
I Will Kill the Gods

I lay there, in a river of my blood as I watched the one loved most lay headless. I looked on as the sky fell apart and our world was eaten up. We had lost the war that those bastards started. We had no choice but to enter a losing battle. We would lose everything regardless. As my soul was about to be annihilated, I was met with a bright light. One that took my soul back to before the war began. I was given a second chance by the one I love. The gods that started The War of Realms, wait for me. I will do whatever it takes to end your reign. It matters not that you had a valid reason. It matters not that it was for the greater good. What matters is that you all are the reason that everything and everyone I loved had once died. I will save them all and in return, send you to a place you can't return from. ----- Author: I have the first 11 volumes planned out. It would be nice if you gave this a try. The first 4 chapters are in the FL's POV and then we shift to the MC's POV. From there we shift back and forth between the two with some chapters being from the side characters or third person view point. P.S.: There might seem to be some female characters that aren't the FL that like the MC but this is not a harem. MC is devoted to the FL and is a loyal man.

Ri_Yen · Fantasie
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56 Chs

Blood for the Blood God (1)

Mages and Warriors. These are titles that are given to those who can establish a mana core. They also indicate that 2 possible paths one can take in our realm. 

The factor that determines what path one has to take is called mana control. There is external and internal mana control. Some are only capable of external control and others are only good at internal control. There are rare cases where someone is gifted in using both. 

External control means one can manipulate their mana outside of their bodies. They can then structure that man to form a spell. For example, those born with an affinity for the fire element can take the fire element mana from inside their core and turn it into a fireball. 

Since the mana belongs to them, they can direct the fireball as they wish. They almost always hit their targets. That's what you call a Mage. 

Warriors are those with good internal control. They use their mana to empower the muscles in physiques. They increase the strength of their body passively over time. To them, the element of the mana they had didn't matter.

"What are you thinking about?" asked Ryan as I stared out the carriage windows. 

I was watching the commoner districts pass by as we entered closer to the noble section of the city. 

"Nothing." I replied, sounding bored. Just like Ryan, I found carriage rides boring. There was no excitement or thrill. 

"Bored huh? Are you going to show me that new spell you learned?" he asked.

"Yeah. Most of that bastard's guards are 2nd tier or 1st tier. They are easy practice." I said. 

There were some spells that I had learned in the future but I couldn't use most of them yet. I was only at the peak of 3rd tier. I should be able to use a couple more once I rank up. That would be soon. 

There is one spell I used often during the war that I could still use right now. I wanted to show him. 

"He has neither the wealth to hire better talent nor the resources to raise them." Ryan shook his head. 

"He isn't as established as those generational merchants. He started from nothing. His father was just a cow herder." I said as I remembered Anton London's background. 

His father was just a farmhand and his mother was a servant for the farm owners. He is the oldest sibling of 2 brothers and sister. 

That reminds me. "What will happen to his wealth and business?" I asked. Even though he couldn't compare to most nobles, London has gathered plenty of money.

Especially now that we had his finances analyzed by Ryan's genius accountant, he might even be as rich as the poorest barons. That amount isn't something to scoff at. 

I didn't study imperial law so I didn't know where it would all go. 

"According to imperial law, his wife gets 50% of liquid wealth. His parents and siblings split the rest evenly. As for his business and properties, things get messy." he explained. 


"Yeah. Since he is going to be branded as a criminal for financial reasons in the public eye, some of his properties might be taken by the Finance Ministry. What they don't take, they will assign to Aunt Jenny or his family as they wish. 

His business should be transferred to Aunt Jenny. The problem is that we also have to report to the imperials that he was involved with the cult. This might complicate things. 

The imperials might want to take the business and assign it to one of their retainers."

As rich as the imperial family of the Zlatan EMpire is, their greed isn't small at all. The current generation of princes and princesses is especially money hungry. 

It's one of the reasons we will suffer in the upcoming war with the kingdom alliance. 

"Is there anything you can do to stop them?" I asked. I wanted Aunt Jenny to get whatever she could. She deserves it for being betrayed. 

"Hmm. I'll see what I can do. The emperor's birthday is coming up. Come with me to the capital then." He said while rubbing his chin. He was thinking of a plan at my behest. 

He never said no to anything I asked for, as long as there was a chance for him to get it. 

"I'll go. I didn't go on my original future. I want to see what changes we can make." I said. I was quite interested in the emperor's birthday event. 

Almost all the nobles in the empire gathered and brought rare gifts for the emperor. It was a chance to directly show him your face and maybe gain some unexpected favors. 

It's one of the rare times you could see competing princes and princesses all gather for one occasion. 

"Okay. I'll start preparing for that too." he sighed. I really gave him quite a large burden of work. I know it's a lot but he can handle it. It should also get his mind off his damaged mana core. 

He doesn't show it but I'm sure he is depressed about it. It hurts his inheritance chances and his future path of power. It would be hard for him to stay the heir unless he finds a way to fix or improve his core damage. 

I already have the solution for him but it wasn't time to share that yet. I needed to be sure he was ready for it. The solution I have isn't something he would agree to. 

"We are here." said the coachman from outside. The carriage had stopped. 

The both of us alighted from it to see a small mansion with a trimmed front lawn. There were many herbs and flowers growing there. I could smell the slight medicinal scent as this place was decorated by Aunt Jenny. 

There was a massive iron gate and iron fence circling the small estate. The lights were on all over the and inside the mansion. It actually looked peaceful and beautiful. 

The white marble exterior glistened well at night. Aunty really had some good taste. 

"Your orders young master!" A small unit of 30 guards taken from the Vornix estate was lined up. There 5 mages and 25 warriors. All of them had donned better armor and equipment for this fight. 

The family didn't know what might happen so they were equipped better than usual. 

"Stand back and guard Miss Zocraten. She will handle all the defenders on her own."

"Sir, yes sir" the guard saluted. They were taught in military fashion by the family so they were well disciplined. 

The Vornix guards went towards the gates and their leader shouted "Open Up! Ryan Vornix and Elina Zocraten wish to meet Jenny Zocraten." 

After waiting for a moment, the gates creaked as the 5-meter tall and wide thing moved inwards. It parted and made space for the guards and us to walk in. 

A group of dozen maids walked out. There were no guards in sight. 

The maids were well organized. They bowed in front of us. 

"Greetings to the 2 young heirs. Welcome. Master and mistress have been informed of your presence." the maid at the front said. 

She was clearly older than the rest. She must have been approaching her 50's at this point with those slight wrinkles on her face. She must be the head maid. 

Ryan and I just nodded. The respect shown was good enough for them. It was expected as the servants were educated by my aunt. 

We followed the head maid as our guards followed us. The rest of the maids went behind the guards. 

Even though our guards knew they would be fighting tonight, none of them showed any signs of it. The Vornix family really trained their men well. I wish my family could do the same but we couldn't compare. 

We were shown to the living room decked with couches. There were tables with a small selection of treats and tea. 

"Please have a seat." the head maid said and we did so. 

Me and Ryan sat together on the most central and largest couch. Some of the guards held our backs while the others spread out. 

They were countering the presence of the 15 guards that belonged to this house. Uncle London's men had finally shown themselves. 'They had nervous expressions compared to the maids who seemed calm and collected. 

"It seems the maids aren't part of it," I said to Ryan as he simply nodded. 

The maids didn't look like they were expecting a fight. However, they seemed surprised by the unusually large number of guards we had bought even though we were visiting close relatives. 

The head maid raised a brow when I mentioned them but she quickly adjusted herself. 

"What brings you here tonight my lovely niece?" said a loud and sweet voice. My aunt had finally come down the stairs. 

Her blue hair was faintly wet and her blue eyes looked at me with question. She must have rushed here from a shower. 

She quickly took a seat on a white couch as she adjusted her intricate black gown. 

"We have something important to talk about. Excuse the untimely intrusion." Ryan clarified as we did come at a weird time. Nobles usually visited each other during the day. 

"No worries about that Ryan. I just want to know why there are so many guards here. I also wonder why my own guards are so nervous." She stared at her house guards who looked even more nervous when she said this. 

She had noticed that we brought more guards than usual and that her men were unusually jittery. 

"Wait for uncle to come down. I'll tell you what are here for aunty," I said. 

She went quiet when hearing. She quickly took a look around and grinned. 

"I'm afraid I need an answer now Elina. I can sense that little Ryan has brought his entire masked unit of 77. They can't hide from me yet." she demanded with her eyes narrowing at us. 

Of course, she noticed. Ryan would never come unprepared. 

"Let me exp-" before I could say anything...

"I'll tell you myself dear." A deep voice that wasn't as loud as aunty's came. A slightly skinny man with dark circles around his black eyes walked in. 

he was wearing decently fashionable and expensive robes. He ruffled his short black hair and looked at aunty with a sinister smirk. 

Aunt Jenny seemed a little lost as she saw this smirk. It was unusual for such a sinister expression to be on her husband's face. 

"Come out!" he said while walking towards us. 


A strange noise rang in my ears as the space around uncle London's lanky figure distorted a crimson color. 


Out of nowhere, 50 or so individuals in blood colored robes appeared. The cult had arrived. 

These newly arrived cultists were different as their robes were adorned with a black snake pattern. The feeling they gave was creepy as well. 

It was hard to describe but their presence itself felt ominous. 

"I'm sorry my love, my beautiful Jenny. There are things I must do to prove worthy to you. You may not approve of my ways but what I'm doing is best for this world." 

Uncle London looked straight into Aunty's eyes while speaking with a heartfelt voice. 

"Im sorry..." he muttered at the end. 

All of this happened so fast as both group's guards pulled the swords and magic staffs into position. I could barely process what was happening when the masked unit also appeared around us as they appeared from nowhere as well. 

"I'm really sorry..." Anton London said quietly. Everyone could hear him though as the room was deathly silent. 

His slightly handsome face then took on a fanatical smile and became wide eyed and bloodshot. 



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