
I Will Redeem The Plot

' So the effects of insomnia were real after all ...........'. Our character, a bookworm and late night reader experiences the effects of insomnia ( according to him ) when he gets transmigratted into the world of ( era of magick ) , the last novel he read. 'As the generous person that I am, I will help thus world's system rearrange the plot as it should be.. ....... ' -his thoughts. But even though he already knows the plot of the story, there is a little hitch - he knows nothing about the body he is currently residing in. Well, who cares about who this body's previous owner is though? As long as I can do whatever I want with it , I'm cool - his thoughts. But what he doesn't know is that the previous owner , Axl Lightfall , is not an ordinary man. instead, Axl is a man whose head everybody wants. From members of his family to an estranged lover, an unknown cult , Axl is wanted. Will the revelations of the future be too much for him to handle even as he plans to redeem the plot?. Will he get swept away by the despair of the previous owner actions.? What will he do when the plot starts twisting........?. Find out. ********************** A/N: Four chapters per week and weekly bonuses if I get positive reviews. Please spare me your power stones and votes for I am a lowly peasant in need of it. N.B: The picture on the cover is not mine. If it belongs to you and you want me to take it down, feel free to lemme know. Also the novel has harem in it but would be slowly and patiently built. Lastly, if you're looking for an all straight hero , then I'm sorry but this is not for you as our protagonist t ransverses between the good , the bad and the ugly.

Anoneemos_Tify · Fantasie
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8 Chs

Who Am I?.

In some random verse,

A young man newly gets transmigratted. ... His thoughts:

' I felt a sharp pain courses through every fibre of my brain. ..... arrrggghhh... , I hold my head in pain even as the information concerning the previous body's owner kept pouring into my head ..... The name of the previous owner of this body was... ( information dump).


The world I'm in.

" Who the fuck am I? ", I closed my eyes for a second or two trying to access this body's previous owners information and thoughts, but.....

Nothing! . It was all blank. An empty space. It was like no one had every occupied this body besides me. Like I was suffering from amnesia.

No no no no no no no no no... This is not good. Who the fuck do I tell this vampiress that I am . Who am I?.

" uuuuhhh..... my... n..name ", I stuttered.

She smiled.

"If you don't want to tell me your name , I guess I'll have to find out myself ", She says and the next thing , she is waving a little card in front of my face. " Axl ..... Lightfall ".

Axl Lightfall. Was that my name? .

Nobira tosses the little card in her hands to me. It seems she had taken it from my pocket.

" Nice to meet you , master Axl Lightfall ".

I quickly glanced through the card . It seemed to be an identity card of some sort.

In truth, the name on the card was Axl Lightfall and a small passport photograph with my face on it could be seen at the left corners of the card.

" N..nice to meet you , Miss Nobira ".

She giggled and straightened herself to stand properly. I observed that she was tall. My head barely made it past her shoulder. And not that I'm short or anything .In fact by my calculation, this body should've been at least 6'1 in height.

" That was some lively charter there ". She brought me back from my thoughts. She must've noticed me staring at her. " We don't we go to the line then " . I nodded and we walked to the lines.

There were three lines in total. At the front of each line was an elderly standing in front of a small table with a large crystal ball atop it .

The individuals in the lines were to touch the crystal balls which shone two different colours. A green if the person was devoid of any dark magic but pitch black if the person has the dreadful magic.

So far , so good , no one had been found with dark magic but I knew all this was about to change with Nobira standing in the line.


Nobira herself couldn't help but think about the boy she had ran into. There was something about him that was different and off . It was his aura!.

As a vampire , she had been blessed with the unique ability to see auras no matter how strong the person was.

To her ,a weak person's aura had the colour of yellow surrounding them , a not too strong person would give off a green aura. Meanwhile, a strong opponent had a red hue surrounding them.

But the young man she had ran into had a dull grey surrounding him. It was a colour she had never seen before. The colour seemed threatening, so she used a small amount of hypnosis on him while she held him in her arms.

This was to test the amount of Will he had. Any weak willed person would've fallen under her spell immediately. But he withstood It.

Nobira smacked her lips and looked his way.

" I wonder what you are..... ".

" Next person. ...", the elder in front of her line called.

Nobira smirked.


" .... next person ".

As soon as he heard these words and looked to find Nobira as the next person to be checked , he knew it was about to go down.

She walked towards the elder in front.

" Place your hands on the crystal ball ", the man said.

Nobira just smirked and eyed him up and down .

" And why should I? ", She asked still smirking.

The elder on his part , who was experiencing this kind of behaviour for the first time since the checking started immediately knew something was amiss with this lady.

" Its a direct order, we are trying to fish out the owner of the dark magic that lingers in the air. ... It is for your own safety miss ", he told her.

Nobira walked towards the crystal ball and held it with both hands.

" What if I told you.... ", she started. An aura dark and fearful began to rise as smoke like tendrils.

The elder took two steps backwards an action which gained the reaction of a short giggle from Nobira.

".... That you all are going to see this world ripped out of its foundation's and another one....a much more beautiful world than you cattle can ever dream of ", the black tendrils had covered the ball by this time.

" She. .... She.....She is the cause of the dark magic ", the elder stuttered out of fear, pointing at her and yelling. He began retreating back but missed his steps and crashed on his bottom.

The guards around ran towards Nobira and circled her pointing their spears and swords at her.

She grinned wickedly.

"Well... well..... ".

Axl pressed his hand tightly on his forehead. Did stupid guards and henchmen always have to be the first victims? .

Idiots .