
big trouble

"Im sorry Miss goldberg actually suddenly a call came and I had to attend. I..." Once their eyes met, he stopped on his place. And just kept staring at her...

Suddenly jasmine recognized last night incident and smirked in her mind. "Mr griffin let's start the meeting, shall we?"

By hearing jasmine's voice he came back to his senses and nodded. The whole meeting went well but bernard didn't concentrate on it at all, because he was lost in jasmine's deep aqua eyes.

During the presentation jasmine changed few points which were completely in Goldbergs favor (well everything is fair in business I guess and I did mention during presentation. it's his fault that he didn't paid any attention to it. wink ... wink).

"So should I arrange papers now or you want me to send it later with my assistant." jasmine asked with no expression but inside in her mind she was smirking like demons.

"No no let's wait here till you arrange papers now." bernard replied.

jasmine text her assistant to arrange papers according to new presentation. Her assistant came in 30 minutes with papers and soon bernard and jasmine signed the papers the copy was kept by Bernard while jasmine kept original once and was about to leave when Bernard stop her.

"Can I ask you something? I mean do we know each other? have we ever met before?" Bernard was hoping that she was his mystery girl.

jasmine turned and looked at him and said"I don't think so Mr griffin and I hope you won't ask this question again because I don't like to answer others without any reason and specially these kind of stupid questions. so behave" with this she gave death glares to Bernard and left.

Bernard felt disheartened and sat on his chair with dissapointed face. 'if she is not her then why I felt like she was that girl who stole my heart in that party.'

Bernard was in his thoughts and didn't even realized in what trouble they are going to be soon.

on the other side

jasmine reached in her office and directly went to his dad's cabin and called his brothers there too. and showed the contract file which Bernard signed.

they all were having evil smirk on their face. and they send the scan of contract papers to the Samrat griffin (the father of Bernard).

as soon as Samrat received and read it carefully, he started to boil in anger. in this rage he went to his son's cabin and throw the vase which was near the door of Bernard's cabin.

bernard stood up from his place when he saw the scene. "Do you have any idea in which situation you lead our company. I told you be careful when you are dealing with Goldbergs. they are tricky one. but you ... without reading papers how can you sign those bloody papers."

"Dad what happened? she mentioned all points in presentation and it was satisfying so I ..." bernard was saying but Mr griffin cut him in between.

"So you won't read papers if you heard all the points and what are you saying the points she mentioned were in the papers.. well that's true the points she mentioned in presentation were in papers too. if they trick us still they do that with purity and you just became fool."

"but dad what is making you this much angry please tell me which point they added and gonna lead us in trouble." bernard said and Mr griffin shot him death glare.

"They added the point the project in which we invest the profit will be 80% and 20%. 80 theirs and 20 ours and if we get loss then 80% ours and 20% theirs. in this case we loosed from both side because we invested much then them."

bernard was dumb founded. he was lost in her aqua eyes while she tricked him. she was so cunning that he didn't even realize and lead company to this much trouble.

"Dad can't we just withdraw from this project"

"No son we can't as I added a point that if anyone of us leave the contract then that person have to pay double the amount they invested in this project. this was made for them but now I'm the one regretting it."

Samrat and Bernard lead themselves in big trouble now how they will come out of this situation. do share your ideas in comment and please share your reviews too.