
Idle Immortal

Heart... is what breeds desire. Desire... is what breeds ambition. Ambition... is what breeds a man. And together... the three breeds life. A mirage? A truth? Or a dream? Venture and find it yourself.

yang_bot · Fantasie
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151 Chs


"So, this is Mehull?"

After entering through the gates, the city of Mehull presented itself in front of Yang Ze. The city was grandeur and bigger than any city Yang Ze had seen in this world. The size of this city was almost three times of Ignis. Even the houses here were much better and decorated than in any other place.

"Where do you want to go?"

As soon as Yang Ze stepped inside the walls, a young boy aged twelve stepped in front of him before asking with a smile.

"Hey, I can escort you."

"ME... Me... I know everything about the city."

"ME. I will charge less."

Soon a small crowd of children surrounded him before clamoring in loud voices.

"Okay enough." With a frown, Yang Ze looked at the young boy who greeted him first and pointed to him.

As soon as the remaining children saw this, they immediately left the scene. It wasn't long before Yang Ze saw them standing in front of the others shouting.

"Thank you for choosing me. I will be your guide throughout the day. I will show you the entire city, and if you happen to have any questions, I will try my best to answer them."

"That's very nice of you." With a smile, Yang Ze picked out a gold piece from his pocket and threw it to the boy. As soon as the boy saw the gold piece, his eyes shined with a luster never seen before. With ragged breathing, he immediately pocketed the piece before looking around carefully. After making sure that no one saw him getting the gold piece, he sighed in relief before bowing to Yang Ze.

"Please follow me, sir."




"Let me introduce myself first. You can call me Xiao Li." As both of them slowly started walking, the young boy introduced himself with enthusiasm.

"First, let me give you a brief summary of this city. This is the oldest known city that has existed for a thousand years. Compared to other cities which are divided into outer and inner sections, this city doesn't have any sections. The entire city falls under the jurisdiction of the city lord. The city lord is the most powerful person here. You know about the Xuanwu Academy?"

"A bit." Nodding his head, Yang Ze replied.

"Great... The city lord is appointed by the Xuanwu Academy. He is one of their elders."

With a short pause, he continued further.

"However, the city lord is only responsible for the protection of the city and to maintain law and order here. Other than the city lord, the rest of the city can be said to be divided into small territories controlled by various groups."

"There are various small factions, but three of them could be said to be the backbone of this city. These are Xia Clan, the Yuwen clan, and finally the Feng clan. Each of these clans controls a large number of resources and shops in the city."

"I see." In Yang Ze's eyes, the power structure in every city was almost the same. Every city would have some big families controlling a portion of it. The same was true for Yuyang city, where four clans were prominent, and the same with Ignis city where five clans controlled it.

"Other than these big three clans, there are some small families too, but they don't interfere in any matter that is not related to them. In this city, you will not find any ordinary family. Every single person here is affiliated to some group or clan."

"This brings me to the most important thing. Do you see how the visitors like you have to pay a large amount of money every month? Even entering the city costs a fortune. So, unless you buy a property in this city and become its member, you will have to keep on paying the money."

"But worry not, once you buy a property in this city, all you had to do is to pay for it and then the yearly taxes. You will automatically be registered as a citizen here."

"Interesting." This was the first time Yang Ze heard something like this. "It seems this world is not so primeval as I made it out to be."

From the very beginning, Yang Ze thought of this world as a lawless society. According to him, these people were far too lacking in things like a civilized society. Now it seems, that the world wasn't so regressive as he thought it would be.

"If you are unable to buy a property and still want to live in this city without paying the fee, then you can join a clan or a faction and work for them. With them as your background, you won't have to worry about that exorbitant fee, but you still need to either pay the group or do tasks for them."

"Are you also for a particular faction or clan?" Yang Ze asked the boy with a smile.

"Yes." Nodding his head, the boy puffed his chest before replying in a voice that was filled with pride. "We are from the Golden Bowl Faction. Our faction deals with travel and transport. If you want to deliver a message in the future or just deliver any goods, you can ask for our service.

"Now, let me show you some of the attractions of our city. You see, there is a river that flows directly from the center of our city. With great efforts, the people have managed to make a waterway passage throughout the city. So, you are going to see a lot of bridges and boats. If you like, you can rent a boat to travel throughout the city."

"Let's go... there are still many things that I need to show you...."







While Yang Ze has stepped into the city of Mehull for a new beginning, another person slowly made his way towards the distant Xuanwu Sect.

"You said you have some information regarding the attackers right?"

At the bottom of a mountain, a man was looking at the young boy in front of him with a grave expression.

"Yes senior. I have something that I think will be of great use." Nodding his head nervously, Yang Deyi lifted his hands before speaking with a bow.

"If you dare waste our time, then I don't need to remind you about the consequences right?"

With every word the man spoke, his voice grew colder and colder. During the past few days, he had seen far too many people who claimed to have something of value, but in the end, all of it turns out to be a hoax. Needless to say, those people didn't meet a good end. If not for this person being brought here by the new city lord of Yuyang City, he wouldn't have spared him another glance.

"Junior dare not." Yang Deyi who was still bowing shook his head nervously.

"Fine. Come with me." Without waiting for Yang Deyi to reply, the man signaled him to follow before climbing up the mountain.

It took them an hour to reach the top. And as soon as they reached there, the middle-aged man took a deep breath before walking towards the small wooden cabin in front of him and kneeling on the ground respectfully.

"Disciple greets elder."

Kneeling on the ground, the man continued.

"Disciple has brought someone who claims to have found a clue about the attackers."


After he finished speaking, there was a long silence on the peak. Other than the chirping of birds and insects, one could not hear anything else.

Both the middle-aged man and Yang Deyi were getting nervous. After all, even though the person hadn't replied, they could still feel the tremendous pressure throughout the peak. For people like them who were in Qi condensing and Qi guiding respectively, facing someone who has stepped into Innate wasn't an easy task.

Especially for Yang Deyi, an Innate powerhouse was a myth. A being so powerful that he didn't dare to imagine.

"Come in."

Just when Yang Deyi was getting more and more nervous, a pleasant sound reached his ears. Lifting up his head, he looked at the man who was still kneeling on the ground respectfully. The man in front of him didn't seem to hear the voice.

"Don't waste my time."

While he was still looking around, the same voice sounded in his ears.

"Yes senior." Furiously nodding his head, he stepped forward and entered the small cabin.

"This...." As soon as Yang Deyi entered the cabin, he was greeted by a bone-chilling cold.

"Junior greets senior." Immediately kneeling on the ground, Yang Deyi didn't dare to look at the figure in front of him.

"I heard you have something."

"Yes senior." Without wasting another second, Yang Deyi pulled out a small bag from his robe before respectfully placing it in front of him. Yet, before he could stand up to hand over the bag, the bag suddenly flew in the air itself.

"Interesting." With the sound of the bag being emptied, the figure in front of him spoke gently.

"The fiend art, along with a token and some wooden slips."

After a brief pause, the figure stood up and continued speaking. "It looks like you are really lucky to have come across these things."

"I will be back in a while." With that, the figure in front of him vanished in an instant.

"Who... Who is she?" Yang Deyi was still shaking in fear. The woman in front of him was unfathomable. Just the pressure she was emitting was something he had never faced before in his life. Even the strongest person in his family, the patriarch, Yang Yuanzhen was like an ant in front of her.

"That is Innate?" Yang Deyi was still feeling like he was in a dream. Never in his wildest dreams had he thought about having a meeting with an Innate powerhouse.



It wasn't until an hour passed that the familiar figure entered the room.

"Take it." In front of Yang Deyi, a wooden token was placed on the ground with the word Outer disciple written on it.

"From today onwards, you are a student of this academy." Without any change in her expression, the figure continued.

"Show this token to the person outside and he will do the rest."

"You may take your leave now."

"Thank... Thank you, senior."

With trembling hands, Yang Deyi picked up the token carefully, before walking out of the door respectfully.

It wasn't until he climbed down the mountain that he truly relaxed.

"Hahahahahahahahahahahahhaaa..." With a loud laugh, Yang Deyi clenched his fist before taking a deep breath. To him, this was a new beginning, a new start, a new life.



On the peak, inside the cabin, the figure was lying still for a long time before letting out a sigh.

"Looks like things aren't going to be peaceful anymore..... Three Innate powerhouses have fallen. I truly worry about the future..."






Far away from the Xuanwu Academy, in the city of Mehull, the tour of Yang Ze also came to an end.

Finally, we are starting the second arc of the story. Should I release chapters one by one or all at once?

I don't know. Sometimes I just want to wait, while other times, I want to release them one by one.

Anyway, happy reading and take care.

yang_botcreators' thoughts