
Mirror Image


After lunch, the rest of the day seemed to progress normally. After home room, I had double maths a free period then chemistry. It was only during that free period that I realised I had been duped. This luxurious school was non other than a boarding school. When I saw my father and Leo's parents walk through those doors with suitcases I felt my heart sink. I felt like I was on one of those top ten betrayal compilations. I'm probably over dramatizing this but oh well. Although the period was almost over when my father had arrived so I never even got a chance to speak or talk.

After seventh period everyone seemed to scatter. People were already exhausted but since I was only really there for the fifth period onwards, I still had plenty of energy. I don't know what had possessed me back then, but I should've just went to my dorm rather than running around like an excited five year old at a funfair. The games room is somewhere I'm going to have to start avoiding if I want to get any work done.

From what I knew the office closed at 14:30. The school was so large we had already been walking for about ten minutes, yet we seemed to have been getting nowhere. Hopefully, we'll get there on time. I didn't plan on being homeless for the night. Well it wasn't like the office closed but the machines shut off at that time, since curfew is at 18:00 on Mondays. Well you don't have to be in your dorm by then, but the gates to the campus all lock and not even a security guard can unlock them at that point. The front desk closed the moment school shut out the moment school ended. 

By the time I got there most of the machines had already began to shut down. I quickly ran up to the last machine tapping its screen keeping it from shutting off. 

Please enter surname and date of birth. A small holographic keypad hovered above the screen.

S - T - O - N - E , 14 - 10 - 2098 the machine beeped as I typed in my details. 

Silvia Stone - 14/10/2098

Rhea Stone- 14/10/2098

"Please select identity and then proceed to complete biometric identification,"

I clicked on the name Rhea Stone but a large error button appeared on the screen. "Identity already confirmed please try again," the machine spoke, its monotonal voice sending a slight shiver through spine. This time I clicked on my name. "Please press confirm to continue to biometric identification." Hesitantly I clicked the button and soon a small box popped out from the top and many small green lasers soon passed over my face scanning every nook and cranny. It was just like those at the Korean Embassy when I went to renew my Korean passport.

"Identity confirmed, welcome Silvia Stone born October 14th of 2038, student IDN 3000010 welcome to GMPB, please collect your ID card and SRK (student room key) from the small box" the monotonal voice spoke once again. Your luggage should be located in the room opposite the room on the elevator on the sixth floor which is where your room so happens to be. 

Who the hell is Rhea Stone. I let out a huge sigh stepping into the elevator. Damn how many floors does a school need. I pressed the button with the number twenty-five on it. I waited patiently as the elevator escalated through the building. The elevator was built circularly. It was made mainly of glass and gold, and a metallic looking material. The view was quite enjoyable. When I turned round to face the opposite side you could see all of the school and some of the city behind it. The lights twinkled different colours. Some were white, some were yellow, some were red, green, blue. If only mother could witness such a sight. If only she hadn't gone back then. If only she hadn't disappeared. If only I was stronger that year. If only I could remember what happened. Maybe things wouldn't have turned out this way.

Ding! The doors opened on the twenty-fifth floor. I stopped off the elevator saying goodbye to the view. It wasn't hard to spot the lost found, it was pretty much the first room I came across. The large red sign with blue bold font hung over the door. stood out you could say. I opened the door slowly, as not to make noise. Although it wasn't dark, it was very late. And I just felt like

Damn, there's so much junk in here. Sorting through all of these belongings was going to take a while.

"Ah, there it is" I spotted my suitcases at the back of the room behind a pile of old clothes. It was leaned up against a dark while. If not for the gold case sticking out a bit I probably wouldn't have even noticed it was there.

I exited the small room with my suitcases, why did I even pack this much in the first place. I'd best hurry up its already almost 6 pm I said looking down at my watch. At first, I thought it was just a never-ending hallway full of turns until I finally see that back wall. This seems to be my dorm. I put the key into the hole unlocking the door.

At first, I couldn't see anything until I realised the door had been covered with a curtain. Slowly, I pulled the curtain across. The room was indeed rather small as dad had described. Five sets of loft beds. This however left a huge space in the middle of the room. Not bad, I guess. However, it didn't seem like my appearance had phased anyone.

I shuffled trying not to trip over the many suitcases I tried shoving through the door.

"Why are you only coming now?" a girl with long brown hair and green eyes stood up.

"And wheres Grecia, I thought she went with you ?"

Was she the talking to me? I looked behind me but there was no one there.

"Sorry, but are you talking to me ?"

"Who else, and Ree where did you get all these suitcases from. Wait did our new roommate make you bring those up here. And why are you in uniform?"

"I am the new roommate what are you talking about, and who's Ree ?" I was so confused. Who is Ree, and why did they mistake me for her.

"Anyways, just get in we're going to watch a movie. I hope you have those extra spicy chicken wings somewhere in that bag." she pushed me forward.

I noticed an empty bed in the top right-hand corner of the room and moved my luggage in the direction. I had no idea what was going on but I was so tired I couldn't be bothered to think about it right now.

I took my charger and laptop from my bag plugging it into the outlet beside my bed.

"Ree, what are you doing," the same brown-haired girl approached me.

Lord, what did she want this time.

"We're back..." a girl around the same height as the previous girl walked through the door holding two blue nylon bags another girl following after her with two smaller nylon bags, "you know I still don't understand Ree, why do I have to-"

The girl stopped in her tracks, "See Ree, I told you that our roomie might appear by the time we are back, it's a good thing I bought five servings, by the way, what's your name?"

"Me?" I looked around confused.

"Who else?" she replied.

"Oh, uhm. Hi, I'm Silvia sorry for turning up late I had things to deal with during the day."

"Cool, well I'm Grecia, the hermit over there is Gracen, we're twins, this thing behind me is-"

"I'm Ree," she said cutting through her speech. Ahh, so she's Ree.

"Wait, a second. I thought you were Ree. I'm sorry you just look so similar it was hard to tell," she bowed repeatedly.

Do people still do that, bowing? I thought that was a tradition they left in 2020

"Cool, anyways come sit own, we have two extra-large servings of fried chicken wings, a large bottle of Sprite and five Ben and Jerry's Ice cream.

Think of this as a welcoming party or feast, anyways Grace get the projector rolling, we're watching all episodes of Vampire Diaries tonight, first person to fall asleep has to pay for tomorrows lunch, Deal?"

"Deal," we all chorused at the same time.

"Oh, by the way, which bathroom do I use?"

"Hold on, who's the bed is that. Over there, by the balcony. And why did you buy 5 servings if there's only 4 of us?" I didn't notice a 5th person when we came in.

"That would be me. Hello, I am Aaliyah Castino. The one blackie that everyone hates," her smile was wide and bright. I feel I've seen her somewhere. I don't know where though.

"The one on the right, you and Ree are sharing, since I, Grey and Aaliyah are used to sharing a bathroom you know," she took blankets and huge pillows from a cabinet and started organizing them.

"I'm going to quickly like get changed and wash my face," I stood up taking my toiletry bag with me to the bathroom

"Me too," Ree stood up after me heading straight to the bathroom.

"Here is your cup," she stood in front of the doorway, "don't get it mixed with mine put your toothbrush in here so it's cleaner," I nodded confused, I took the ceramic mug in my hand and walked in front of the sink, the bathroom sort of had a large mirror overlooking of the sink.

I took out my face wash and facial scrub from my toiletries bag. After washing my face, I ran my head under the water. The cold water rushing through my hair strands. It felt somewhat relaxing.

I raised my head slowly just to see not one but two of my reflections.


I don't even know at which point the mug slipped out of my hand, but I found myself staring intently at the reflection opposite me and it back at me, it was crazy, the face size, shape nose lips eyes, eyebrows, everything, identical. Even the freckle at the bottom of my chin.

"What happened?" Gracen and Grecia rushed in, however when they burst in I had already found myself pointing a trembling finger at the person standing opposite me.

"She looks exactly like me. Even up to the littlest details like the brown freckle by my chin," we chorused, not even realising we were speaking at the same time.

"Come to think of it," Grecia spoke up, "how did I not notice it the both of you are identical up to every inch even your height and hair length, even me and Gracen aren't that identical we have some differences they're just hard to spot at first glance. However, the both of you the similarity is just mad, on top of that you're both matchings are you sure you guys aren't related or already know each other or something?"

"I've never seen her in my entire life before, neither are we related," I confirmed with an evident agitated tone in my voice.

"You make that sound offensive," Ree turned to me.

"It only becomes offensive if you see it that way?"

"Oh, shut up."

"Practice what you preach," I snapped.

"Can the both of you shut the hell up and get in here or we'll start without you which means technically you bailed and you'd both be paying for lunch tomorrow."