
Chapter 8 – Conferred Upon Us

The twenty-two of them sat uncomfortably in the shuttle seats, the blurring city lights blinking through the windows. They remained in a daze on the grey leather couches. The time ticked by for longer and even longer. Where were they going exactly? Wasn't the First Trial held amongst their Chamber so where exactly were they going?

"Look, it appears we're here," Martin the only one who seemed currently to be sane pointed to the opening of large metallic looking gates. They were currently sat at the back of the shuttle so she witnessed the gates close tightly behind them with a loud hissing sound.

"Everyone wake up I think we're-" Martin was interrupted mid-way through her speech by the sudden jolt of the shuttle. Everyone was thrown forward and out of their seats. The shuttle continued jolting around for a few seconds before running smoothly again. Then suddenly stopping this time without the turbulated throw.