
If only you are a star {BL}

In this compelling novel, Stuart, a heartbroken businessman reeling from a recent breakup, encounters a chance meeting with Berry in a bar. Mistaking Berry for his ex-boyfriend, Stuart impulsively kisses him, setting off an unexpected chain of events. Berry becomes infatuated with Stuart, but his candid and sometimes explicit comments about Stuart's body create tension. Stuart soon learns that Berry is not just any chef but the world's number one culinary sensation. Despite his playful and carefree side, Berry's ability to be serious and his fiery temper become apparent, leaving Stuart torn. He repeatedly rejects Berry, convinced he can only love his ex-boyfriend. However, destiny has other intentions. As Stuart tries to distance himself from Berry, fate intervenes, drawing them closer together. Their relationship blossoms, but hidden mysteries surround Berry's sudden appearance in Stuart's life. The situation becomes even more complex when Stuart's ex-boyfriend reemerges, raising questions and challenges that threaten to unravel their newfound love. This novel explores themes of love, second chances, and the unpredictability of destiny as Stuart and Berry navigate the complexities of their relationship.

saskh_xle · LGBT+
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152 Chs

Everything was perfect

He came out of the bathroom, fresh and clean. He had even shaved off his stubble. His legs led him to his walk-in closet and he picked the clothes that he was going to wear. Slowly, he wore his white silk shirt that had buttons up to his neck, a black stripe in the middle that made it look as though the shirt was being divided in two. Underneath was black formal pants and his leather shoes. His hair was combed to the back and gelled neatly whilst he used concealer to hide his hideous circle.

Stuart nodded in satisfaction when he saw himself in the mirror. Though the shirt looked a little too big on him as he had lost weight, he had gone back to looking like his previous self.

That was all that matters.

Now he was going to step out and make the most out of the day.

Those were the things he said to himself before leaving his house earlier at noon but here he was, in a bar, drinking like there was no tomorrow.

Stuart raised his hand and a waiter came running with another bottle of wine. He served Stuart diligently and left when Stuart no longer had any use for him, after all, he was their boss.

Stuart owned this bar and had suddenly come here because he wanted to work but he somehow ended up drinking and drowning in his sorrows. He did not know how much time had passed since he entered this place but he knew that it was already pretty late. The dark sky outside said it all.

Stuart laughed at himself. It seems he could not forget Kevin no matter how much he tried. He pulled out his phone and Kevin's face popped up. Kevin was his screen saver. It was a picture he had taken when they both went out on a date. Kevin was being naughty that day and had asked for every sweet thing he laid his eyes on. It was rare to see Kevin so demanding but Stuart didn't mind. He got everything Kevin wanted without thinking twice. In the end, Kevin kissed him for being a good boyfriend and Stuart could not be happier so he took the picture as a memory of that day.

As he sat there staring at the picture, Stuart felt like he had been transported to that day. He could still hear the things Kevin had said to him that day and feel them also.

He took a large swig from the bottle before opening the text message that Kevin sent him. The last he had heard of Kevin.

'Hey, Stu… I know that you must be confused about everything right now. You must also be worried about me but you don't need to. I did not tell you about this in person because I could not bring myself to break your heart directly which is why I am sending this.

I have moved away Stu. To a faraway place and I won't be coming back. I know I should have told you this earlier but you know… things happen. Anyway, I want you to move on and be happy. Don't worry about me and don't think about me too much. I no longer want to be by your side. I want to be away from you, far, far away. Don't even try to look for me because you won't find me and don't think of doing anything stupid else I would be very mad.

I have moved on Stu… that's a lie, a big lie haha! I haven't moved on one bit. I am just as heartbroken as you are but I am trying my best to forget about you so you should do the same.

I should not be saying this but I still love you. I love you so much Stu but I can't be with you. It's just impossible. So stay safe and try not to think too much and make sure to keep your room clean else I would come back home and give you a loud smack on the head!

Just kidding. I will never come back.

Take care of your self Stuart!'

Stuart's tears fell like rain from his eyes. It was as though Kevin was right in front of him, telling him these. He could hear Kevin's voice in his head telling him that he had been abandoned and that Kevin would never be coming back. But what about Stuart? How was he supposed to live?

He could still not understand why Kevin left. Why Kevin said he would never be coming back, he could not understand anything. All he knew was that Kevin was gone and that his life would never remain the same.

That was all he knew.

Everything was perfect between them. Their hearts and minds were in sync. Their laughter rhymed and their fears and problems were always shared amongst themselves. So why did Kevin leave?

Why did he abandon Stuart when everything was so perfect? Just why?

But then, that is what is said at the end of every beautiful relationship.

'Everything was once perfect'.