

slightly hurt by the question. "Ok what in the fuck just happened I thought wendy blasted him into kingdom come?" Victoria asked quite confused as to how that just happened, "Victoria was it we don't use that word in this house k?" Jacqueline announced, Victoria looked at jacqueline like a deer caught in your Headlamps before responding " "fuck" or "come"?" she cheekily asked full well knowing the answer, "Ok so let me get this straight the f word isn't allowed in this house but using god and or the lord's name in vain is fine?" She asked, quite annoyed and confused. "Look Vicky this is a complicated family and we have strange rules but let's move past that and figure out what the hell we're going to do about finding wendy hm?" Sydney chimed in. "yeah you're right sorry" Victoria Responded "By the way I'm letting that one "Vicky" slide because you look amazing and I just don't feel like arguing about it" "T-Thanks" Sydney replied slightly blushing.