once.

Castle: -the world is really big I thought I saw most of the creatures in this world but I meet people with powers that I have never heard of .. And they all have different abilities ..

Carstophe: -this is not the most surprising about him ..

Castle: -hum !!!

Carstophe: -The most surprising part is when he used his ability to transform his body into a scrillstrosse .. Then he concentrated his strosse and his level increased at a phenomenal rate to become then on the same level as the master strosse users . I would say that in this state, he could have faced 30 masters of strosse ... yet it has not even been a month since he learned strosse.

Castle: - Oh, his level has to increase to be comparable to 30 master strosse user in not even a month. That kind of potential is unusual. Normally only mythical animals, those who have eaten a mythical animal, some rare genius, king of kingdoms, royal families and "High General" have a potential of this magnitude.

Castle: - like you .. You mean .. His talent is comparable to your ...

Castle: -Don't overdo it .. I'm completely normal !!

Carstophe: - (Thought: -> According to rumors the king was born with a strosse so powerful that his strosse was already at the level of a master user of strosse when he had only just been born .. His father was to seal his power for a while because his strosse was too powerful for him because he was a frail baby .. Once after recovering his strosse and a few years later he killed his father with cold hands and took his place as king. I regrets his late father who was a good king who took care of these subjects.This King on the other hand has no sense of responsibility and always bring us trouble often going to war.Wars that we could avoid, Even if we win at each time because of his power .. there are always losses at war. And when he is in the kingdom he only plays with these innumerable mistresses leaving his beautiful wife all alone, "Carstophe has a relationship with the wife of the king but nobody know that the two are lover and see each other when Castle is not in the kingdom and have intimate relations with his wife. If the king knew all this he would have executed him and humiliate his wife in front of the whole kingdom but not kill her .. "The King always bring trouble to his generals, humiliates the nobles and kills those who oppose his plans. he is certainly powerful but I don't like him .. I compared him well to this new one but the power and his talent to the king are better than this new one .. "

Castle: -you continue or are you going to stay there looking at me all day?

Carstophe: sorry my king !!!

Castle: -stops the formalities and continues.

Carstophe: - very well, his name is Raphael, he is stupid he rushes at to fight his opponents without thinking and does not have a strosse technique .. Despite the power of strike that he showed during his fight. As I said earlier its level is equivalent to 30 master user of strosse.

Castle :-Hmm..Hmm..''Six beautiful women approaches the king sticking after him, the women seem to smile at him and the women seem to give him kisses and hugs ...''

Carstophe: - The fourth person is also an incredible one. He defied me so I told him to take a rock until my return and when I came back it was the night.

Castle: - hahahahahahahahaha !!!! you let him take a rock and forget him all day long while waiting for the sun to go down to pick it up .. Your apprentice soldier training is terrible, I like you as a general even if you are not the Strongest General than I have. You are really sadistic .. What happened to make the new soldier apprentices deserve such punishment, you just taught them the strosse and you train them as soldiers.

Carstophe: - It's not important that he stayed all day, that's not the problem. He didn't move !!! He was still there to take the gigantic rock, he did not faint he did not stop waiting for me .. (a smile appears on the king's face, then the king starts to laugh ..) When he held the rock his strosse was equivalent to a wild beast, like the mythical animals. His strosse was similar to a master strosse user. It gave me a cold sweat on my back when I saw her. In such a short time it has also reached a very high level.

Castle: -I see , his name is Raphael.. He's geniuses which is beyond your comprehension and you do not understand his power .You're not able to train them well... In any case for the strongest ones that you have just named me ..

Carstophe: -It is true that they will become stronger than me for the future and someday they will be my superior. The new apprentice are beyond my comprehension, but I know that I am able to make them progress further and learn them to fight better..

Castle: -pff .. You are very weak .. I'm sure that in less than a year they will all have surpassed you ..

Carstophe gets angry, some folds appearing on his face, The amount of strosse around him will then increase. The strosse around him is windy, he is of the second type of strosse. He can use a specific element only the wind. Carstophe then concentrates his strosse in his body, all these muscles swell up suddenly. And then he turns into a big gray werewolf. The werewolf has a lot of fur, a large jaw, two large paw, a curving back , his size triple and a large tail appear in his back.

Carstophe: - I am not as weak as you say, I'm a General don't underestimate me, my king ... Maybe some will overtake me in 2 or 3 year but not all. and it will be in 3 year that they will be able to surpass me .For the strongest, No less than 2 year they will surpasse me.. I am not so weak, I can fight on an equal basis with the Generals. Stop underestimating me !!! (The soldiers in the room warn preparing to attack if Carstophe advances a little more from King Castle ...)

Castle: - Oh !! Oh (Castle claps his hands like a child.) I love the mythical animal you took it is one of the most powerful mythical animal besides a beautiful creature. A bit like a pet the dog barks but don't forget who your master is ... (The king's strosse becomes threatening suddenly causing Carstophe to kneel on the ground Carstophe is on alert all his fur is straightening feeling imminent danger. The soldiers in the room protect themselves with their strosse. the mistress around Castle falls to the ground unable to move ..)

Carstophe: - I'm sorry ... Oh my king I'm carried away .. Forgive me that will not happen again ..

Castle: - Pff !!! if you break that word you're dead .. Understood !!!

Carstophe: - Understood my master, as you say a dog like me should know his place.

Castle: -Continue .. There was one missing if I remember correctly you had 5 people that you want me to know they name and you named four persons.

Carstophe: -Yes but this young man that I have just mentioned to you who held the rock is the same type of strosse as you .. The fourth type of strosse !! The most powerful strosse ideal for close combat unfortunately with the fourth strosse one is unable to use the scrillstrossse without having a legendary weapon. But we have a facilitator for learning strosse.

Castle: - here's a surprise !! He has the same type of strosse as me. It is extremely tight to come across a man with the Fourth type of strosse. What's his name??!!

Carstophe: - His name is Victor !!!!

Castle: -Vic .. Tor !! (Thought: -> funny name.)

Carstophe: -Yes Victor !! And the fifth and most powerful and impressive is called Adrian.

A moment of silence reigns in the room .....