
Ideas of a Psycho

[TW// Blood | Murder | Mature Content | Assault | Kidnapping | Harassment ] A long... time ago, back when the CECT war had come to a stalemate many rebel groups remained occupying and oppressing countries and their civilians. After Operation 4/5ths failed NBL a prized soldier of the New World Army found himself switching sides. Becoming more Psychotic as the times passed on. General's Family, split across the world, suffers at the hands of NBL. Or is it his fate. His young daughters, kidnapped and split across two lands of a peninsula, his wife- yet to be found. And his eldest son cut out of contact. And now with NBL's growing rebel forces it seems a war will be inevitable. Due to a lack of soldiers because of the Armies inactivity a draft was imposed on all able bodied people from the ages of 16 to 38. How will fate dictate the direction of this war. But it doesn't start. For now its just a bunch of rich kids at high school.

Yui_Ichi · Fantasie
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27 Chs

Ideas of a Psycho 2: Disease

Chapter 1- Memories


"Who are you?"

"That's what I should be asking you shouldn't I?"

"But. . . I asked you first."

"And I answered you, but just with another question."


FRIDAY MARCH 12th 00:12 AM The Middle of Nowhere.

"That's what I was going to ask you, Rhea Stone. Why do you have my surname?"

"Yours... don't you mean mine?" she folded her arms an angered expression laying on her face, "besides, it's not that serious, just a mere coincidence."

"I mean- sure, maybe it is a co-incidence. But what if it isn't-"

"Then I. Don't want. To know," Rhea responded coldly. Silvia could sense a hint of fear in her voice. As if she was afraid of the truth. It was clear she had her own doubts. So what was preventing her from exploring them?

I sighed loudly, It's not like anything I said would be taken into account. I tilted my head back into my seat looking out into the darkness a part of me wanting it to swallow me, yet another part of me strangely terrified of it. I rested my eyes and let myself fall into an endless slumber.

DECEMBER 15th 21:35 **********

A small girl rose from the small pile of dirt she had been buried underneath. She instantly called out her sister's name, anxious thoughts racing through her mind, "Silvia-" she called repeatedly until she suddenly paused.

"Sil-" she noticed a small human-like figure in under a pile of rubble. Carefully, she lifted the dusty cloth covering the body. It had a strong stench of piss and sweat. Under it lay the fragile body of a small girl. Her body was in tatters. She had scratches all over her body, her skin purple and bruised. The filth clung to her skin, dried blood clotting in her hair. "Silvia," she gasped flying back. Memories running through her head. She could hear the screams, blood-curdling screaming's ringing continuously like church bells.

It seemed like that they were the only thing she could recall. Pain. Agony. She laid there bundled up on the floor, thoughts tearing in and out of her memory.

"Do you not know how to shut up?", the small girl felt herself being ripped from the floor along with the excruciating pain of the spindly strands of her hair about to break off, "I could hear your cries from the ground floor," the figure tightened his grip, lifting higher off the ground.

"If you dare make another sound-" he bellowed before letting her fall to the floor. The sound so loud it vibrated the place.

Like the sound of bones hitting the floor. She watched as the figure backed into the rest of the darkness of the room. "Silvia," she crawled towards the carcass. "Silvia," she whimpered caressing her sister's face. She felt her eyes brimming with pain and agony. No tears yet. Just pain. And agony.

"Shh.." the little girl felt a small grubby finger lay on her lips. A tear dropped from her face washing collecting dirt on her face whilst it rolled down. "I'm right here," she raised her hand caressing her hair, running her hand through her hair slowly undoing the tangles and knots. "If you cry like this you'll cry yourself clean," she patted her gently

From beneath the dirt and rubble slowly rose a little girl. Her eyes were brown like honeydew, and her cheeks were flushed a light pink. Her skin was white and fair, however, under all the dirt she looked like nothing more than a ghost with pretty eyes.

In the distance, she noticed a small red blinking light. But the room was too dark it was impossible to tell where anything was.

"Ree," she finally spoke. "I think someone is watching us." Silvia rose a weak hand pointing to the blinking

"What do you mean Silvia?" she turned to face where she was pointing.

"No don't look at it," she drew out her arms quickly turning her face in the opposite direction.

"Why not?" she gently shook her sister whose eyes were fixated on the blinking light.

"Because I remember."

"Remember what Silvia?" she continued shaking her egging her on for a response.


The room went completely black, the red light disappeared and Silvia was nowhere insight to be seen. Ree scrambled around the room but it was significantly empty. She felt as if someone had blinded her.

"Sil-" she was cut off by a large siren. All she could remember was being violently dragged away through the darkness, slowly approaching a light.

"Silvia-" Ree called out softly in a desperate attempt to reach her sister. She kept calling and calling but the more she called the more hopeless she got. And soon enough, like a light, she was out.


Silvia kept on approaching the red light. As she grew closer to it, she felt the deep red slowly turn into a bright white. Like she was looking at a ball of light. It was as if she was hypnotised. In a single state of mind. Like a moth drawn to a flame.

As if a spell had been cast on her, she found her feet taking her to places she didn't want it to. The gentle voice cooed, attracting her to it. For Silvia, it was like she had encountered heaven.

"Silvia!" a voice cut through her thoughts loud and abruptly, calling her back to reality.

"Silvia are you alright?" eight worried heads popped into her vision