
Chapter 1

The birds singing outside the window wakes me up again.

So annoying. I wish I live in those expensive condos instead of this cheap dorm.

... (in a blink of an eye)

What the... I'm sure I'm not in a dream. This feels too real too be a dream. It looks like I'm in a five star hotel. The walls are glasses and the view is gorgeous. Did I got kidnapped?

Need to call someone, police. My phone... I don't have it. I've gotta get out of here.

Good things there's no one in the room. I can leave now.

... (walk out the door)

Looks like I'm on the 16th floor. Need to go down to the receptionist, if there's one.

... (walk to the elevetor)


"Hey, help! I'm kinapped, call the police!" I shouted.

Suddenly the guards come to block all the exit and a woman which appears to work here looks at me while picking her phone up.

I'm saved.

I sit down. About 5 min later, the cops come.

"Sir, are you alright? Would you mind answer some quesitons?" The policeman asked.

"I'm fine. I think some people kidnapped me. Yesterday I slept at my place but I woke up here." I talk fast, panicked.

"Did you see anyone else when you woke up, or anyone suspecious?"

"No. There was only me in the room. And no one outside either."

"Do you have your belongings with you? ID card? Wallet?"

I find my wallet in the jeans pocket.

"Only my wallet. I lost my phone."

I hand my wallet to him.

"So your name is Korn, right?"


"Please wait here"

The policeman then walks to the receptionist, I assume she is, and hand my ID card to her. She seems to be doing something on her computer, ID check maybe.

Few minutes later, they seem annoyed while looking at me from afar.

He walks back.

"Sir, you are a residency here. Why did you do all this? Why causing panick?"

"What?! I don't live here. Did you check the cameras? Someone must've brought me here!"

"We checked the cameras, and your condo contract. You came into your room, 1604 last night. Alone."

"Let me see the camera footage. I don't belive you. Yesterday I was in my dorm."

"Sure." The policeman sighs, and walks me to the receptionist.

She shows me the footage. It was me. Everything looks like me. Maybe someone planned this.

"He looks like me but that's not me. Someone must have planned this and acted and dressed like me." I said, furiously.

"Why would anyone do that to someone? What would they gain? If that's true, maybe it's a prank. And the person who did this would be someone close to you."

"No. I lived alone. I don't have any family, relatives, or friends."

"Then the only explanation is that you are trying to draw attention to yourself. I don't know why but this is wasting police's time."

"Miss, is this the first time this happened?" He then asked the receptionist.

"Yes, we never had anything like this before." She replied.

"Sir, I'm not gonna press any charges seeing you are just a college student. But please go see a doctor or a psychiatrist." He said to me and walked out the building .

What the fuck.

"So that's my room?" I asked the receptionist.

"Yes, and please don't cause anymore trouble, or I'll have to call the police to arrest you for causing local disturbances." She replied frustrated.

... (I go back to the room)

1604 it is. Still unlocked. The key must be inside. I need to sit down and think. What are the possibilities?

Evidence are the signed contract and the camera footage...

Fuck, I can think of anything. I wish I had watched more of the detective Conan. That would be...


I'm laying down. Bed. Ceiling. Wait a sec, this is my old house.

That's my old phone on the bed. Detective Conan is playing.

What just happened... Why am I suddenly here?

My body feels weird. I feel... small?

I need a mirror. Phone reflection.

I vomit.

I look like when I was 9. And the phone also came out when I was 9, which was 10 years ago.

The year on the phone is... 2009.

So what?

I just time traveled somehow?

Before this I was sitting down in a room thinking that I could be smarter like... Conan.

Okay. So that thought brought me here, and time traveled me also. I can go back if I just think.

Close my eyes. And form a thought.

I want to go back to the present.

I feel a short small breeze on my body. Open my eyes. I'm back in the room, 1604. The calendar on the wall says 2019.

So I really just time traveled.