
XI. The Guy Over There-Josh

Her mom started to get worried and her sleepiness went off. I said I'm gonna find her but—

the moment I went out of the door.

There she was.

Crying. Sobbing. Not like a child but like a real woman. It's been a long time since I last saw her cried and she was just a girl that time.

She hugged her mom and started to burst into tears and I couldn't say anything.

I was so disappointed to myself. I wanted to punch myself that time.

When she finally looked at me, I was so afraid and sad.

Sad because I wasn't there. But she suddenly looked at her back and I looked too.

There was a guy over there. Tall one, and sure a pretty face.

"Good morning.", the guy said.

I'm all confused. So confused. If who's that guy, what he did to Selena and for once, I thought he's a villain. But the thing was—

He actually saved Selena from almost being raped.

He was there when Selena needed someone the most.

I wasn't there... but, he was there.

The guy she will marry today was there that night. Josh was there.

Why. I. Was. Not. There.

"I'm sorry... I'm really sorry...", I told her while my eyes almost cried.

"It's okay... Josh was there.", she replied while sobbing. After that, she went inside without even saying anything.

Her mom went inside too and she invited Josh over.

I was left outside. All alone with regrets, darkness and hatred. I hated myself that time.

I wish I drove back home earlier. And today would have been a happy-ending story.

I went back home. My mom's all awake that time. Fixing the table and throwing away the perished foods.

Then she said...