
I Won't Marry You, Mr Hill!

"I'd rather jump off the window to my death than marry Mr Hill!" Suddenly finding herself in a contract marriage arranged by her father, Emma ran away from her wedding at the very last minute, leaving the legendary world known feared Mr Hill by the altar. She ran away and met Shaun, this very handsome stranger who gave her a lift. He was too handsome, she began to crush on him. She thought he had so many similarities to the Mr Hill, the same man she had run away from getting married to. The two had the same green eyes color and same stature, but they did not look facially alike. Infact, one looked more mature, manly, and older than the other. She had begun to fall for Shaun cause he was not only handsome but cool and not arrogant. But little did she know that she was being toyed by the same person in a game of revenge. Shun who she was now in love with was the same Mr Hill she ran away from getting married to, who is infact a wolf, gifted with the strange ability to change his face. He had been cursed and left to wander in the human land for over a century. Looking for a romantic thrilling story of a wolf in the human world? Then read "I won't marry you, Mr. Hill!"

Favour_Wright · Fantasie
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5 Chs

Chapter 3


He had dark hair, a clean beard with piercing green eyes. His eyes are so beautiful, his gaze so deep they could trap a soul I won't deny that. His gaze was also hard and his jawline was pronounced. 

Vance Hill really is just as extremely handsome as people and rumors say he is. He is way too handsome he almost seems non-human.

But then getting married to a handsome rich monster might just lead to my death.

Seated in the cab's backseat, I was staring at Vance Hill pictures on the internet, through a new phone I got and a new sim, registered with a different identity. That way, it'll take a while for me to get found by my parents, anyone, or Vance Hill. 

I also got to put a little money in an online wallet I opened which I can spend while I find my way around. 

I might not even tell Ava where exactly I am. I don't want to get found, caught, and dragged back. 

But then I had so many questions running through my mind. 

'Why the hell will the almighty Vance Hill choose or decide to marry me?'

I guess I will never find out. 

I just need to go far away. And if Dad comes looking for me, wanting to force me back, I will get him arrested. It is only Vance Hill I might not be able to arrest cause he has proven to be above the law in every way. 

Rumours have it that Mr Hill is the biggest force sustaining the US's economy which is part of the reasons why even the country and the government won't even protect their citizens against him. Sometimes I wonder who is bigger between him and the president. 

Vance Hill is a monster. 

I stared back at his picture and sighed. 

'How can someone be this handsome and evil?'

As for our wedding, there was nothing on the news yet and I was glad. 

Hopefully, Mr Hill is able to control the situation and nothing gets on the news. And I bet he will cause he is a man full of pride and ego. 

"Do I keep going miss?" The cab driver suddenly asked glancing back at me.

"Yes please," I replied anxiously with a nod. 

"How much is it now?" I asked. 

"About seventy dollars," he replied. We've been going for over three hours now.

"Just drop me off when you think I should pay a hundred dollars," I said to him. 

He nodded and continued driving. 

Even though I have some money with me, I still need to cut down my slack. I'll need to pay for a place I'll be staying for the time being. I also need to feed and buy a few clothes while I look for a job. 

I'll sell off my wedding gown, shoes, and all this jewelry. They should cost a fortune and sustain me for a while.

About going back to school? I'll figure that out after I've got my life figured out. So for now, I'm a college dropout. 

I shut my eyes and leaned back into the backseat. Thinking about my parents and everything I've gone through at the hands of my dad, I shook my head and sighed. I had stopped crying a while ago but tears had started to gather again in my closed eyes.

I'm not going to cry. I already have a terrible headache from all the crying. My makeup was ruined too and all I just wanted to do was sleep!

But then, the cab which had been gliding smoothly through the road suddenly lurched forward and jacked a few times before coming to an abrupt stop. 

My brows furrowed and I sat up immediately. 

"What's that?" I asked the driver and he too, seeming confused shook his head. 

"I don't know. Let me go check."

I watched him get out of the car, and then for the bonnet to check whatever. Somehow I got a little anxious since we were no longer on the move. If my dad's guards are coming after me, then they'll be drawing nearer and nearer. 

'Ha! I'll go get another cab.'

The driver soon returned and tried to start the engine but it would not. 

I swallowed as I watched him. 

"I might need to get a mechanic," he suddenly raised his head and said to me. 

'Oh, that's it. I'm getting out.'

I immediately reached for my small purse hidden in my bra under my pristine white gown and took out some dollar bills. 

"Here is your seventy dollars," I stretched the money to him and he looked at me

"You're leaving?" He asked to which I nodded.

The driver took the bill while I immediately found my way out of his cab. But after I got down and walked a little down the busy road I realized how difficult finding another cab here might be. There were hardly even cab riders plying this road and I exhaled sadly. 

No one was stopping or willing to stop despite how much I waved at them for help. 

'Is this not worse?'

Maybe I should just return. It is way better sitting in than openly standing here for my pursuers to easily see me. 

I turned to return to the broken cab when an SUV suddenly pulled up in front of me. Initially, I flinched, thinking I had been caught, but then the person whinnied down, and seeing the unfamiliar figure behind the wheel, I calmed down a little

He looked at me and I was stunned. 

Those eyes... wait. 

"Are you stranded miss?" His slightly deep voice asked but then I was a little dazed staring at him. 

He did not look familiar in any way, except for his green eyes. 

Why does he have similar eyes to that of Vance Hill, the man I'm running away from? 

He did not in any way look like Mr Hill, after all, I had stared at his pictures and I knew what he looked like even before this whole wedding saga. 

While Mr Hill had neatly trimmed beards, this young man before me had his beards in just a neat thin line. 

He was handsome too but not as handsome as Mr Hill. Aside from that, this one looks like he is just twenty-five or twenty-six, while Mr Hill looks like the twenty-nine-year-old mature man that he is, with Mr Hill even more handsome and sexy. 

'Wait. Am I actually thinking of all that?'

I swallowed. 

"Miss?" The person called while tilting his head slightly, seeing I seemed to have zoned out while staring at him. 

His pair of green eyes stared fixated at me, not to talk about his manly scent, I was trying so hard to fathom what brand it was. 

Okay, I've decided to ignore his eyes. He doesn't even look like Me Hill and Vance Hill definitely can't be the only one with green eyes in this world! 

Besides, this is reality and not fantasy. 

This guy smelled so unique, distinctive, and sexy. 

"Are you okay miss?" His deep voice asked again and his adam's apple gobbled. 

My eyes widened and I swallowed. 

'Aiit, that was as sexy as fuck!'

I cleared my throat. 

"Oh I'm sorry, but please can you help me? The cab that brought me all the way here broke down just there," I said to the beautiful man while pointing at where the cab was with the driver trying to do whatever in the open bonnet. 

"Sure. Hop in," he said and immediately, I rushed over to the passenger's seat. But remembering the type of clothes I was putting on, I went for the back seat instead. 

I was slightly embarrassed that I lowered my head as I sat in his car. I heard him chuckle and I swear that sounded so damn melodious and sexy! 

'Hey Emma!' Okay, I've got to caution myself.

"Where are you heading miss?" The man asked and looked at me through the mirror. Our eyes met and I was struck once more. 

'What the hell are those eyes? Why the hell are they so similar to Mr Hill's????!'

It was making me feel uneasy that I swallowed hard again.

"I need to go to a hotel. Just any good one around, so you can just drop me along the way," I said to him. 

I think it's best I get somewhere and get changed before I continue my journey again. That way, it'll even be more difficult for my pursuers to figure me out and catch me. 

"Alright," he replied. 

I stared at him from behind, amazed at how tall he seemed even from his sitting position. 

'Is he as tall as Mr Hill?' I wondered but shook my head. 

'Enough of comparisons with Mr Hill. But it's just that they look really similar. 

"What's your name, miss?" The man suddenly asked and I swallowed. 


"I'm Emma Walton?" I replied. "You?"

"I'm Shaun," he simply replied. I guess he won't say his surname. 

But then, my eyes suddenly went to the wristwatch on his wrist and my eyes widened. 

That was the rare but familiar custom-made wristwatch, poking out of the long-sleeved black shirt he was wearing. 

I've only seen this wristwatch displayed on the TV a few times and it was said that the watch was a customized one made of raw gold and silver stones and that only three people had this watch in the whole world. 

Mr Hill is the only one with this watch in the whole of North America so how does this man have this limited customized watch?

'Are they now two with this watch in North America?' I began to wonder. 

'But wait. Who and what exactly is Shaun?'

First, the same eyes with Mr Hill, now the watch...