
Ideas of a Psycho

[TW// Blood | Murder | Mature Content | Assault | Kidnapping | Harassment ] A long... time ago, back when the CECT war had come to a stalemate many rebel groups remained occupying and oppressing countries and their civilians. After Operation 4/5ths failed NBL a prized soldier of the New World Army found himself switching sides. Becoming more Psychotic as the times passed on. General's Family, split across the world, suffers at the hands of NBL. Or is it his fate. His young daughters, kidnapped and split across two lands of a peninsula, his wife- yet to be found. And his eldest son cut out of contact. And now with NBL's growing rebel forces it seems a war will be inevitable. Due to a lack of soldiers because of the Armies inactivity a draft was imposed on all able bodied people from the ages of 16 to 38. How will fate dictate the direction of this war. But it doesn't start. For now its just a bunch of rich kids at high school.

Yui_Ichi · Fantasie
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27 Chs

Earlier That Day

****Earlier That Day****


"Vanesa Anna Sovia Ace, you have exactly three minutes to get down here before I come up there," ma was almost equivalent to my wake up alarm. Her voice was louder than that of the morning roosters and robbins in the woods behind our home.

"Ma I'm coming," I wearily climbed out of bed. I stood up and slipped on my green fluffy crocs. I picked up my black round-rimmed glasses from my bedside table and drew the curtains open. Although I wasn't one to wake up early, I guess you could still consider me a morning person.

Today is to be my first day of High School. Grecia and Gracen already left yesterday so they could meet up with Ree and the others. To be precise it's my last year of Junior High, which is still High School. And the twins' first day of Senior High. Junior High is from ages 13-15 years. And Senior High is from ages 16-18. However, since the school years collide with each other, most people are still 15 when they enter senior high.

I hauled my suitcase down the stairs as everyone in the house rushed about making last-minute checks. Pa rushed around busily, he was probably looking for his handkerchief again. He was always losing it in wierd spots or misplacing it somewhere.

"Vanesa go wake your sister up and tell Yato to come down here," my mum told me as she walked past me with a large suitcase. Yato who is also known as Yat is my older brother, everyone else apart from the twins has names beginning with Y he is also the only without a European first name.

"Yato, Ma said come downstairs, I hope you aren't just preparing your suitcase this morning," I yelled as I rushed up the stairs approaching Via's room.

"Via..." I knocked on the door before slowly opening it, "Ma's waiting for you downstairs, time to go," I gently shook her.

"Is it ?" Via rubbed her eyes gently. She sat up and looked around before extending her arms to be picked up.

"C'mon up we go," I picked via up resting her on my shoulders and reached for her suitcase in the corner of the darkroom.

Since all of us went to a high school far away, apart from Via, who was still a small child. Ma and Pa decided it would be best to move there.

We all knew Via didn't find it that easy to make friends and didn't have any close friends she was attached to.

"Ma, Via is still tired so I carried her down, I'll put her in the car so she doesn't wake up," I yelled as I passed by the living room on my way to the car, a half-asleep Via resting now in my arms.

"Did you tell your brother to come downstairs Vanesa?" my mother yelled from the kitchen.

"Yes Ma," I replied on my way back into the house. I picked up the suitcases lined up in the doorway one by one loading them into the boot of the car. Because of our large family, we had a large eight-seater car. It was quite luxurious.

To put it straight, let's just say that our family aren't exactly lacking in money.

I made my way to the backseat of the car before Yato could claim it: the back seat is the largest, and most comfortable, and has a little curtain that had been hung up there because of when Ma used feed Via. Along the car roof of the car, ceiling are a few multi-coloured LED mood lights: ultra-violet, white, dark blue, purple and electric blue. On the left-hand side was a little pop-out container. Every month ma and pa would put a different selection of sweets and snacks, whoever got the seat, got the snacks. And if I'm correct, yesterday was the refill date.

I covered myself completely in my blanket and stretched my legs along across the two other back seats so I occupied the whole space. I rested my head on my neck pillow.

"Pa, when are we going to go, I can't pull out the hanging stand until we start moving," on the car roof of the back seats were also three hanging stands. You would pull them out of the roof of the car and clip them to your device. Of course, a special case was required. The sides of the hanging stand extended and withdrew. This was so you could customise it to your device.

"Oh no our dear little Vivi is getting impatient," Pa let out a huge sigh.

Are we all ready," Pa said approaching the car shutting the door tightly behind him, "Yato, please sit with your youngest sister," Ma turned her seat around so she was facing us, "you know how scared she'll get if she wakes up and no one is there."

Yato rolled his eyes before moving his things to the row in front to sit next to Via.

"If you roll your eyes further back enough maybe they'll roll out of your head," I snorted.

"Shut up Vaseline legs," he stuck his middle finger up at me.

"Aye, Ma Yato-"

"I don't want to hear it, it's 06:00 AM for goodness sakes can't you be a little bit more...sane, and that goes out to both of you," Ma sighed and collapsed into her seat rotating so she was now facing the front.

"I assume we're all ready, we're not stopping for food on the way, so we're going to take a quick detour to the MaxiMarket since it should just be opening, everything should be restocked so no excuse that you couldn't find something and we have to go to a different store," Pa revved up the engine before pulling out of the driveway and heading out of the long driveway to the MaxiMarket.

It was less than five minutes before we pulled up into the almost empty MaxiMarket car-park the only people I knew were still here were the Fritzgerlads who loved waking up extra early to snag everything. They shopped like we were about to get locked up in an apocalypse.

Whenever we went to the MaxiMarket, it was more sort of instead of sharing everything out, fill up a single basket, however, if it doesn't fit in, it won't get bought.

"As per usual, it's one basket per person, however since it's a long trip, your mother and I will be buying more snacks," Pa wheeled a small trolley towards us and stepped into the MaxiMarket ma following behind him.

Upon entering the store, I picked up the wheeled-baskets which tended to be much larger. Pa never really specified what type of basket we were allowed to use so I always took full advantage.

I unfolded the basket handles and headed to the snack isles. Unlike in the old days, baskets are now fingerprint activated, so when you've reached the limit your card can afford it buzzes you slightly when you put something above your budget.

I took all the different Oreo flavours available on the shelf, a four-pack of sprite cans, some chocolate bars, sweets, and caramel-filled-yum- yums because those are the best pastries to exists ever. After roughly half an hour, we left the MaxiMarket with six large bags, of snacks. Many people would think that we are migrating with this amount of shopping. To be honest, when it came to shopping we were second to the Fitzgeralds.

I rushed into the back or else I knew my back seat would be occupied before I got there.

"Everyone before we go, please tell me you bought drinks, we aren't having anyone die of thirst before we get there," Pa mumbled the last bit quietly but I'm pretty sure everyone still heard him.

"Yes Pa," we chorused half of us barely awake.

"I also hope you used the bathroom at home, no bathroom breaks unless Via needs it, the rest of you are old enough to know to use the toilet before we leave," he said pulling out of the MaxiMarket.

I spread my legs once again across the back seats, closing the curtains on either side of me, and opening my laptop to watch the Netflix, I managed to download Season 2 of Lost in Space last night and a few other series. My particular favourite was Alice in Borderland. Sometimes I like to imagine myself in their positions and think about how I would act.

I've shifted there a few times but shifted back almost immediately because I always shifted in the middle of the game. Although the show came out ages ago it's still one of my personal favourites.

I connected my laptop to my Mi Pods and took out a packet of Jorgji's Jelly Beans, and a can of sprite and put it in the snack holder on the side of my seat. I took out one of my Crumb's Bakery Yum Yums from the small brown paper bag. Since MaxiMarket MaxiMarket in Crumbs Bakery, their bakery started supplying baked goods such as bread, cakes, pies and many more. The pastries there are honestly outstanding, as an honour from me a candidate to be the heir of the Ace Group, I will kindly leave a nice review on Pear, the website with trusted reviews.

I put my finger upon the scanner, to unlock my laptop and opened up Netflix then went onto my downloads. Lost in space... Lost in space... here it is, right at the bottom of the load.

Time to get comfortable.