
I will disappear, Grand Duke.

Fernan Caesar, the ruler of the North, returned after conquering the war. The man with everything perfect was the only good memory left in Julia's unhappy childhood. Then, when she heard that he was going to be my husband, Julia believed in the existence of God for the first time. But, “If you want anything, you can do it. Whether it’s remodeling a castle, buying jewelry, or throwing a party, it doesn’t matter.” “… … .” “But, I don’t want to see you in the morning, so please refrain from doing this.” There was no longer the gentle man in my memory. Only a cold-hearted man who does not allow a single word of affection or warmth is standing there. “Your heart is of no use to me.” Still, loving him to the end was Julia's biggest mistake. * Standing at the edge of the cliff, Julia slowly engraved the face of her husband, who was once my world, into his eyes. If not now, he will never be able to escape. He will love him again. Now, he didn't want to be tied to him. “Yulia!” Looking at her husband who was desperately running away, Julia threw herself down the cliff. 《I will disappear, Grand Duke》

DIABLA · Fantasie
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56 Chs

episode 38

Cedric's face darkened for an instant as he looked at Yulia who was muttering.

"This is Helios Monastery. Julia-sama came all the way here."

"… … ."

"Are you sure you don't remember?"

That I came all the way here... . Yulia, who was blankly searching for her memories, slowly got up her body.

At the same time, the pain that seemed to break my whole body came.

"… ah!"

Julia crouched down and began to tremble heavily.

The pain that started from the heart and spread throughout the body made it difficult to even breathe.

It felt like something hot was spreading through my chest.

Holding onto her chest, which was shaking as if it was boiling, Yulia breathed hard.

Cedric grabbed her hand and hurriedly drained her healing power.

But the pain did not subside.

Seeing her trembling, Cedric muttered nervously.

"What the hell happened… ."

Cedric's gaze fell on her body. As of now, she doesn't show any major trauma.

If there is an internal wound, it can be treated with his healing power, but even that is of no use... .

While coming here, it was clear that something serious had happened to her.

Cedric remembered for a moment the memory of just before breaking up with her.

'If you cross the southern border of the Grand Duchy, you will find the Elemion Territory. There is a place called Helios Monastery. If you get away from them, come over there. I'll be waiting for you.'

I parted with Julia with that request, and Cedric spent a day chasing the knights.

After that, she arrived safely at the monastery and waited for Julia, but she did not appear after a while.

A month passed like that. Cedric was speculating that she might have been eventually captured by them and returned to her original place.

However, despite the speculation, Julia was found collapsed in the front yard of the monastery the very next day.

"Oh, uh… ."

Cedric, who had erased the memories, looked at her moaning and bit his lip.

There was nothing he could do, so he just wrapped his trembling hand, and she desperately grabbed his hand.

"Ha, ha… ."

Yulia, who was suffering, slowly lifted her eyes wet with tears.

As if the pain began to subside little by little, a light slowly settled in her blurry eyes.

Cedric, who had waited patiently for Julia's breathing to calm down, then asked worriedly.

"Yulia-sama, what happened?"

At his question, Julia looked back at her past memories with difficulty.

The last thing she remembered was the sensation of being immersed in the cold river after being thrown down a cliff.

The cold water rushed into my body and I immediately lost consciousness.

After that, no memories remained.

"To escape, I jumped off a cliff. How did you get here? ."

Yulia, who was stuttering while explaining, gently touched my forehead.

This was a territory that bordered on the Grand Duchess. But the cliff where she threw her body, near her castle, was a long way away.

Cedric, who listened to her words without hesitation, lowered his gaze as if judging something.

Then he suddenly asked a question.

"Did you lose your pendant?"

"… yes."

It wasn't exactly what he lost, but it was stolen by Fernan, but Julia didn't add it.

Cedric opened his mouth with a hint of hesitation, as if something came to mind only after hearing her answer.

"I think… When Julia-sama fell off a cliff, I think she was using her sexual powers instinctively."

"… … ."

"So, you used your Holy Power directly without the pendant."

If you were to protect your body with the power of healing and use your movement ability to move to another place at once.

That assumption could explain all of this.

The question was how she was able to use her powers without a medium, but now was not the time for that.

Since she used her power enough to change her life, her body must be severely damaged.

"Yulia-sama, did you act because you thought you could survive what you fell off the cliff?"

"… … ."

"Otherwise… ."

When Cedric, who had asked with an anxious face, could not speak, Yulia licked her pale, tired lips.

"that… ."

Julia did not answer, but slowly closed her eyes.

In fact, I thought I might die. Maybe he thought it wouldn't matter if he died like this.

It was more hell for her to be dragged back to Fernan again as it is and to live as an imaginary Grand Duchess.

Because I hated dying to be the daughter of the marquis, who was so terribly disgusting.

After reading the answer in silence, Cedric hurriedly turned away.

"Julia-sama, first of all, take a break. Once you have fully recovered, you must leave the Empire."

According to the messenger bird of Mateus who arrived yesterday, the Archduke is currently searching all directions for Julia.

Since this place is not too far from the Grand Duchy, the first thing to do is to leave the Empire as soon as possible now.

* * *

Even after visiting the temple, Fernan did not stop searching for Julia.

Matthews said he was not sure of her life or death. Those words included the assumption that she might have died of Julia.

However, Fernando cut off all negative thoughts and concentrated only on finding traces of Julia.

Meanwhile, early spring came quickly.

The news of Julia's disappearance was only known to the capital at that time.

Hearing the news, the first person to run to was by far his biological father, Marquis Elodie.

"Hey, what nonsense is this! My daughter, why did she suddenly disappear!"

The marquis came to the siege castle and shouted a whale whale with a shocked face.

Currently, the details are not known, and Julia was treated as a simple disappearance.

Lloyd calmly faced the Marquis with a tired face.

"Sir, you may be surprised, but first calm down. Currently, the soldiers of the Archduke family are searching the entire territory and looking for His Highness... ."

"The Grand Duke! Grand Duke, didn't you deliberately hide my daughter? Otherwise, that docile child cannot suddenly disappear!"

The Marquis continued to scream until his throat turned red. Soon after, the Marquis grabbed Lloyd's neck and shouted intimidation.

"Call the Archduke now! Right Now!"

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty is looking for Your Highness every day. Please calm down a little and wait... ."

"My daughter is gone! You seem to be calming me down!"

The Marquis couldn't contain his anger and was zealous. His face, which was red as if it was about to explode, soon returned to normal.

Nervously pushing Lloyd away, the Marquis began to stir the castle like crazy.

Now, in the head of the Marquis, there was an assumption that Fernando had deliberately hid Julia.

No, it wasn't hidden, it was something that the mice and birds might have removed without knowing it.

It's because he's been dissatisfied with this marriage from the beginning!


Excited, the Marquis started tossing the crafts that adorned one side of the lobby at random.

The startled users fled in fright, and Lloyd hurriedly tore up the marquis.

Lloyd, who barely dragged the Marquis to the drawing room, locked the door.

Once a storm passed, the users began to hurriedly clean up the messy lobby.

It was the next day that Fernando returned after receiving the communication.

"Sir, let's go to the drawing room."

Lloyd, who seemed to have aged ten years in a day, reported with no energy. Fernando opened the door to her drawing room straight away without saying a word.

"Are you showing up now? My daughter… !"

The marquise, who was about to get up and scream, paused for a moment.

It was because Fernando's condition seemed unusual enough that he forgot his anger for a moment.

Fernan, seated in his seat, stared at the Marquis with an empty gaze. The Marquis sat down slowly, narrowing his eyes.

"… So, did you find Julia? She said she'd been missing for two months, isn't she pretending to find her now?"

Fernando just stared at the Marquis like a man who couldn't hear anything. At that empty gaze, the Marquis frowned and shouted out loud.

"Answer me! Didn't you deliberately kick my daughter out? I do not intend to destroy this marriage and to oppose His Majesty!"

"… … ."

"I will report in detail to My Majesty! If this marriage breaks down, you seem to think that your Majesty might abandon me... !"

Fernando raised his dark eyes and stared at the Marquis silently.

The Marquis did not feel the slightest concern for Julia. I am just angry at this situation and afraid that my position will be narrowed.

The intent to kill slowly began to seep into Fernan's empty face.

Why didn't I kill him earlier?

When I found out that Julia was the illegitimate son of the Marquis... No, when he found out that he had dared to slash Julia, he should have killed him right away.

Even though I had fully guessed how much trouble she must have suffered from my father, I had forgotten the order because I was so obsessed with her that she was talking about divorce.

Yeah, I had to kill him first.