
Ickapoo does not like sexual promiscuity and licentiousness

Ickapoo believes in true love. He is not interested in Adultery, one Night Stands, visiting sex workers, promiscuity, lascivousness or flings.

"It would be difficult toady for any of us to say what he was like. There was nothing striking about him: he played during recess, worked in study-hall, paid attention in class, slept soundly in the dormitory, ate heartily in the refectory." (10)

In other words, Charles was a conformist who fitted societal norms comfortably and would be indistinguishable from the common man in society, he was boring conformist and unremarkable.

"The next day, however, he seemed a very different man. It was he who gave the impression of having lost his virginity overnight: the bride made not the slightest sign that could be taken to betray anything at all." (34)

Charles had derived sensual satisfaction from consummating their marriage but Emma had not been sexually satisfied by their consummation.