
Ideas for fanfiction

Ideas for fanfiction you can use it if you want but please send the title to the comment so I can read it

MissPinkElf · Anime und Comics
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9 Chs

Reincarnated As Ophis With Word Travel Skill

NAME - OPHIS(from Dxd)

AGE - ???????

HOBBY - SEEING INTERESTING THINGS,(you can add what you want there)

LIKE - mess up things, scaring others, peace, ( you can add what you want there)

BACKGROUND - ___(name) is a person that has a lot of crazy personalities

sometimes he want piece, sometimes he want to mess things up, and sometimes he was extremely bored that he seek things that are interesting

when he was messing things up he was shot by a police

when he woke up he (or she) had been reincarnated as Ophis she spend a years in the black when she realized that she has a world traveling skill

sorry for my bad grammar and spelling sometimes

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