
I work for the CEO who loves to kiss me

In order to be loved by the love of her life, she gave up everything—her dreams, her heart, her respect, even herself—but all she gets in return is a breakup. Ifra Aziz, an aspiring fashion designer, was the talk of the town when she came back to attend her sister's wedding after having broken up with her three years ago. She came to the wedding still completely in love with her ex, hoping to put her past behind her and start living her life without making the mistake of falling in love again. But all of this turned out to be wishful thinking when she received a sudden confession of love from the most handsome bachelor, Kaif, who thought of Ifra as her twin sister, Aqsa, and kissed her in front of Ifra's ex-boyfriend Zayn. ........................... Kaif, the CEO of the country's largest fashion company, comes to attend his best friend's wedding and falls in love with a girl named Aqsa or Ifra—who knows? confess his love in front of her and kiss her, but will he ever come to know that he is in love with which twin sister? or he will lose his love because of the confusion. How can I ever forget the day he ruined me in front of my love? "Who is he?" he asks as he grabs me by my waist. "Don't you have any other business than poking your nose into someone else's? You have no right to ask." I never liked him, and now he had the nerve to ask about my personal life... "Listen, sweetheart, you are my only and personal business, and I have every right to ask." "So tell me, who is he?" "Do you have feelings for him?" "Yes, he is the one I love, and I am always going to love him; I always think about him; I care about him and no one else, so you better get your hands off me." "Hmm, so from now on, you are only allowed to think about me, care about me, even love me, and only me, because from now onward, you are mine." He said this and didn't give me a chance to respond as he pressed his lips against mine in ways I had never known someone could kiss... but everything came to a halt when I noticed my ex standing behind him, watching me kiss another man.

Sadiya_Javed · Urban
Zu wenig Bewertungen
20 Chs



After a while, the Saad ritual begins, everyone gathers around Saad and begins blessing him and giving him sweets. the first ones were Sheeba and Javed, as they were Simra's parents. after that, all the elders performed the ritual, and now it is time for the youngsters. Kaif was standing right behind Saad. the first one was Aqsa, when she came near Saad

"take care of my sister well"

saad look at her with a smile and said "don't worry i will"

aqsa walked away with a pleasant smile on her face.

Next one was Ifra... Kaif's expression softened as he saw her. Everyone knows Ifra is a girl of few words, but she always means every word. "Well, I know you love her, but I am with Aqsa on this one. I wish you both a happy future." When she walks away, Saad gives her a respectful nod... the next one is Afnan... the softened expression on Kaif's face hardens... but Afnan ignores Kaif and just looks at Saad and says, "You better take care of her...or we'll have a problem."

He gives them all a nod and says nothing but, "I love her, of course I will take very good care of her, why are they all threatening me like this?"

When Arhan arrived, he gave Kaif a friendly nod, then turned to Saad and said, "Come on, they are all just feeling protective of her, but don't worry like all of them, I am not going to threaten you. I feel you, take care of yourself man." After a few seconds, he added, "from my sister. every time she kicks you out of the house when you piss her off and you know where to come"

When the ritual ends, everyone from Saad's family and friends starts playing haldi with him.

Ifra receives a phone call from Simra; she answers it but can't hear her because everyone is talking loudly, so she goes to a quiet corridor. where no one was around, just when she was talking to her, all the lights in the banquet went off.

Ifra got scared as she is afraid of the dark. When she tried to run toward where everyone was sitting, someone held her hand and her heart skipped a beat from the fear. She doesn't know who the person is. and can't even see because she is surrounded by darkness. her back is to where that person is. she feels a tug on her hand, she twirls from the unexpected force and her head hits a hard chest, she looks at the person but can't identify because of the darkness. she opened her mouth to scream but that scream never left her throat as her mouth is covered by a rough hand. she closes her eyes and

When the person came so close...ifra bit his hand as hard as she could...but the person's hand didn't even budge...she feels his lips on her earlobe and the person's jaw rubbing her one side cheeks and then the other... when she tried to release herself from that person's hold all she felt was that hold tightening... when she took a long breath...she smelled an expensive cologne.....

jus when ifra feel like some serial killer is going to kill her between the ceremony.

ifra feel the stranger moving his hips toward her ear and she heard.

"I told you to stay" as ifra was trying to process his words she felt his hand leaving her waist and the next seconds lights are back , when ifra look around as she is taking deep breath to calm herself down she found no one there.

she shake her heard and start walking where everyone is .

Aqsa approached Ifra and looked her in the eyes, asking, "Who did this to you?"

"what.. ?" When Ifra touched her cheeks with her fingertips, she found haldi on them. She immediately realize who that person in the dark was, and she closed her eyes in utter irritation. When she opened her eyes, they were filled with anger. How dare he scare her like this? She took a handkerchief from Aqsa and wiped the haldi off her face.

"I will talk to you later," Ifra said to Aqsa as he walked past her. She searched the entire banquet for the one person who always irritates her to death. Ifra is always the calm and light-tempered person, but she doesn't know why he always brings out a side of her she is unfamiliar with. When her sight found a similar head, she rushed toward him, KAIF, as he is the only one beside Saad who has

Kaif was talking to someone when he felt aqsa behind him; without even saying anything, he excused himself and turned toward her, still covered in haldi.

seeing an angry expression on her face, he tries to suppress his own grin. He knows very well why she is here.

"It's you," she said to him in an angry voice. Kaif can see that she wiped the haldi from her face, but while seeing her angry expression, he looked at her seriously and asked, "What?"

"You did this to me," she said, pointing to her face...

Kaif grins, and with a shrug, he says "nope."

Ifra kept staring at him, noticing how shamelessly he lied, but she stood firm with her statement, "Yes.. I know it's you.. You apply haldi to my face from yours in that corridor."

"What evidence do you have?"

When Ifra heard this, she remained silent for a few seconds and tried to respond, but Ifra didn't need proof to know that only Kaif could do this kind of act, so she took a step forward, stood on her toes, and moved her face toward Kaif's neck.

Kaif is stunned by her sudden closeness, but he knows she is smelling his scent. He can't help but chuckle while taking a step back and saying, "Okay, now step away.. I know I am hard to resist." He shrugs, "but my answer is no.. for a make out session here."

When Ifra smells him, she knows it's the same scent she smells on that person, but when she hears Kaif's statement, she looks at him angrily and says, "Shut up!"

Kaif laughed and continued to stare at her.

"what ?"

"Nothing," Kaif replied, his eyes fixed on her, a calm expression on his face.

When she feels his glares heavy on her body, she looks away. But she looks at Kaif with the corner of her eye. He's still looking at her. She can't control her annoyance. She looks at him and says, "Just tell me? "Is the haldi still on my face?"

He shook his head and said, "You look alluring when you're angry."

A faint color of red appears on Ifra's cheeks. She is really angry at him but doesn't know why her body is reacting differently to his compliment.

"And also when you blush..." Kaif adds with a grin.

"I don't blush."

He tilted his head toward her, saying, "Oh, sure, you do...

Unable to stop the heat of her face, Ifra looked around. When her eyes fell on Afnan's face, she looked toward Kaif and asked to change the topic to "why my brother is angry at you.."

Kaif follows her gaze and discovers her staring at Afnan. "He is your brother..?."

When Ifra nodded her head, Kaif took a breath of relief as he had misunderstood their closeness before, but suddenly his relief expression was exchanged for a different one, and he mumbled "shit."

Ifra's suspicion grows again after seeing Kaif's reaction, as she is now certain that something happened between the two of them. "What did you do to him...?"

Kaif looked at Ifra for a few seconds silently as he was not sure if he should say anything or not, but eventually he said with a sigh, "I slept with his girlfriend."

Ifra feels startled, as she definitely didn't expect this from Kaif. "Oh my god, no."

Ifra can see a faint regret in his eyes. "Ahh yes...

She looked at her brother again, trying to remember this information... and realised why Afnan looked at Kaif as if he wanted to kill him... but when one puzzle didn't seem to fit, Ifra asked, "Who told him this?"

"Let's forget about this," Kaif said with a shake of his head.

But Ifra is adamant about her position. "Who informed him of this?"

When she didn't budge, Kaif looked at her and replied, "I sent him a picture of me and her in bed."

Ifra couldn't take her surprise any longer, and with a disgusted expression on her face, she exclaimed, "My god, you are such a jerk..."

Kaif nodded, admitting he's a jerk, but added, "Was.. I was a jerk.. Now I'm not."

Ifra shook her head in disagreement and said, "Yes, you are... Her words are coated with so much rudeness that she can't even recognize her own voice.

Just as Kaif was about to argue more, both of them are interrupted by Aqsa's "Hey, sis." When Aqsa looks at both of their angry faces, she feels she came at the wrong time, but now what's done is done, so she just stands there.

"Yeah," Ifra responded.

"Come on, mom's calling...it's late; we should go home."

Ifra nods and walks away with Aqsa without even looking back at Kaif.

and Kaif just stands there, knowing that this time he messed up big.

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