
If i go beyond help and became a real demon, will you still love me?

Karito Shinigami, the last and remaining "Good demon" and a "Grim-reaper" finds himself near-death after killing the "Heavenly Heroes" who abused their title and killed millions of innocent lives to those who do not obey them. With his wounds not healing and the curse of the "Heavenly Weapons" Manifesting, Karito hide himself and hibernated for over 20,000 years only to be awoken to the present day by Ai Kibokami, a suicidal girl filled with sadness, anxiety, depression, regret and anger. With the two both in the same boat, the two of them must survive to save the world from the "Heavenly Heroes" who will be "Reincarnated" and will brought chaos to the world once again...

DaoisthyYMB2 · Fantasie
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15 Chs


What do you mean you've known my name?

"I've heard it once on my grandma..."

"It's about a Good Demon who got almost killed by The 7 Heavenly Heroes and got betrayed by humanity and-"

"No way..."

Yap, that's me 20,000 years ago...

"It can't be..."

"How did you survive?" Ai said while in shock...

In order to save myself, and not cause anymore chaos to your ancestors and to the humanity...

I retreated to my own dimension "Point-Zero" where i guide souls into nor heaven or hell... And stayed there for 20,000 years...

"What about The 7 Heavenly heroes?"

"Did you killed them?"


"I'm glad..."

But not for long...


I've killed them using my curse...

Curses don't last long...

They'll die permanently with my curse if they're a normal human being...

But the 7 Heavenly Weapons made them superhumans...

Enabling them to die temporarily...

They'll be back soon and that's why i'm here...

"That's so cruel..." Ai said.

Since i've used my powerful curse on them... my body stopped healing normally...

It's like it backfired to me...

That's the "Heavenly Weapon's Curse" Manifesting on me...

It disables me to heal quickly and make me like a normal human being...

Making me weak, unable to protect you...

"Why are you protecting me?" Ai said.

"Is it because you want to repay my ancestors for taking care in you in the past?"

No that's not all...

"Then what is it?" Ai said while stopping her tears from flowing...

The 7 Heavenly Heroes will most likely take revenge on me...

They'll kill the most precious thing close to me...

And that's you, The last descendant of the people who saved me and i saved back then...

If you die, the world is over...

And my life will be over too...

I'll live in despair and regret...

Unabling me to save the world...

And defeat the 7 Heavenly Heroes...

"No way..." Ai said while he hugs me tight.

The world maybe over, but i'll continue to live on...

Until the last star dies in this world...

And until the Last Angel on heaven dies...

I'll live on, filled with sadness and regret...

"What will happen if the opposite thing happened?"

The one where i saved you?


I might be able to defeat the 7 Heavenly Heroes and save the world...

Just might...

"Your powers aren't still back right?"

Yeah, and today i am a normal human being...

I need to find a way to regain my powers back... to save you and the world...

Even if it'll make me a Real Demon...

I'll risk it just for you:)