
I work in the reincarnation office

*To be rewritten in the future* Follow Gil adventures as he works at the reincarnation office with a new assistant. They will cause chaos around them, not even the gods of reincarnation will prevent Gil from having fun. 2 Stars - Where is my shield hero, I ordered four heroes and the shield hero is missing. 5 Stars – Gil is my best friend, we had a lot of fun on the moon, thanks for Sora and Shiro. 3 Stars - I requested that a class of teenagers be transmigrated to my world to defeat the demon king and received only babies. Now the demon king has adopted the babies and is training them to command his forces. It is not what he expected but it has been entertaining. 5 Stars – Recommended. I AM not being THREATRNED. 3 Stars – He gave me an interesting soul for my games, I don't give him 5 stars because I don't like Gil. With love Hitomagi. These are the last of the thousands of reviews that Gil has. My name is Gil and I have the best job in the universe. (Words: 30K)

Empe_ror99 · Anime und Comics
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13 Chs

Foundations of Chaos

Chapter 11 Foundations of Chaos

Laughter fills the room, it's Gil who laughs out loud from his desk holding his stomach.

"Could you stop laughing? we are very tired "Alan says as he leans back on the sofa in the office. This of course makes Gil keep laughing.

"What happened to your eye Tanya?" Gil says controlling himself a bit.

"I don't want to talk about it," Tanya says dryly, trying to suppress the memories.

"Let's watch TV in the meantime" says Alan trying to change the subject of conversation when he turns on the television.

"…President Miuller indicated that Comet Melancholia will pass close to Earth next month, which will provide spectacular images of this phenomenon. In other news, a bookstore caught fire during the afternoon causing a lot of panic, we have a person who was in the place when the fire started, Naofumi Iwatani will tell us what happened."



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I look up upon hearing that report and see a Naofumi Iwatani smiling as he waves to the cameras. I shift my gaze to Alan who is now red in the face and look over at Tanya who now has a pile of papers covering her face. I'm still listening to the news now with interest.

"At first I thought it was some kind of pervert following me and I confronted him at the Bookstore. I asked his intentions nicely and when he was about to call the police. A small person came out of nowhere shouting some kind of chant from some evil sect, using my fabulous martial skills I managed to contain it without harming it."

"The bastard threw an encyclopedia at my head while he hit Alan" Tanya yells angrily throwing the papers on the floor.

"When they were threatened, they created a fire that spread to the entire library and took advantage of the confusion to flee, in the chaos I managed to rescue the librarian who was about to be crushed by some book shelves." Much applause is heard from the people around Naofumi ending with the title of Naofumi the hero of the library. When Gil turns off the tv.

"Gil, we didn't start the fire…" Alan says nervously.

"They just had to make him press a red button" I tell them sighing with my hands on my head "I expected it from you Alan, but I didn't expect it from you Tanya" I say pointing at Tanya who now has a red face with embarrassment.

"It was all Alan's fault, he doesn't know how to sneak up on a person and he doesn't know how to get out of a chokehold either," Tanya explains with her arms crossed.

"Excuse me for not being in a military academy at 5 years old Tanya" Alan says pointing to Tanya "Whose idea was it to shout a religious chant at full volume in the middle of the library? You're not in that barbaric world anymore." Alan defends himself by blaming Tanya.

Both Alan and Tanya are now looking at each other with daggers in their eyes as if they are comically shooting lightning bolts. The tension in the room rises until Gil intervenes.

I put my hand to my mouth and cough a little to get these two's attention. "We can't send Naofumi to the other world anymore, he became too popular for people to notice her disappearance." Gil hums as he thinks.

"And you two have to learn to work together." A dark smile spreads across Gil's face. "When I find a suitable punishment for both of you I will let you know, you can go for today, you are a mess."

"Gil, I'm sorry to let you down… I really am," Alan says with his head down now.

"It won't happen again," Tanya says with a sigh.

I snap my fingers and both Alan and Tanya disappear.

While Alan and Tanya are out of the office, I start checking the reviews the gods leave on me, not that I care anyway.

1 star - Where is my shield hero, I ordered four heroes and the shield hero is missing.

5 stars – Gil is my best friend, we had a lot of fun on the moon, thanks for Sora and Shiro.

3 stars - I requested that a class of teenagers be transmigrated to my world to defeat the demon king and I receive babies. Now the demon king has adopted the babies and is training them to command his forces. It is not what he expected but it has been entertaining.

5 stars – Recommended. I AM not being THREATRNED.

3 stars – He gave me an interesting soul for my games, I don't give him 5 stars because I don't like Gil. With love Hitomagi

These are the last of the thousands of reviews that Gil has.

"It's not like I really care, although it's fun to watch them complain," I say looking at my 3.2 out of 5 rating overall.

I am struck by the large number of souls waiting to be reincarnated, so I get down to work.

The first soul to be reincarnated appears.

"Where I am?"

"Boring" Gil says when the soul disappears and reincarnates in a random world.

"What? What happened?"

"Ha? Where did the bomb go?

"…go to fucking hell, what? Where I am?"

All the souls were reincarnated, very few manage to call my attention to give them a wish or give them the opportunity to choose for themselves the world where they will reincarnate.

Not long after, I get a call from my awesome boss.

"Gil come to my office, we have to talk" The voice on the other end tells me. I just sigh and disappear.

In the office of Being X.

"You made me win a lot with the bets, you were right about Sora and Shiro." He says Being X with a smile on his face. "I have interesting new worlds in my possession thanks to you"

"Everything was carefully calculated don't worry, not even Tet realized the contest was rigged." It was obvious that Sora and Shiro would win.

"I just have one question, Gil. Why weren't the losers' memories erased?" Ser X says showing me several screens with a subtle smile on his face.


"Never more… We will never doubt again," Kirito says with a dark look.

"Never again, we've been completely stupid." Asuna says looking at Kirito with the same dark gaze.

"No mercy for our enemies" Kirito says while putting on his cape and with Asuna following him, they have a world to conquer and those who stand in the way will be eliminated.

"They were right, we are just naive children, but not anymore"

From that Day two rulers arose within Aincrad, with an iron fist and taking no prisoners, thus beginning the dark age of Aincrad.


"Lord Ainz-sama, what happened in that tournament?" Demiurge asks, since he came from the strange tournament against the lesser beings, Ainz-sama has changed, now he can't be in the presence of Albedo.

"Attention all servants of the Great Tomb of Nazarick!" Shouts the overlord "I want you to search, locate and delete all the chess sets in this world!"

"You all heard, we must eliminate this new enemy, Ainz-sama must have discovered that an evil magic is inside those boards, possibly mind control. As usual, Ainz-sama is several steps ahead of everyone else," Demiurge explained.

However, Ainz's order was taken to the letter by all of his servants, thus leading the Great Tomb of Nazarick into all-out war against humanity.

When Ainz realized what he had caused, it was already too late, then Ainz Ooal Gown, ruler of the world and the Great Tomb of Nazarick, emerged.


In another world an uprising was taking place in the name of his god Kira, Light Yagami was arrested for being Kira shortly after returning to his world and sentenced to life in prison, with the Death Note missing his fate was sealed.

Until the worldwide unrest began, a new group of followers emerged from the shadows upon learning the identity of their true god. In a maximum security prison, Light was lying on his bed when out of nowhere a notebook falls on his face.

It was his Death Note with a note at the end.

---Tet was left with a retort, not that he noticed. Have fun~ --- A strange force makes Light close his eyes in pain.

"So now it begins..." Kira says with a dark look, when he opens her eyes they are red, now he has the eyes of the shinigami with which he can see the names of the people above their heads.

He watches one of the guards approaching his patrol as Light pulls out a pen embedded in the Death Note and begins to write.



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"Your actions now have repercussions on their home worlds" Being X says as he stares at me. "Not to mention the problem of the men in red from the dark side of that moon, who now rule that land" Thousands of these men in red are seen parading through the streets on the screen.

"In my defense, it was fun." I snort with my arms crossed. "And those worlds are your property, if you don't like them, restart them." Gil says defensively with a shrug.

"I'm not upset, in fact it was fun to see those events. As always you provide me with entertainment of the highest quality" Says Ser X with a proud smile. "I didn't just call you for those little things. Those above have decreed an auction and they want you to be the auctioneer." Says Being X with a serious face.

"An auction? It's pretty weird." A smile appears on Gil's face. "Many gods will be present?" Gil's smile turns predatory.

At night in Alan's apartment

"Starting tomorrow the work will increase considerably, we must find the best souls this world has to offer" I say as I watch Alan and Tanya finish eating.

"Something happens?" Alan asks me with a mouth full of food.

"An auction will take place," I say casually. "Also Alan, you will be doing office work together with Tanya for the next few days. You are forbidden to go outside." Before giving him time to respond, I signal him to shut up. "Consider that your punishment for failing your mission." Alan just crosses his arms and pouts like a little kid.

"Put Alan do paperwork? Are you sure about that?" Tanya asks with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes, and you'll be in charge of him." He smiled a little. "I hope you get along better after spending a few hellish days on paperwork." I give a thumbs up to Tanya who just sighs.

The next few days will be so much fun.

Some days after.

"...In the latest news there have been numerous cases of kidnappings throughout the territory, the authorities still have no clue, among the kidnapped people is the famous Library Hero Naofumi Iwatani"

The Library Hero!

Gil didn't erase the memories of losers!

Gil is pure evil!

Empe_ror99creators' thoughts