
If Madara Uchiha Was In Your Fic

What if the legendary Uchiha warrior Madara jumped into your favourite fictional universe? From anime heroes to pirate crews, no one is prepared for Madara's overwhelming power as he pursues his own ideals of "peace" across the multiverse! Don't miss the hilarious parody adventures of Madara Uchiha unleashed in your favourite story! Check out my other novel: The Jamaican Blur: Island Superheroes! ( https://www.webnovel.com/book/the-jamaican-blur-island-superheroes!_27279642105011205 ) Animated Episodes on youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVsVmx5ma9sw6_FrO_iU57A More chapters ahead on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/novel-list-79913579

AuthorsDread · Anime und Comics
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21 Chs

If Madara Uchiha Was In Fullmetal Alchemist  

Arriving through the portal, Madara found himself in a quaint village surrounded by rolling green hills. The peaceful setting reminded him of simpler times in the Elemental Nations.

As he walked through the dirt roads, villagers stared and whispered at the oddly garbed stranger. But Madara paid them no mind, making his way to a crowd gathered around an extravagant stage.

"Come one, come all! Witness the amazing power of alchemy!" announced an exuberant man in lavish clothes to the eager spectators. This was Shou Tucker, the "Life-Binding Alchemist".

Madara observed closely as Tucker transmuted a mound of straw into solid gold, much to the crowd's amazement. So this world had unlocked mystical arts akin to ninjutsu.

Tucker's next act was far more shocking. Drawing an alchemical circle around his beloved dog and daughter, the desperate alchemist activated the reaction.

There was a bright flash and agonized screams. Where once stood two beings now hunched a horrific animalistic chimera. "I give you the amazing chimera, who understands human speech!" declared Tucker.

The twisted creature uttered pitifully "Daddy...why?" before Tucker caged it and fled from the horrified masses. Madara now understood the alchemist's obsessive thirst for glory, no matter the cost. It reminded him disturbingly of Orochimaru's amoral experiments.

"That monster! How could he do such a thing?!" cried Winry Rockbell while Edward Elric seethed in anger. Nearby, Alphonse Elric trembled in shock and rage.

Madara approached the three youths. "Do not hate him, pity him. His actions are bred by deepest grief and fear, which warp noble goals into wicked deeds."

Ed nodded reluctantly, seeing truth in the stranger's words. "Who are you old timer? Some kinda wise philosopher?"

"I am Madara Uchiha, a travelling shinobi. I seek universal knowledge, same as any learned alchemist," replied Madara.

Impressed by Madara's insightful words, Ed and Al invited the shinobi back to their hotel to compare notes on alchemy and ninjutsu.

"So you can manipulate the elements without transmutation circles?" asked Al curiously as Madara demonstrated elemental jutsu. "That's amazing!"

Ed grinned excitedly. "I gotta learn how you do that! Bet we could combine alchemy and ninjutsu into something even greater!"

Madara smiled at their enthusiasm. "Perhaps one day, young ones. For now, stay true to your learned arts. Swift progress can obscure the correct path."

All of a sudden, screams erupted outside as monstrous beasts overran the streets. "Chimeras?! But how?" exclaimed Ed. The creatures must have escaped from Tucker's lab.

"Time to test your skills, students!" announced Madara, beckoning them forth. Together, they could minimize casualties and restore order.

Ed clapped his hands before transmuting his automail arm into a blade and slashing apart a leaping chimera with alchemical energy.

Meanwhile, Al drew hasty circles, manipulating the earth itself to crush and contain the rampaging beasts with rock walls and cages.

Madara was impressed by their courage and skill. With a few hand signs, he unleashed blasts of pressurized water from his mouth, cutting down swaths of chimeras while avoiding fatal blows.

Before long, the streets were silent again. Tucker's vile experiments had been neutralized thanks to their combined efforts. They had minimized casualties and collateral damage.

"Haha! We demolished those freaks!" cheered Ed. But his smile faded seeing the sad remains of mutated animals. If only they had stopped Tucker sooner.

Al placed a gauntlet on Ed's shoulder. "We'll get him brother, and make sure he never hurts anyone again." Revenge would only breed more darkness.

Madara spoke up, "Well done. Few can keep souls light and unbowed by such hardship." Their future was bright if they held to hope.

The day wasn't over yet. Screams came pouring forth from the government hall. Rushing over, the trio saw the massive chimera Tucker had transmuted earlier now loose and feral with mindless rage.

"Damn you, Tucker!" cursed Ed. This tragedy had to end now before the abomination killed innocents.

Madara saw righteousness, not vengeance, in Ed's eyes. "Allow me." Forming hand signs he intoned, "Fire Style: Majestic Annihilation Flame!"

A swirling vortex of blue flames erupted from Madara's mouth, engulfing and purifying the pitiful chimera instantly. Its torment was finally over.

With the threat ended, Alchemist officers arrived and arrested the cowering Tucker. His horrific crimes would be punished. But his daughter and dog could finally rest in peace thanks to Madara's instant, painless mercy.

"We won't forget what you did here today. You have our thanks, Master Madara," said Ed graciously. Perhaps their paths would cross again one day.

Madara smiled and poked Ed's forehead before departing. "Continue walking the path of truth and faith. The future rests with you alchemists of justice."

His work here was done. Madara's teachings would stay with Ed and Al, guiding them through future trials. With wisdom, even devastating loss could nurture seeds of redemption.

This world reminded Madara of the wonders unlocked by an open heart and mind. With diligent souls like the Elric brothers defending it, the future looked bright indeed.

Animated Episodes on youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVsVmx5ma9sw6_FrO_iU57A

More chapters ahead on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/novel-list-79913579

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