
Chapter 12

After lunch, Anthony walked a few blocks west to the Public Gardens. It was a beautifully kept botanical wonder with ponds, trees, and shrubs. Vivid colours from the various flower beds kept the eye from getting bored. The whole park was surrounded by a large wrought iron fence that had been masterfully crafted. He sat on one of the benches and decided to give Linda Brown a call to see if she could meet for coffee. He would pay for her time since she was a psychic and that was her livelihood. Fortunately, she lived a few blocks from the park, and offered to meet with Anthony at the south gate.

Anthony just finished a phone conversation with Tina Roy when he saw the psychic walking briskly towards him. They shook hands and turned to stroll towards the busiest coffee shop in the city. “I sense that one of your spirit friends is with us.” She looked around.