

In a world ravaged by demonic calamities, Aiden, a man who lost everything, his sister vanished in a mysterious abduction, his parents scarred by the hellish energy that brought demons to Earth. Amidst the chaos, Aiden is cast out by his foster family, cheated of all he held dear. But fate grants him an opportunity: to save his ailing mother, locate his missing sister, and ascend to unparalleled strength as something more than a Contractor, humanity's last hope against the infernal onslaught. A tale of resilience, retribution, and redemption unfolds in the ashes of a shattered world.

Wize_king · Fantasie
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130 Chs

In And Out

Watching them, Aiden noticed that they only seemed to communicate with nods and gestures.

As the disciplinary committee carried out their duties with the utmost professionalism, the other participants exchanged cautious glances, recognizing the significance of their presence.

Aiden on the other hand, narrowed his eyes at this woman's gaze, his heartbeat increasing with every breath.

"How exciting," he thought to himself, as he straightened his back welcoming the challenge; or so he told himself.

After a while, the committee had finally finished setting up, prompting the woman with raven hair to speak.

"Listen up," she said commanding everyone's attention as she looked around, her gaze slowly scrutinizing the participants before she added, "You'll all be selected at random to use the EDAC, as for those of you who have already used it, you will not be tested again."

Saying this, she stopped talking and turned to the man in a black cloak, leaning in on him as she whispered in his ear, "Check them Mark."

Upon hearing his name, Mark narrowed his eyes sighing as he scrutinized the candidates.

From his point of view, the room darkened a bit and black smoke could be seen seeping out of the candidate's bodies.

The cloaked man surveyed everyone, one by one looking for even the smallest abnormality, and when his gaze reached Aiden he paused a bit.

Thanks to Jonathan, Aiden looked normal in the cloaked man's eyes, Jonathan had managed to hide the fact that Aiden's body absorbed hell energy and instead created the illusion that Aiden emitted hell energy like a normal human through the use of angles and redirection.

With a nod of approval, the brown-haired man slowly turned around to continue his work.

Seeing this, the woman nodded at her soldiers before walking to the corner to answer a phone call.

Watching the committee members, Aiden noticed that a soldier had walked up front, his hands behind his back as he shouted, "You, come here."

This soilder was addressing a random dark-haired man, who walked forward and when he was close enough the EDAC doors opened automatically.

Although the doors in front of him were open, the dark-haired man couldn't go through them as he was searched by the disciplinary committee member first before being led into the Cylindrical chamber.

In the next moment, the dark-haired man, was inside the EDAC looking around with a nervous expression on his face.


A loud buzzing sound could suddenly be heard, and at that moment, Aiden watched the dark-haired man hold onto his head as though he was in some kind of pain.

This situation persisted until Aiden heard the sound of a robotic voice filling the room, "Threat level 15, immature."

Meanwhile, as this happened, the woman was busy taking the call, "Jackson, are you sure there's a terrorist amongst these people, they all look like rookies."

"I'm not sure, but we received an anonymous tip this morning, better safe than sorry Miss Ace," a voice replied from the other side before darting in, "don't worry we're your eyes and we're keeping watch."

Hearing this Ace let out a sigh as she put herphone down.

Meanwhile, in a dark room somewhere in the Silence, one could see a man sitting in front of multiple monitors showing data on the EDAC scans, and a 360 view of the room.

He was Jackson the man who had just gotten off the phone with Ace, he watched as the candidates entered the EDAC one by one, observing their body language as they moved.

Meanwhile, back in the room, the disciplinary committee member was still picking people, even Mai had taken her turn and it was revealed that she was at threat level 15, this time it was Wussy's turn.

"You, you're up," the committee member said to him, prompting him to hurriedly walk towards the member with his shoulders up.

As Wussy got close, the EDAC chamber doors opened up, and at that moment something happened.



A loud boom followed by a sudden buzz filled the room, it was so sudden that it disoriented everyone, this blast came from a small device in Wussy's suite.

The blast carried an electrical pulse of sorts powered by the EDAC itself, this pulse cut off every electrical device in the room.

All the lights turned off, and because the room had no windows everything was pitch black.


Everyone felt their ears buzz, the blast was just too strong and disorienting. As his ears buzzed Aiden remembered Jonathan's third advice.

(The first device will be activated when it comes in contact with the EDAC'S many signals, wait for the right moment, it's crucial that you don't miss it, or else you fancy the life of a Ginnie pig)

Forcefully stabilizing himself, Aiden brought out something from his suite, if one could see in the dark they would notice an extremely flat metal board that strangely had the same pattern as the net-like floor within the chambers.

Quickly, Aiden flug this metal plate as though he was bolling, and in that instant.


The sound of metal scrapping the tile as it slid into the chamber could be heard.

Unfortunately, no one could hear it, even Aiden couldn't hear anything as all they could hear was a long and disorientating ring caused by the blast.

Because of the similarities In pattern with the metal in the chamber, the device blended in with the floor of the chamber unrecognizable at first glance.

"Everyone hold him down," a loud voice suddenly sounded out as the lights turned back on so suddenly that it shocked Aiden.

He watched five or more soldiers make a move on Wussy, rushing towards him with enough force to make one shudder.

Seeing this Wussy paled, "Get away from me, it's a mistake, I don't know what happened, I'm innocent-"


Wussy tried to plead his case but was interrupted by a violent punch to the face. In the next moment, he was pinned down.

"Search everyone!"

Ace's voice sounded out again making Aiden bite his teeth, soon, the soldiers had spread out searching everyone.

As Aiden watched a soldier approach him, he couldn't help but remember Jonathan's fourth Advice.

(At this point, things are gonna get a little rowdy, meaning you'll be searched, but at this point, you'll be clean, the two devices you brought with you have already been used up.)

"Stand straight," a soldier's voice suddenly sounded out startling Aiden out of his trance.

Seeing this man, Aiden smirked nervously as he was searched. The soldier was rough, violently tapping on Aiden's upper body through his clothes, and before long he got to Aiden's lower body, and the first thing he felt was Aiden's tail hidden in his pants.

"Is this pervert fucking hard?" The guard thought, obviously confused at first, but as he lowered his hand he discovered that the hard thing he felt extended lower and lower until his hands were all the way to Aiden's ankles.

He had long since discovered that what he felt wasn't what he thought it was, but just as he was about to yell for backup he spotted a purple bioluminescent glow at Aiden's ankle, it was the tip of Aiden's tail, and at that moment.

[I'm clean, but you have to check again after my time in the chamber and even then I'll be clean.]

Aiden's voice came out as barely above a whisper, and just when he said that he heard Landon's voice, "You have tried to use Commander's Radiance to impute prolonged commands and alter someone's memory, 100% of your soul energy consumed, you are severely weakened, task failed, you are falling into a craz-"

Just when Landon was about to say the worst, Aiden summoned a soul from his soul storage straight to his mouth but it wasn't enough, he could feel all the energy moving straight to his tail.

He did this repeatedly, again and again so quickly that in a second, Aiden had consumed the 200 souls he had in soul storage, "you have successfully used Commander's Radiance." Landon said.

Hearing this Aiden thanked his stars that he had come clean.

Yes, he had told Jonathan the source of his powers, and he could still remember the fourth advice after he came clean.

(I still can't believe what I'm hearing Aiden, how is it possible that you feed on the souls of the dead, ok ok, you're in luck, I don't know how much of your power a command that detailed would consume, and I'm not allowed access to any high level creatures, but how good would 200 goats be?)

As Aiden remembered this, the disciplinary committee member retrieved his gaze from Aiden's tail and moved on to the next person.

Aiden was pale, as he glanced over to Mai who was coincidentally looking in his direction as well.

Even though he was weakened, Aiden gave Mai a knowing look and she nodded ever so slightly.

As Aiden did this, he was unaware of the eyes watching him from a distance, Ace had caught up to something as she watched Aiden's pale face.

She removed her phone from her pocket wanting to call the man at the cameras, but her phone rang first.

Picking up the phone she heard a loud voice from the other side, "Miss Ace, what happened? I only just managed to get the cameras working again."

Upon hearing this, Ace suddenly had a bad feeling about something and the more she looked at Aiden's pale face, the more it increased.

Aiden had long since noticed the woman's stare, but there was nothing he could do except watch her walk up to him, her steps firm and determined.

As Ace approached Aiden, she could feel her gut feeling telling her that something was up with him, and she had to fin-


A loud sound suddenly sounded out forcing Ace to turn towards the source of that sound. To her shock, she noticed that one of her men had been slapped by a red-haired woman.

Aiden noticed this too, and he discovered that this woman was Mai, "I knew she would do it, but I didn't expect her to go this far," Aiden thought to himself in shock.

Mai on the other hand ignored everyone and focused on the soldier in front of her, "You fucker, I told you to watch your hands, do you enjoy touching women's boobs without their consent? I could sue you for sexual harassment." She yelled at the top of her lungs.

The disciplinary committee member was startled by the sudden outburst but he quickly composed himself as he said forcefully, "I still have to search you, ma'am."

"What the fuck, I'm not allowing this, don't touch me," Mai yelled the hell energy fluctuating around her, a sign that she was about to use her Contract.

Seeing this, the committee member prepared to restrain her but a voice suddenly interrupted, "What's going on here."

The person who spoke was Ace, her steps deliberate as she looked towards Mai.

Pointing at the disciplinary committee member who stood still like a statue, Mai said, "he was touching my boobs."

Upon hearing such a statement, Ace felt her eyes twitch at the absurdity, her voice forcefully calmed as she said, "I doubt one of my men would do something like that."

"WHAT!" Mai suddenly yelled at the top of her lungs, shocking everyone once again.

She screamed so loudly that Ace felt her ears ring as she thought, "One would think this woman had another bomb."

To avoid further problems, Ace quickly said to Mai, her face forcing a smile "Why don't I search you instead?"

She wasn't allowed to touch the new members just yet as most of them were unranked.

At the sound of Ace's suggestion, Mai let out a breath as she said, "ok."

With Mai's consent, Ace searched her thoroughly and as she was being searched Mai couldn't help but think of Jonathan's fifth advice.

(This is where you come in Mai you'll pull a classic "Did you touch my boobs" act or the "watch your hands," either way escalate the situation, blow it out of proportion, be a Karen.)

"Proceed with the testings," Ace's voice suddenly sounded out breaking Mai out of her trance as she finished searching her.

Upon hearing Ace's voice, the soldiers at the EDAC were about to choose the next person, but then, they noticed a man with long black hair leisurely walking into the Cylindrical chamber, it was Aiden.

Seeing Aiden the rest of the participants also look surprised as they glanced towards each other.

Ace on the other hand narrowed her eyes.

"You, hold it!"

One of the shoulders yelled at Aiden, prompting him to stop while cursing in his head, "shit, shit, shit."

Although Aiden cursed in his head, he remained calm on the outside as he leisurely said with a smile, "Ohh, sorry, I figured that since I've already been searched, it was ok to go in, or are you sissies gonna keep touching everyone."

Hearing Aiden's response threw off the soldiers a bit as they were expecting a different reaction, and Aiden seeing this used the opportunity to slip into the chambers while smirking as he remembered Jonathan's sixth advice.

(As Mai's distracting the guards, you'll use the opportunity to get in next Aiden, you must take the next test no matter what because the device will be activated automatically by the EDAC's chaotic energy signals.)

As Aiden thought of this, the EDAC slowly activated with a loud buzz, but Aiden couldn't feel anything, even when using his energy eyes he couldn't see much except wavy air.

Since the chamber didn't affect him like other Contractors, Aiden was forced to pretend like he was in pain holding onto his head as he faked a pained expression.

Unknowingly as the EDAC operated it couldn't sense anything from Aiden, until a small wave from the device on the floor changed something and a robotic voice sounded out, "Treath level 20, immature."

Hearing this voice Aiden let out a sigh of relief thinking he'd managed to pass unnoticed.

Unfortunately, in a dark room, somewhere in the shelter, Jackson suddenly heard a beep from his monitor and noticed something.

With a frown on his face, he muttered. "A fluctuation error, or an interference?"

Glancing at the security cameras and thinking about how they had just caught a terrorist, Jackson picked up his phone deciding to inform Ace.

Meanwhile back at the testing room, Ace watched as Aiden stepped out of the chambers.

Suddenly, she received a call and as soon as she picked up, Jackson's voice said from the other side, "Check the chamber, I suspect an interference."

Upon hearing this, Ace acted quickly, yelling to her soldiers, "Everyone freeze, check the chamber."

Mai was startled by Ace's sudden yell, and when she heard its contents she paled as she looked at Aiden's face.

The both of them exchanged glances briefly as they watched the security go into the chambers checking it with precision.

Bruce's team stood still as well startled by how strange today's tests were.

After a moment one of the soldiers yelled.


And more followed.



Upon hearing this Mai let out a breath as she thought, "It looks like the device is adequately camouflaged."

Aiden on the other hand let out a breath as he continued his walk out of the chambers.

Seeing Aiden walk out, Ace who watched from the end of the room suddenly felt that bad feeling return to her chest, like she was letting a criminal escape.

Unable to hold it anymore she yelled to Aiden, "Hey you, hold it."

Hearing what this woman said, Aiden froze as he watched her approach.

Ace on the other hand felt like she had to search this man no matter what, but just as she neared him, she saw one of her men walk up to Aiden as he said, "Raise your hands."

By the time she had gotten to Aiden this soilder had already begun searching him and before long he said, "he's clean Captain."

Upon hearing this, Ace nodded her head as she commanded while rubbing her temples, "You're all dismissed, your initiation will commence in the evening."

Upon hearing this, everyone let out a breath as they walked towards their friends, the surprise from today's experience still lingering.

Mai on the other hand quickly walked up to Aiden as she held his hand while saying, "Let's get out of here."

Hearing what Mai said, Aiden nodded his head and walked with Mai out of the room, their close behavior attracting the attention of a few people.

Watching Aiden and Mai, Ethan couldn't help but ask Felix, "Are those two dating?"

But the only answer he received was a scoff, as Felix walked towards the exit as well.

Unknowingly, if one was standing at a certain part of the room and looked towards Aiden's shoes at the right moment just as he raised his right leg, they would notice a subtle silver glow caused by the reflection of light on his shoe.

Meanwhile, as Aiden was dragged towards the door by Mai, he smirked as he remembered Jonathan's last advice.

(Haha by the time they catch on and check the chambers, the device is already gone, the super magnet under your left shoe will make sure of it, canceling the interference signal in the process. You'll be let off after being checked by the same guy, after all, titanium isn't magnetic now is it?)


The sound of the door opening could be heard as both Aiden and Mai walked through the door ignoring the looks of the other initiates.

After walking through a hall and separating from the other candidates they found Jonathan leaning by the wall seemingly waiting for them.

Walking up to him, the group exchanged knowing glances as they walked together in silence.

Walking through the crowded halls, Jonathan was the first to ask, "How'd it go?"

"Just as you said it would," Mai responded immediately earning her a smile from Landon who glanced at her with squinted eyes.

"And how did I say it would go?" Jonathan asked Mai, his head tilted innocently.

"In and out," both Aiden and Mai responded simultaneously as they chuckled.

I feel like I slipped on this one.

Tell me what you think.

Wize_kingcreators' thoughts