
True Love

The reason I lied to you was because I thought that you will not agree to use it, as using it is basically just killing them and replacing them with a robot that follows all your orders.

I thought that you may refuse, but I didn't want you to have no strong followers at all, and so I decided to lie to you and get the two brothers injected. I am really sorry..."

Rae started to tear up again.

Harry thought about what Ray said with a blank expression.

Looking at Harry's blank expression made Rae only tear up more, and just when she was about to apologize again, Harry broke into laughter, which shocked her.

After laughing heartily for a bit, Harry asked with a soft smile, "Oh Rae, you worry too much. I would have used the injectable anyway if you had just told me straight up what effects it had. Anyway, you can hear my thoughts and see my memories right? Why did you think that I'd be so righteous as to not use an opportunity that landed into my hands?"