
If I'm Male, I Can Avoid A Yandere, RIght? {Split-Personality}

This is a fanfic of the novel on webnovel, "If I'm Male, I Can Avoid A Yandere Right?," by SkyHighLimits. This is a different world where Haruka, the main character, was traumatized 'a bit' worse and had her personality split into two for her own protection. The first personality is the exact same as the Haruka in the original novel. The second personality is a yandere that is obsessed with wanting to feel "loved." This was based on what I theorized on what traumatized Haru in the original. The second personality only comes out when Haru becomes too stressed and wants to run away. So what happens when the main character becomes a yandere and all the love interests are also yanderes? Also, don't tell me that Haruka doesn't want to feel loved. I mean any normal person would've run away, or just switch to another school rather than just cross-dressing if they were really that afraid. --- A 'quick' rundown of this fanfic: 1. This is going towards a more fluffy direction, so there's very little angst. Everyone gets an HE, even Yuu who's my least favorite character! Of course, his path won't be that fluffy nor as smooth. Though recently, Akira has been slowly getting closer to replacing Yuu on my hate list. 2. I wrote this with mostly comedy in mind, so there will be a lot of jokes. Mostly light-hearted ones, and once in a while a 'mature' joke. The jokes might not be to your liking. I warned you. 3. The yandere part of the second personality will be very subtle. She'll be like a normal person most of the time. I mean, she wouldn't be crazy 24/7. There won't be that many yandere moments. 5. The update schedule for this fanfic is stable for now. Right now, it's 1 chapter every 2 weeks, on Sunday night. Though I might delay it by a day or two. The word count for each is 1500-2500, though it'll be closer to 1500 most of the time. 6. This fanfic will begin around 3/5 into Chapter 36 of the original novel, where Yuu, a love interest, pushed too far. It's pretty much required to read the original novel if you want to understand this fanfic. 7. The last and most important part: PLEASE GO AND READ THE ORIGINAL NOVEL BY SkyHighLimits! I Do Not Own Or Created These Characters (Except A Few)! All Right Of Them (Except A Few) Belongs To SkyHighLimits! Other than those, I hope you'll enjoy reading my take of "If I'm Male, I Can Avoid A Yandere, Right?"

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24 Chs

Match Maker

I followed behind the two really, REALLY, close bros.

I mean Shuu was still checking up on the other guy, who I found out was called Haika. Shuu asked him over and over again. Yet that guy wasn't even a bit annoyed.

You sure they aren't together? They are honestly way too close. I can just see the pink air around them.

'No, they're not! This is just bros being bros, homies being homies!'

[No, their Relation Meter isn't that high.]

Really though? No one is that attentive and caring to someone that's only their friend.

'Well, some people are just that… 'nice' to people they care about.'

[Their meter is at 80 points, just on the border of them being love. That's the reason why they're so close.]

At 80 points huh? Hmm… Interesting…

'Ugh, I know that look. What are you planning this time?'

Hey system, does this mean that one more point and they'll fall in love with each other?

'Oh god no!'

[Yes. This is indeed the case.]

Oh my~ Then maybe I should… Hehe~ Give a little push~

'No!!! Don't you dare!'

They're quite compatible with each other. A Caring Big Bro X Little Subordinate ship would be quite nice, don't you think?

'... That may be so, but that doesn't mean you could just ship anyone!

[I suppose so, but it's unlikely for them to be lovers. Shuu doesn't view homosexuality positively.]

'See! Look at them! Pure bros only!'

I listened to 'her' and looked up to the two subjects in question. I found Shuu looking at Haika with a worried yet gentle gaze, still checking if he's ok.

Meanwhile, Haika was waving his hand, saying "I'm fine." He sounded annoyed, but his face still carried a patient, tender smile.



So, pure bros right? Sure~ I believe you~

'... This one doesn't count!'

[That's what 80 points represent.]


Looking up again, now I saw Shuu gently caressing Haika's relocated shoulder. Haika had a cheerful smile and was letting Shuu touch however he wanted to. They were looking into each other's eyes, joy could be easily seen in them.

It's almost as if they completely forgot that the person who dislocated their shoulders in the first place was right behind them. But that can't be it.

I dunno man, seems kinda gay to me~

'... You know, now it looks like they want to be shipped together.'

[... 80 points.]




Let's make it 81!

'... I don't even care at this point.'

[Host, the barrier between the two points is bigger than you think. It won't be easy to do that.]

Don't care~ Me want me ship~

'Don't come to me if it fails later.'

I walked faster to catch up to them. I grabbed hold of their shoulder and placed my head right between them.

"Hey~ Don't you guys know that you look like a loving couple right now?" I had a very teasing tone and wore an irritating smirk on my face.

"What?!" They were shocked by my words. Shuu tried to push me away, but I stepped back before he could touch me.

"You!!!" Shuu actually seemed to be angry this time. "Just because you're a disgusting gay doesn't mean that everyone else is also one!"

"What do you mean gay?" I looked generally confused.

"Heh, I saw the way you and that Yamamoto guy interacted that last time. 'Friends' don't give off the atmosphere you two did back then." Shuu's face scrunched up in a disgusting, haughty manner. "You two are totally fags!"

'... Was he that obvious back then?'

Should I praise him for predicting our relationship or beat him up for using gay slurs?

'Don't. He's in your ship, remember?'

[Host, if you want them together, it's recommended not to hit them.]

I narrowed my eyes and stared at him dangerously. Haika was pulling at Shuu's sleeve, telling him to calm down.

"Did you forget who dislocated your shoulders?" The threat in my eyes lowered a bit when I saw Haika's action. Shuu shivered and recoiled in shock as he remembered what happened.

… Mother fucker! He did forget!

"You're lucky that I'm in a good mood, otherwise it wouldn't just be your shoulder getting dislocated." The threat faded away, and a smile suddenly appeared. "I'll tell you one thing though. We're not gay. I'm not, nor is Ryuu."

"Don't try to lie! You're even calling him by his first name!" Shuu looked like he wanted to sneer, but he stopped after recalling the earlier scene. "If you're not together, then what are you?!"

"Who said we're not together?" I raised my eyebrow a little.

"You said so yourself. You're not gay." Shuu had a conceited look like he was stating an obvious fact.

"Yeah I'm not gay, I'm Bi." My eyebrow raised a bit higher. "Ryuu is Bi too, or he's only into me."

'Wow. Narcissist much?'

"What? Bi?" Shuu looked confused, along with Haika. "What does that have to do with you two being together."


Oh my mother fucking god.

'I think I'm also going to start shipping them now.'

Wait, let me make sure.

"You don't know what Bi means?" My eyebrow raised to the highest it could go.

"What with that look you're giving me?!" Shuu looked pissed at my expression. Fortunately, he still remembered that I could beat him easily, so he only talked. "So what if I don't know?! It's not like it's going to be anything important!"

Haika nodded, agreeing with everything Shuu said.

… Holy shit. I completely forgive him for everything he said before.

'Ship! Ship! Ship! Ship! Ship!"

I can think of such a perfect story for them! No wonder it's been staying at 80 all this time, even though he's treating Haika so well. Ah~ I understand everything now.

'I'm totally shipping them together. Ah!!! So cute!!!'

This is so perfect! So good! I'm really seeing someone learning about their sexuality in person! And not just one but two! I love this so much!!! This is the best- second best day of my life!!!

'They are perfect together! So fucking adorable!!! Ahhhhhh!!!'

[...] (System: TF just happened?)

My gaze towards the two suddenly became full of motherly love and gentleness. They shivered when they saw that, being thoroughly creeped out. Even though I saw that, I didn't mind at all.

"Why, it's really important. I'll explain what it means to you." I gave them a real gentle smile, almost as gentle as the one I gave to Ryuu. "Let me do a quick run down."

Although Shuu wanted to retort, upon seeing my smile, he stayed silent. Haika was shaking and slowly inching behind Shuu. It seemed to be a subconscious movement.

My smile became more gentle once I saw that, though it might have the opposite of the effect I wanted.

"Straight means that you like the opposite gender. Gay means to like the same gender. Bi means to like both genders. Pan means to like pan- *cough* everyone regardless of their gender. There are other types of sexuality in the world. It's not just limited to straight and gay people. It's perfectly normal to like someone even of the same gender."

"So what?" Shuu sneered. "It's still disgusting!"

"If someone can fall in love with their car or even with... some other... 'things', liking a human, a person, isn't disgusting at all. In the end, it's still love."

Shuu stood in silence, taking in everything I said. Haika was the same. He even stopped shaking.

'Wow, that was actually good!'

[Host, that was a wonderful speech.]

Thank you, thank you. I was just doing what I was supposed to do.

'So what were the 'things' you were talking about?'

[Host, could you tell me what are the other 'things'?]

Oh that, well it's not suitable for children to hear. I'll tell you when you grow up.


'We share the same memories! What do you mean I'm a child!'

So now you remember? What about h*ntai huh? Do you remember that?!

As much as I wanted to say that, the system was still here. Ignoring 'her' anger fit, I walked up to the two silent statues.

"Come on. You can think while walking." I moved my hand to pat their head gently, though they immediately stepped back to avoid it. I shrugged, not minding that. "Alright then, let's keep walking."

Shuu looked at Haika, and Haika looked back. They stared at each other's eyes for a moment before deciding to walk. Surprisingly they start to move at the same time, being really coordinated.

I walked behind the two, feeling really proud of myself.

'Oh right, wanna tell me about the story you thought for them?'

[Host, would you tell me the story you thought of while we have the time?]

Sure. The story is quite simple really. Shuu and Haika were best friends, best bros, and the closest person to each other. Then this happened and they learned that some people like both genders and it's perfectly fine.

Because the two liked girls and their limited information, they believed that they were straight. Even though they were actually secretly bi. Because they thought they were straight, their Relation Meter stayed at 80 for a long time.

They grew up together, played together, fought together, ate together, and even slept and bathed together. Of course, sleeping was only sleeping and bathing was just washing each other's backs.

They enjoyed the other person's company. They thought it was because they were best bros, but it was actually it was love though they didn't know that.

Then with this event, they opened up and started to feel more emotions. They finally understood what they felt of the other person all this time. One of them will confess and they will get together, not with some drama and angst obviously.

In the end, they get married and adopt a child together, and live happily ever after.

The end.



'That was… good. And way more detailed than I expected. You're really into this ship aren't you?'

[That was a great story, Host.]

Oh right, I forgot to include something.

'? What is it?'

[What is it?]

They have lots and lots of stamina and could recover really fast.



With their healthy bodies, they were able to live life to the fullest. They could make every night really fantastic.

'Oh no.'


They fucked and had sex every day and night with their powerful bodies. They had a very blissful sex life and 'loved' each other very much. The end.



How was it?

[... That was... wonderful, Host.]

'... I should have never read the Evangelion manga.'


So uh bad news. The update rate is going down to 1 every 2 weeks. This is because I'm going to be a translator. This is so I can get some ad money. The reason? I just want money. That's it. I mean I don't need it, but money is still money.


Haika means subordinate or follower. Just imagine if someone is actually called that. Lol. It'll be so weird.


I sort of kept Shuu in character. Although in Chapter 53, Shuu said it's sickening to kiss another guy, in the next chapter Shuu tried to kiss Haruka. This means that he isn't completely against dudes kissing each other. So I simply made him more accepting and just uneducated in my version. Also added some tsun in there. The LGBT+ lesson turned out ok I think.


As for why the Evangelion manga made the Harukas fujoshis, there was a scene where Kaworu kissed Shinji. And so the Harukas' inner hearts began their journey to become rotten. Proof is in the comment.

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