
If This Is A Dream,I Dont Want It To End

A woman with charming eyes and could pierce even through the truth.She has a hard time trying to build her family up back to their glory days.Trouble awaits for her even in the dark.Dark days with lots of struggling are ahead of her.

Teffex · Fantasie
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1 Chs

Chapter 1 : "The Help She Got"

Mire Evans,is a child with no money or food ever since the Duke kicked her out of their main house.Living in the small without budget part of the house,where the maids aren't loyal and the knights are only there for the money.Mira looked so much like her mother.That's what Duke Leonardo hated about her.The mother was a woman,who betrayed Leonardo.She ran away from him after giving birth and never came back.She left a note on her desk before leaving.

'I can't do this anymore.My desire is not you,Leo.I don't love you.I never did.My man is waiting for me.The child is the last thing I can give you.I named her Mira.I hope she takes after me.You're a cruel man with no sympathy.Your eyes were the only good thing about you.They shine brighter than the night between us,but after seeing what you do when things aren't going your way.I chnaged my mind about you.I did love you from the start,but in the end I couldn't do this anymore.The man,the actual love of my life has appeared.I hope we never see each other again.You don't know what temper is.You're the reason for my escape.I wish i could take my daughter,but I need someone to haunt you.She looks like me.I wish you all the pain and sadness.You were the worst.'

Because of that small note.Mira had to suffer while being the joke of the family.She had beg people on the streets for food or money.People rejected her offer to work any kind of job,because of the under age law.Mire,a kid with big dreams.Someone,who feels like hope is still there.Nothing can stop her from dreaming.She would sing in the center of the market and have a hat infront of her, where the money could be put in.The only way to make money and not steal was that.Mira's hat with money was once stolen.As the person was running away,Mire started chasing after him.She was yelling.Her voice full of sadness while her thoughts were filling up with what would happen if she doesn't get that hat.The thief was getting awa,but then.A woman with cotton candy pink hair,blue eyes,small body frame,and pale skin appeared.She stopped the thief by running after him,catching him,grabbing the hat with money,and making her guards punish the man.

Mira catched up with the woman and thief.She looked at the pale lady with a surprised look.Her voice was trembling "Excuse me,could I have my money hat back?".The woman looked at Mire with her bright blue jewel eyes and replied with a heavy voice"Of course,I don't need a beggar's money.".She gave the little girl her money hat and let out a sigh.One of the guards came up to the pale woman and asked"Lady Maria-Magdalena,what should we do with the thief?".Maria-Magdalena turned to the guard and said with a neutral face"Prison.".She looked at Mira one more time before walking away.Mira was really surpirsed,but what surprised her the most was the pale lady was as short as her,looked like an eight year old just like Mira ,and her small hand was also proof.Maria-Magdalena was an eight year old,from a rich family that was really stict with her.For her age,she was really mature.Maria-Magdalena was cold.Almost like a doll.Her pale skin,crystal bright blue jewel eyes,and small frame were just like the doll in her mansion.

Mira looked down at her money hat and looked back at the pale lady,who was walking away.She was grateful,but the cold attitude from Maria-Magdalena made her feel like the help Mira got was a burden to the lady.She started counting the money from the hat.Mira had twenty-one copper coins and two silver coins,but as she was counting, another coin from under the copper coins popped up.It was one golden coin.It was a lot for her.Mira was really grateful to the one that out it in the hat.She stated walking away from the market.Mira had to walk through the market,the forest,and lastly the garden to get to her part of the house.

She went inside her room and put her money in a little glass jar.Mira was tired from running and walking so much.She changed her clothes alone,because the maids don't even want to touch the little kid.Mira jumped on her bed and hugged her plushie.After a while,a knock on her door appeared.