
Idle Immortal

Heart... is what breeds desire. Desire... is what breeds ambition. Ambition... is what breeds a man. And together... the three breeds life. A mirage? A truth? Or a dream? Venture and find it yourself.

yang_bot · Fantasie
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151 Chs


"Tell me..."

"You don't have much time left. HIHIHIHIHIHIHIHI"

"Have you already given up?"

Looking at Yang Ze who was standing there with his eyes closed, the creature started circling around him. Soon the time limit arrived.

The creature didn't speak another word but slowly crept behind Yang Ze and opened the mouth on its chest. The sharp teeth along with the tormented people inside it, almost touched Yang Ze when it heard the voice and stopped in its track.




"That was a wonderful story..." Opening his eyes, Yang Ze nodded his head before speaking further.

"The people in your story acted according to the situation."

"The son of the minister can not be called a sinner as he only performed his duties as a friend and as a subject to the future king of his country."

Taking a deep breath Yang Ze slowly spoke further.

"The prince also can not be called a sinner as he was only following his wishes. To him, the only thing that mattered was the love between him and the princess."

"The princess too is not the sinner. Just like the prince, she was following what her heart desired the most."

After speaking till here, Yang Ze stopped for a moment.

"Interesting... Go on."

The creature closed its mouth that was about to devour Yang Ze and slowly backed up before speaking in an amused voice.

"The merchant just did what a normal person would do in his situation. His loyalty lies to the king and the kingdom, not to the unknown prince."

"The old woman just delivered the messages, so it would be wrong to judge her."

"The officer too only worked as his duty demanded it. Hence, he too could not be labeled as a sinner."

Speaking till here, Yang Ze stopped and looked at the creature in front of him.

"Hahahaahahahahahaaha... GO ON... GO ON..."

The creature almost couldn't control its excitement.

Taking a deep breath Yang Ze firmed his gaze and spoke slowly.

"That leaves the only person on the scene... the King..."

"YES... What about him? Was he the sinner?"

"Wrong answer and you will join the villagers... Right answer and you will escape this nightmare."

"Tell me, Young man... Was the king the sinner?"

"The king... Huh..."

Nodding his head, Yang Ze spoke further...

"The king didn't bother asking for the justification from the princess. Just because the man in front of him had the appearance of an old monk, he easily believed his words. Without any trials or any interrogation, he exiled his own daughter."

"So if you are asking whether the king is the sinner or not, then I would say HE IS."

"In this story, the only sinner is the king. Acted because of his impulse and believed the words of a stranger without asking his daughter. He... IS... THE... SINNER."

As soon as Yang Ze finished speaking, the area around him plunged into silence. In his eyes, the time itself seemed to stop.


A burst of loud laughter pierced the sky, before the creature in front of him looked at him and spoke.

"Wonderful... Truly wonderful... I have asked the same question to all the villagers, yet no one was able to answer me. You are truly one of a kind."

"Then as I promised... You will be free from this nightmare."

"Finally..." Yang Ze sighed in relief. Finally, this nightmare was over. No one other than him knows how much he suffered during his stay here.

No matter what he did, he would always wake up in the same bed and same place. Though it sounds exciting on the paper, only he himself knew how dangerous the seemingly simple situation was. One could even lose themselves if stuck long enough in this vicious cycle.

"Before you leave..."

As soon as the creature spoke the words, Yang Ze's nerves tightened. In his mind, the creature was perhaps looking for another reason to stall him here.

"I will give you two things as a reward for entertaining me."

To his surprise, the creature spoke something he never dared to imagine. To him, anything from such a frightening existence would be of great help. Even though he was excited, at the same time fear was also rooted in his heart. Perhaps the so-called reward would be nothing but a pit.


With the swing of a nearby branch, a red light shot out before plunging into Yang Ze's wrist.

"What the fuck." If not for this body being unable to move, Yang Ze would have definitely tried to doge this thing. God knows what kind of thing he planted in his body.

Just when Yang Ze was worried about something terrible happening to him, the voice of the creature in front of him brought him back to his senses. However, at the same time, it also chilled his heart.

"Your next reward is my advice..."

The creature grew incredibly solemn before whispering in his ears.

"I can smell him on you."



As soon as he said those words, the entire world in front of Yang Ze's eyes started shattering like a mirror. Soon the familiar sense of dizziness overtook him before he lost consciousness.

Even till the last moment, the words of the creature were echoing in his ears.





"Ugh... Where am I?"

Opening his eyes, Yang Ze found himself lying on the ground. After circulating the Qi in his body, Yang Ze felt a little better and started observing his surroundings.

"This place looks familiar..."

Looking at the familiar houses that were covered with grass and vines, Yang Ze frowned for a long time. After some hesitation, he stepped forward before making his way toward the place in his memory.

And sure enough, after a brief period of walking, he found himself in front of the familiar wooden stall.

"I am still in the village?" Yang Ze was stunned for a long time. How could he forget this village? After all, this was the place that he had woken up in countless times. This was the small village where he would wake up every time after losing consciousness.

"Am I still stuck?" As soon as this thought came to his mind, Yang Ze shook his head. There was no need for an existence like it to lie to him. If he really wanted his life, he would have died a million times already.

"And also..."


{Name: Yang Ze}

{Realm: Innate}

{XP: 4050}

{Fishing: Locked (401/500 spirit stones needed to unlock)}

{Personal Space: 3 cubic meters}

{Efficiency: 300 XP/day}

{Level: 3} (401/1000 spirit stones needed to upgrade)

{Mark Of Sin: 1/11}


Looking at the increased XP, Yang Ze sighed in relief. If it increased, then it means that he was truly out of that nightmare.

But as soon as he sighed in relief, his eyes darted to the newly added row of text.

{Mark Of Sin: 1/11}

"What the hell is this?" At this time, Yang Ze realized the gift that the creature gave him.

"Fuck.. How do I delete it?" Scratching his hand, Yang Ze cursed in a low voice. This thing didn't seem like a good thing. Even the name has the word 'sin' in it.

However, no matter what Yang Ze did, he just couldn't change anything. In the end, Yang Ze could only shake his head helplessly before walking toward the city of Mehull.

In his mind, the words of the creature were still echoing...



Shorter than others, but wanted to wrap it up quickly. Will release around four chapters at a go tomorrow.

Happy reading and take care.

yang_botcreators' thoughts