
I will disappear, Grand Duke.

Fernan Caesar, the ruler of the North, returned after conquering the war. The man with everything perfect was the only good memory left in Julia's unhappy childhood. Then, when she heard that he was going to be my husband, Julia believed in the existence of God for the first time. But, “If you want anything, you can do it. Whether it’s remodeling a castle, buying jewelry, or throwing a party, it doesn’t matter.” “… … .” “But, I don’t want to see you in the morning, so please refrain from doing this.” There was no longer the gentle man in my memory. Only a cold-hearted man who does not allow a single word of affection or warmth is standing there. “Your heart is of no use to me.” Still, loving him to the end was Julia's biggest mistake. * Standing at the edge of the cliff, Julia slowly engraved the face of her husband, who was once my world, into his eyes. If not now, he will never be able to escape. He will love him again. Now, he didn't want to be tied to him. “Yulia!” Looking at her husband who was desperately running away, Julia threw herself down the cliff. 《I will disappear, Grand Duke》

DIABLA · Fantasie
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56 Chs

Episode 50

Although Yulia was trembling, she captured the scene clearly in her eyes. The demonic creatures engulfed in blue flames were burning.

The fire that spread in an instant spread to the ground and spread to the beasts that were rampaging on either side.

Yulia stared at the scene with her eyes dazed for a moment, then suddenly came to her senses.

Now it was time to run away.

Julia, who had fallen down several times with her shaky legs, barely got up.

I forcibly removed the hardened footsteps and ran blindly without knowing where I was going.

But she couldn't run away for long, and an ice-cold hand grabbed her by the hair.


Julia, who had just moved backwards, fell face down and looked up at her frightened eyes.

A man with white hair, whose eyes were stained with bright red blood, was glaring at her with an angry expression.

"Where are you going to run, huh?"

"… Hey, let this go!"

The man easily dragged Julia, who was struggling.

Although trembling, Yulia revived her previous feeling and raised her powers once again.

But this time there was no spark.


In an instant, the hand that grabbed the hair grew even stronger.

As Yulia screamed in pain, the man giggled like a madman and continued.

"You dared to rip my eyes apart, so I would have tore my limbs apart. know?"

"Oh, uh… ."

"But the young lady has quite a strange power, so I'll take her without killing her. Well, whether you die now or die later, the sacrifice is the same."

The man continued to mumble in a creepy voice.

Julia struggled desperately without being able to listen to the man properly.

Yulia, who was trying to raise her energy again several times, felt something welling up inside her body.

At the same time, she vomited blood.

After being dragged for a while longer, she was thrown into the wagon hard.

Bang, Yulia, who hit the car, groaned a little. As she endured her pain and tried to open her eyes, her eyelids continued to grow heavy.

She bowed her head, and the field exhaled. At the same time, her carriage shook slightly.

Apparently he was trying to pull the carriage, and the man in the front seat threw the droopy coachman at random.

Then there was the sound of a strange incantation.

Hearing the sound of the spell, hordes of creatures from all directions ran and surrounded the wagon.

And with a rattle, the carriage began to move slowly.

At this moment, the first thought that came to Julia's head was concern for the people of the monastery.

Will Gabriel and the children be safe?

Indeed, now, the priests were absent and there was no one to protect the children.

'Is this the reason the knights went missing? .'

Yulia, who began to grasp the situation at that moment in her flickering head, exhaled heavily.

All the strength in my body drained away. With her droopy body leaning against her seat, Yulia barely lifted her eyes and looked over her pierced carriage.

A while ago, a man completely ripped off the door, and one side of the carriage was left open.

I could see monsters with hideous appearances running frantically following the carriage.

What would happen if I was dragged by them like this? It seemed like he had heard a vaguely sacrificial offering from a man earlier.

"no… ."

Yulia muttered in a fading voice. As her mind wandered, the thought arose that she didn't want her to die helplessly like this.

There was a time when life was very tiring, but now it is not.

wanted to live I wanted to live longer, happily, and safely than anyone else.

That was the moment. Along with the hilt that flew from somewhere, the monsters that were close to the wagon collapsed.

"What is that!"

I heard a man shouting in astonishment.

Soon, someone rode on a horse and started slashing a nearby monster.

"Aaaah! dare! dare!"

Looking at the monsters that fell easily, the man began to scream.

The excited man's gestures shook the carriage precariously to and fro.

With that recoil, Julia's body fell helplessly out of the pierced hull.

Suddenly, the cold air permeated his skin.

But what touched her body wasn't the frozen ground, it was someone's arms.

Large arms gently embraced her. In that state, her body slowly began to rise.

Julia looked at her two legs floating helplessly in the air, and then raised her head to the person holding me.

Her gaze, which had been collapsing without focus, shook greatly for a moment.

Are you seeing nonsense? if not… Are you dreaming?

There was a man in front of her who shouldn't have been there.

Distorted eyebrows visible through dark black hair. Beneath them, their golden eyes gleaming in the glimmer of sunlight.

The man he had been trying to forget for a year was right in front of him.

"… Julia."

Julia stared blankly at Fernan's face through the blurred vision.

He was talking to me, but Julia couldn't understand it properly.

In my ears, the noise around me was humming heavily, and my son-in-law was getting darker.

Looking at his moving lips for the last time, Yulia slowly lowered her eyelids. Her body immediately shriveled up.

As if all senses were cut off for a moment, she fell into a deep sleep.

* * *

It was quite an impulsive step towards the Holy Land.

Deep in the dawn, Fernan couldn't stand sane and swallowed the medicine. It was because he hadn't slept for a week.

It was said that he would fall asleep quickly if he took it because it is a poisonous drug, but there was no effect.

Far from being able to sleep, the drugs only stimulated the urge that was hard to suppress.

Despite the time he had endured for half a year, Fernando led the castle with a hazy mind.

I wanted to meet Julia. I wanted to put Julia in these two eyes once more.

Even if I couldn't bring you, I wanted to meet you. I wanted to hear her voice. I wanted those eyes to reach me.

A dark, snowy morning. So Fernan left for the Holy Land.

However, after taking a long time to arrive, Shinseongguk was suddenly in a state of chaos.

"Your Majesty, you annihilated all the demons that attacked the monastery. However, His Majesty Rain… ."

His lieutenant, who had been planted in the Holy Kingdom under the pretext of checking Julia's current situation, was belatedly escorting the monastery.

However, many had already died, and Julia was not even there.

After that, I can't even remember what kind of spirit I searched for her.

Frantically slashing down the demons that took control of the whole village, Fernando searched for Julia's whereabouts like a man who lost his mind.

It didn't take long to find Julia. She had not gone very far from the monastery.

After holding Julia, who had fallen out of the carriage helplessly, Fernan's head flickered for an instant.

Yulia, whose mouth was all wet with blood, was exhaling as if it would break at any moment.

The blue eyes, which had always been clear, lost their light and quickly closed.

Holding her tightly in her arms, Fernando regretted the decision that day.

That day, it wasn't like letting Julia go like that.

Had I known it was going to be like this, I wouldn't have put her in a place like this.

Fernan, who was looking down at Yulia, who had lost consciousness in vain, immediately stared at the man who had brought her to this state with a ferocious gaze.

The person who used magic to summon demons was cut in two with a single knife.

It was so cruel that even the screams of the mortals could not be uttered.

"Escort around. Don't let anything get close to you."

Fernan, who gave the order in a hoarse voice, drove the horse while holding Julia deeply in her arms.

A horde of monsters that appeared again from somewhere collapsed one after another by the hands of only three knights.

The whole street was stained with blood.

* * *

Julia couldn't open her eyes for a long time.

There was no time to cross the Empire with the injured Julia, so they were staying for a while in the Duchy facing the Holy Kingdom.

Several doctors came and went to treat Julia.

He said the injuries were not serious. However, the problem was the traces of bleeding and the consciousness that did not return.

"Um, so, this is… ."

The legislator, who had been holding Julia's wrist for a long time to find out the cause of the bleeding, could not easily speak.

After a while, the lawmaker shook his head and looked at Fernan.

"I can't get the hang of it. So, as if something was blocking the flow of blood... ."

Members of Parliament all said the same thing. She can't pinpoint her condition because she doesn't have a pulse.