
Loads of Changes

As the dust settled, Aldrin found himself standing above the ruined green Metadome of Carlos. His sword stuck right in the middle of the cockpit as dreadful cracks could be seen at its blade.

From that final attack, the giant sword that came in the package and optimized for the Flashbuster got its durability reduced close to 0.

He didn't find it a waste though. He gave his everything on that final attack. Had he failed to defeat the grotesque creature, it would definitely be their defeat.

At that moment, the huge body of what might be Carlos had started to dissolve, his whole body turning to ash and getting carried by the night breeze. In the end, he's only leaving behind the husk of his Metadome.

There was a complicated look in Aldrin's eye as he watched that. "At the end of the day, that's what every living being will turn into. Ashes."