
Chapter 24:desert hot! Nathan fight the Tiger man..

Kultor approach in front of them then touches a tile on the ground also in front of them in the middle of the desert. The ground is very dry and hot the smoke comes out of it .. Nathan's skin and Eliana seems a little red, Eliana is a little less red cause she has pink skin .. Nathan seems to sweat a lot while Eliana seems to sweat a little .. The others don't seem to be affected !!!

Nathan: -What are you doing?

Eliana: -Stupid !!! You don't know, that we arrived ..

Nathan: - No you're stupid!!

Eliana: - Repeat and you'll see ..

Nathan: - What are you doing?

Nathan: -I said y ... (before Nathan finish his sentence an underground passage appears in front of the stairs leading down into the deep earth is in front of them, we can't see the end of the stairs. Left to right in the walls we can see torches lighting the underground passage.)

Malia: - You'll see soon, we'll be arriving soon, don't be so impatient ..

Nathan looks at Malia for a few seconds.

Nathan: - Ok let's go !!! (They all go into the underground by going down the stairs, once entering the underground path closes instantly.) What is that?

Metarvusse: - Calm, it's normal when you want to leave the path will open again .. (look for a moment and continue walking quietly ..)

Nathan: -Hey Eliana ..

Eliana: - What do you want again?

Nathan: -Nothing, it's just that I heard that it was you who took me out of the polluted lake and I wanted to thank you for saving my life ...

Eliana smiles...

Eliana: - Our team ,pay attention to one another ..

Nathan: -I see .. (Nathan smiles and turned his face to her)

30 minutes later ...

I am little, I'm tired of walking I still don't see the underground work .. (Nathan closes his eyes for a few seconds and opens his eyes to finally see a little glow at the bottom) I see the exit I think, I'm going .. (Nathan rubs his eyes and then looks at the glow of light again.)

Malia: - We have arrived .. we just have to go down the stairs a little more ..

Nathan will run past his teammate towards the glow of light.

Kultor: - Damn it !!!!

Nathan reaches the glow of light and sees a gigantic underground city in the distance with several giant flying islands.

Nathan: - My god it's unbelievable !!! It is very beautiful ! (A tiger man sits on a rock and meditates, by hearing Nathan speak he will open one eye and stare at Nathan with a curious expression, the tiger man looks like Metarvusse however he just has a normal tail and not straighten up like Metarvusse seems less robust and less built but has the same colour of fur as Metarvusse ..) Metarvusse, I thought you were behind me with the others .. (Nathan waves his hand ..)

Tiger man: - Who are you? And how did you get back? How do you know the name of the great Metarvusses ??

Nathan: - But what are you saying ??

Tiger man: - Identify yourself otherwise you will regret it !!

Nathan: -Hmm .. I don't know what you mean .. It's me Nathan ... You don't recognise me Metarvusse ..

The tiger man gets angry.

Tiger-Man: - I don't know any Nathan I can't let you in .. I don't know why you know the name of the great Metarvusse but a shit as weak as you can't pronounce Metarvusse's name .. Today will be your last day on this earth. (The tiger man disappears in front of Nathan very quickly ..)

For the very first time Nathan gets scared.

Nathan: - Am I going to die like that .. (Thoughts): If I receive full kick from him I feel that I am going to die of it .. Take it back, it's not the time to be afraid .. NO! NO! No, there is no way I will die this way after surviving the scaly and this other beast .. (Nathan will quickly transformed into scaly, then try to take the head of the tiger man with his crystal tail with a horizontal hit.)

tiger man: -Interesting! (The tiger man lowers his head a little forward and steps into Nathan's defence)

Nathan: -Shit !!! (Thoughts): I have to focus my strosse on my two arms as Metarvusse taught me, otherwise I am dead. (Nathan crossed his two arms and receives a big push kick that makes him fly in the air. ) GHH!!!

Tiger-man: -It's not over, it's only the beginning .. (The tiger man leaps into the areas quickly joining Nathan ..)

Nathan: - His kick almost crushed my arms, if I didn't use a technique to strengthen my arms I would be dead by now .. (Nathan sees the tiger man in front of him) It's not over !!!! (Nathan curls up and shields himself with his tail .. While the tiger man flips by kicking Nathan hard. Receiving the tiger man kick Nathan sinks to the ground violently, once on the ground Nathan rolls on his right and the tiger man lands on the ground creating a large crater ..) Shit! Shit! Shit Shit he's stronger than Eliana, much stronger than Eliana .. What's your problem Metarvusse !!!!

Tiger man: -Hum .. (The tiger man comes out of his scabbard, attaching a white scrillstrosse to the back, a large crystal spear.)

Nathan: -I can't believe it .. He can't hear me..Hum .. I can't move anymore .. '' Nathan sees that his feet are sinking into floor and then sees a gorilla coming out of the ground with a strosse that is dark brown ..) What is it ...

Gorilla: -Little being unconscious..You really thought he was the only guard ... (Nathan slaps the gorilla in the face before they finish his sentence but the gorilla grabs Nathan's tail in one hand to then throw it very far by swirling on itself ..)

Man-tiger: - I finished him .. (The tiger man goes to the charge moving like a rocket, the tiger man puts himself on guard with his spear in front of him preparing to impale Nathan with a devastator blow) cuts steel !!!! (When suddenly a hand deflects the blade of the tiger man and another hand appears around the neck of the tiger man and puts him to the ground ..)


Tiger man: - But who the hell are you? (The Tiger Man, Willniss opens his eyes ..)

-You don't recognise me? It's me Metarvusse ..

Nathan: -There are two Metarvussees, I don't understand anymore ...

Eliana:-Idiot !! the other botanists is not Metarvusse .. It's someone else .. His name is Willniss the keepers.

Nathan: -Oh really? Yet the two look alike.

Eliana: - Not at all are you blind ??? (Shouts) Willniss is shorter than Metarvusse ... Do you see Metarvusse almost twice his size ??? In addition, Metarvusse is more robust and muscular and it shows and their fur is a little different ...Also their tails are different, take a closer look .. Metarvusse has the tail more straighten like an alpha werewolf and to is very large on the other hand Willniss tail is quite normal ..

Nathan: -Oh now that you say it it's true .. (Nathan has a stupid expression ..)

Eliana: -There's no oh that hold ... Stupid you do it on purpose ..

Kultor: - She is reckless I swear .. (Willniss opens her mouth being surprised and is on the side amazed ..)

Willniss: -Come follow me! Since he's with you it's okay this time however if he wants to stay he will have to take the test.

Metarvusse: -Yeah as usual but first of all we have the pieces of a mythical animal.

Willniss: -Oh great and what did you bring back this time ??

Malia: -A Manticore !!!!

Willniss: -Oh not your best take but still ...

Tevras: - Every time we are about to face the mythical animal, they flee at the sight of Metarvusse ... (Willniss closes his fist, lowering his head in front of Metarvusse ..)

Metarvusse: -You don't seem to have changed Willniss ..

Nathan: -....(Thoughts): They are all stronger than me in this world. I can't believe it ... (Nathan watches them walk in front of him ..) And I don't know that there were such sophisticated places in the underground, it's really beautiful the area seems more adequate than the outside, this new world still has surprises in store for me .. Otherwise I'm starving !! (Nathan smiles as if he covets something) I'm really waiting to discover all the beauty of this world so different from mine .. I want to become an adventurer like them, I want to travel and explore these lands unknown to all. By facing people stronger than me, like those animals that we call '' mythical animal '' But what I want more than anything ... (plaice appears on Nathan's forehead, an angry expression appears in his face Nathan will then clench his fists blood spurts out an unnamed hatred appears on his face ..) I want revenge on this Scaly who left me for dead like a stray dog ​​... No .. I don't want my avenge on the scaly only ... I want revenge on these bastards who think they are mutants. They haven't been able to help me when they could help me .. In addition to being afraid, of a mutant even if he is afraid he faces his destiny in hand. They left me to my fate because their weakness pushed them to make this mistake. And this other black beast with several legs that threw me into the strange lake, I want to crush it, break it, cut it into pieces and pulverise it. I want to make them pay. No that's not what I should say..I'm going to do it .. I'm going to make them pay for all the defeats I had and everything that made me suffer .. And for that, I have to get stronger, much stronger. With the strosse it is apparently possible .. (Nathan releases his frustration) Really! Where I come from, we didn't have this kind of ability to move to another Level. You had to work hard, very hard to level up. But after having reached the alpha level I will never managed to reach the level above unlike my brother who passed levels to become one of the most powerful mutant, he became worse than hell ... But now I'm going learn all there is to know about strosse and become stronger much stronger by staying with these people who have accepted me at my fair value .. (Nathan walks thinking throughout the trip and he is there dragged..)

Eliana: -Help! you are lagging behind ..

Nathan: -Oh sorry, I'm coming ...